Pain and happiness.

After graduating from university, I successfully changed my career after learning the basics by myself for six months. Previous work content repeated page design, performance optimization, system maintenance, front-end technology stalled, self-learning new knowledge is not systematic, and I do not know which aspect to improve.

I’m not opposed to the front end being self-taught, but the technology requirements on the front end have become more and more demanding over the years. Especially if I want to enter a big factory, I don’t know a lot of knowledge system clearly, and the interviewer will be confused when asked, so I have been on the road of failure and failure.

As a halfway front end beginner, really lack of a “master lead the door” process. What’s more, the front end is a high-end scarce, low-end flooding occupation, rookie also want to enter the big factory, so I made up for the basic knowledge, while carrying on the daily work, that period of time is really very difficult and painful.

Resume is not bright, project is not brilliant, technology is not good… By chance, I listened to the lecture “The Road to Advance of Front End Engineer” given by Mr. Ali P7 Jonathan. He shared his 6 years of experience as an interviewer and his explanation of practical projects, helping everyone to master the front end knowledge system of Dachang P5~P6 in 7 weeks.

At that time, I had an insight, starting from the requirements of Ali P5, and gradually standardizating the front-end capacity requirements of big factories.

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After the master led the door, I really felt the charm of the front end, not limited to the previous tinkering, and gradually found the direction. Now we are preparing for the second audition of Ali front-end, come here to add a buff!

P5 Front-end learning route

The starting point of Ali’s recruitment is P5. P5 front-end only requires technical ability, and the minimum standard is a solid code foundation and the ability to independently execute assigned tasks.

Therefore, if it is a completely zero-based front-end developer, you can start from the programming foundation (HTML/CSS/Javascript), computer foundation (algorithm and data structure/compilation principle/computer network), master the common development software, understand the tool library, development library and framework.


HTML is the hypertext markup language, it is the skeleton of the web page, the page image, text, video, audio, procedures need to be introduced into the web page.

Key learning contents:

  • Learn the basics and how to write semantically
  • HTML understands the parts of a page and learns how to properly build the DOM

Once you’ve learned the basics of HTML, you can start writing an HTML page for any site, such as a forum login page, and make sure the structure is correct. The finished page looks ugly, but don’t worry about it just yet. The focus is on learning to write the right structure.

CSS is a cascading style sheet that uses style attributes to layout tags, which are used to beautify web pages.

  • Learn CSS syntax and common properties
  • Know the box model and how to use Grid and Flexbox
  • Once you’ve done that, what else do you need to learn to use media queries to write responsive web pages

At this point, you can add style to your web page.

JavaScript can make your HTML pages more interactive. If we load only part of the page instead of the entire page, the sliders, popovers, and so on are all done by JavaScript. You need to learn:

  • The syntax and infrastructure of the JavaScript language
  • How to manipulate DOM objects through JavaScript. For example, use JavaScript to remove elements from a page, add elements, manipulate class names, apply CSS styles, and so on
  • Learn and understand scopes, closures, variable promotion, and event bubbling. Learn how to send HTTP requests using XHR or Ajax. Ajax lets you perform certain page actions without reloading the page.
  • Once you’ve done that, you’re ready to learn all the new features in ES6+.

How to test the front end questions

Once you’ve learned the front-end basics framework, it’s time to prepare for the interview. According to Jonathan’s presentation on Web Front-end Engineers P5-P6, the most important thing for interviewers is whether candidates can connect front-end knowledge systems.

There are two ways to look at it

  • Basic questions: Mainly investigate whether the front-end technology foundation is solid,
  • Open questions: examine business accumulation, whether there is their own thinking, thinking of the way of the problem.
What are you working on these days? How did you solve the difficulties encountered in the project? What are some good coding habits? The pros and cons of the framework/principle comparisonCopy the code

Both basic and open questions require a solid foundation of front-end knowledge and a systematic knowledge framework.

Big factory front guard stepping-stone

React is not only the most popular front-end framework, but also the most popular framework in use today. Hence, in the three major JS frameworks (Vue,React, Angular), you can focus on React.

In addition, it is important to demonstrate good code habits. Code habits are judged by reusability, robustness, low coupling, avoidance of magic numbers, and comments.

Dachang often test the front end test

In addition, I also sorted out these big factories often test the front end questions.

Jonathan teacher on [the Web front-end engineer P5 – P6, contains all the knowledge I mentioned above, knowledge about the front-end is introduced and the series of theory system, large, often before the end of test questions, the road of front-end engineer promotions are involved, Jonathan will take you step-by-step to complete the three practical projects, the promotion company front-end ticket.

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