Many people, after two or three years of Java development, feel like they’ve hit a brick wall. How to change the dilemma, why many people are still a coder after 7 or 8 years of writing, too much passive work is because they do not understand the underlying principles. The pace of work in the company is relatively fast, so it is difficult to have the opportunity to learn the principles of architecture, and there is no one to teach. Therefore, it is particularly important for my future career to learn the principles of architecture and expand my thinking at this time.

Two new people in the same company, one new person is a quick learner, some people, slow learner, also very painful, everywhere is new technology.

Likewise into the company three years, other people’s monthly salary rose from 8K to 28K why?

Because that person understands the principle, everything has a law, master the law to learn other things, the principle is the same, a touch will, do not understand the principle will be everywhere hit the wall, slow learning is also very painful.

Many programmers will have a worry, work for a long time, in the company blindly add, delete, change and check, not to improve the technology, no bottom code, will only use do not know its principle! Too many coincidences introduced me to open source, and after communicating with many friends through JEECG, I got the idea to help others learn the underlying architecture

Here is a content brain map of this architecture, covering the current mainstream technology…

Source code analysis (Common Design patterns, Spring5, MyBatis)

Concurrent programming, distributed architecture, microservices architecture,

Performance optimization, team cooperation efficiency, e-commerce project practice

To recommend a programmer to learn buckle group: 854818273. There are shared videos in the group, there are mind mapping group announcements there are videos, they are dry goods, you can download them. Mainly share distributed architecture, high scalability, high performance, high concurrency, performance optimization, Spring Boot, Redis, ActiveMQ, Nginx, Mycat, Netty, Jvm large distributed project practice learning architect video.

One: Open source framework analysis topics

Learning Java technology system, design patterns, popular framework and components, common design patterns, coding essential, Spring5, do application essential latest framework, MyBatis, play database essential components……

Two: frame construction base topic

High concurrency, high availability, massive data, no distributed architecture knowledge is certainly not to play, to understand distributed, distributed architecture principle, distributed architecture strategy, distributed middleware, distributed architecture combat and so on

Three: microservices architecture

Business is becoming more and more complex, and services are layered. Micro-service architecture is the only way to upgrade architecture. What are the technologies related to Micro-service in Java technology system?

Examples: microservices framework, Spring Cloud, Docker and virtualization, microservices architecture

High performance Architecture

Any PPT architect who deviates from the details is a rogue who can operate from the top and solve the first-line performance problems from the bottom. Java technology system, need to understand: performance indicator system, JVM tuning, Web tuning, DB tuning and so on

Five: B2B mall project combat

From architectural design, to application layer tuning, to in-depth understanding of the underlying principles, solid Java basic skills to become a master master: memory model, concurrent mode, threading model, lock details and so on

To recommend a programmer to learn buckle group: 854818273. There are shared videos in the group, there are mind mapping group announcements there are videos, they are dry goods, you can download them. Mainly share distributed architecture, high scalability, high performance, high concurrency, performance optimization, Spring Boot, Redis, ActiveMQ, Nginx, Mycat, Netty, Jvm large distributed project practice learning architect video.