Wireless mode and bandwidth

(Format: value sent to background: Page Display content) 2.4g 1:11b -- Only 20M 4:11G -- only 20M 0:11BG 6:11N -- Automatic, 20M, and 40M 9:11BGN -- Automatic, 20M, and 40M 2.4g Only automatic, 20M, and 40M are supported 40M 5G 2:11a - 20M 8:11AN - Automatic, 20M, and 40M 14:11AC - Automatic, 20M, 40M, and 80M are supportedCopy the code

The bandwidth value

-- Specific to see different products 0:HT20 1:HT40 2:HT80 or: 0:20m 1:AUTO 2:80m 3:40mCopy the code

Channel is the channel

Different countries have different channels

Country (country) : CN for China US for The United States EU for Europe OT for others 2.4g CN channel range 0-13; US channel range 0-11; OT channel range 0-13; EU channel range 0-13; 5 g CN: [0149153157161], US:,36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64,149,153,157,161 [0] EU:,36,40,44,48 [0] OT:,36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64,149,153,157,161 [0]) 0 indicates the AUTO channelCopy the code


There are four types of encryption: NONE, WPAPSK, WPA2-PSK, and WPAWPA2-PSK. There are three types of encryption: AES, TKIP, and AESTKIP NONE The encryption type is not supported and there is no password. In WPA-PSK, you can select AES and TKIP and enter the password. Wpa2-psk allows you to select AES, TKIP, or AESTKIP and enter a password. Wpawpa2-psk supports selecting AES, TKIP, AESTKIP, and entering a password.Copy the code

Regular format check

IP: / ^ (\ d {1, 2} \ d \ d | 2 | 1 \ | d 25 [0-4] [0-5]) (\. (\ d {1, 2} \ d \ d | 2 | 1 [0-4] \ | d 25 [0-5])) {3} $/ I MAC: / ^ ([0-9 a-fA-F]{2})(([/\s:][0-9a-fA -f]{2}){5})$/ I / ^ (254 | 252 | 248 | 240 | 224 | | 128 | 0 192). \ \. 0 0 \. 0 $| ^ (\. 255 (254 | 252 | 248 | 240 | 224 | | 128 | 0 192). \ \. 0 0) $| ^ (255\255 \. (254 | 252 | 248 | 240 | 224 | 192 | 128 | 0) \. 0) $| ^ (. 255\255\255 \. (254 | 252 | 248 | 240 | 224 | 192 | 128 | 0)) $/ I gateway: / ^ (\ d {1, 2} \ d \ d | 2 | 1 \ | d 25 [0-4] [0-5]) (\. (\ d {1, 2} \ d \ d | 2 | 1 [0-4] \ | d 25 [0-5])) {3} $/ I Port (1-65535) : / ^ (1-9] [\ d {0, 3} | [1-5] \ d {4} | 6 [0-4] \ d \ d \ d | 65 [0 to 4] \ d \ d | 655 \ [0-2] d | 6553 [0-5]) $/Copy the code