Small knowledge, big challenge! This article is participating in the creation activity of “Essential Tips for Programmers”.
Pseudo code
Each instruction is on one line (else if excepted) and is not followed by any symbols
Indentation in writing indicates branching structures in a program
Each algorithm begins by describing its inputs and outputs
Each line in the algorithm is numbered, and the line number is used to refer to the steps of the algorithm during the explanation of the algorithm
1. Variable declaration
Arrays and variables can be of the following types:
[Integer, real number, character, bit string, pointer]
Often these types can be determined from the context of the algorithm and need no additional explanation
2. Representation of instructions or subtasks
It can be written
“Let x be the largest term in A” => where A is an array
Insert x into L => where L is a linked list
3. Expressions
Arithmetic expressions: arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /, ^)
Logical expressions: Relational operators (=, ≠, <, >, ≤, ≥)
Logical operators (AND, OR, not)
4. Assignment statements
Please b
A: Variable/array item
B: arithmetic expression/logical expression/pointer expression
If ab are both variables/array items, a ←→ B indicates the content exchange of A and B
5. Goto statement
Turns to a statement with the specified label
Eg: Goto label(where label is the GOto label)
6. Branching structure
if i = 10
then XXX
else XXX
Copy the code
if i = 10
then XXX
elseif i = 9
then YYY
else XXX
Copy the code
7. Cycle structure
while time < 10
do XXX
Copy the code
for var init to limit by incr do
Copy the code
8. End of program: exit/return
An exit statement can be used to terminate the execution of a while or for loop before the usual termination conditions are met, leading to a transition to the statement immediately following the while or for statement that contains exit
Return Indicates the focus of an algorithm’s execution (when an undesirable condition is detected)
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