
With its forward-looking perspective and innovative technology, Ali has always been committed to delivering sincere answers to the public on November 11. What finally settled down after the great wave washed away the sand is the glitter of technology. At 19:30 on December 13-14, the 2017 Alibaba Double 11 Technology Lectures co-sponsored by Alibaba Technology Association and Cloud Computing Community and exclusively live broadcast will come strongly.

With its forward-looking perspective and innovative technology, Ali has always been committed to delivering sincere answers to the public on November 11. What finally settled down after the great wave washed away the sand is the glitter of technology. At 19:30 on December 13-14, the 2017 Alibaba Double 11 Technology Lectures co-sponsored by Alibaba Technology Association and Cloud Computing Community and exclusively live broadcast will come strongly.

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Did double 11 enjoy Go? 2017 Alibaba Double 11 Online Summit continues the science and technology feast!

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Pure dry! Ali security Xie Jun: how to black drone

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Correct posture for accessing various Ari cloud resources in ECS

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Knowledge to sort out

Multimap generic collection class (C# implementation)- supports one-key multi-value storage

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The prophet innovation conference | field all the test, the guardian of the “arena”

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Tech whiz

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Ali Cloud Security

How OAuth works – Make your system provide services more secure

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All those “whys” about The Prophet Innovation Conference?

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Tech whiz

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Ali Cloud Security

Build ELK+GPE monitoring and warning system from scratch

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Small retailer, 2012

Literature review

Elasticsearch is an open source cloud hosting service for enterprise class services

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Cloud strategy

What is the ruijie big data security platform?

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Alibaba Cloud MaxCompute joined hands with BGI to build a precision medicine application cloud platform

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Yin LinPublished in:
Alibaba Big Data — Player community

The Internet of Things is about to explode into a trillion market

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The application of Internet medical treatment in national health service

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Song Jiqiang, Director of Intel China Research Institute: How did we create the world’s first 3d human face special effects music video with Li Yuchun

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Tech whizPublished in:
Big Data Abstracts

MaxCompute, a new generation of artificial intelligence engine, amazed the audience

The author:
Yin LinPublished in:
Alibaba Big Data — Player community

Review of previous selections

How to withstand the Double 11 data flood of 180 million/SEC? Ali Stream computing technology revealed
Alibaba headquarters: What’s it like to work on technology while drinking tea?

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