
Shuangfei Yibi, graduated from software engineering as a senior, interview background development, began to prepare in August last year, brush questions + reading + video

Project: made a distributed distribution system (mainly to use SpringCloud components and so on), and implemented master-slave replication, load balancing, etc., a hodgepodge Demo

Department: IEG Tencent Games

3.11 One Side (40 minutes)


  • To introduce myself
  • Two arrays, single array data does not duplicate, how to find duplicate elements? Just give me some ideas
  • What about bubble sort? Insert sort?
  • Your resume says you’ve been skipping questions. Show me your Leetcode page
  • How is master-slave replication implemented on your project?
  • How do you ensure primary/secondary data consistency?
  • What if for some reason the data is inconsistent?
  • You use Redis for caching, have you considered performance?
  • How is read/write separation implemented?
  • Is the Map thread safe?
  • The difference between stacks
  • What data structures have you used? (Arrays, lists, stacks, sets, queues)
  • Why not use a tree? (Say usually business use tree is relatively few, but brush a lot of questions brush)
  • Do you understand design patterns? Factory mode?
  • What about singletons?
  • Have you used Linux? How do I query files that are modified within 24 hours?
  • Where are you from? (Chat session)


  • Which department is it? (IEG, the specific department was a little surprised that IEG didn’t pay attention to 5555)
  • I heard that IEG uses C++ a lot, but I use Java, what do I need to add? (Learn about GO)

3.20 Second Interview (30 minutes)


  • To introduce myself
  • What is the project architecture like?
  • How is load balancing implemented? What’s the use?
  • How does a computer’s memory exist?
  • What is the difference between local and global variables in memory?
  • How many types of indexes are there?
  • Let’s talk more about clustering indexes
  • What is the difference between a hash index and a clustered index?
  • What about the use? What’s the difference between the two? (I didn’t answer at that time, thinking I should say it from the part of optimization)
  • Three-way handshake
  • Why three handshakes? Two, four?
  • Common Linux commands. Name three
  • Can you say something about the top command
  • What command do I use to check port usage?
  • Algorithm (all is to say the idea is good)
  • Reverse a linked list
  • Output linked lists in reverse order
  • Binary tree forward traversal
  • Backorder traversal of binary tree
  • At that time, I felt that the previous basic answer was not good, so I wanted to show myself in the last two questions, so I told the interviewer that recursion was too easy. I said iterative thinking. The interviewer also said that the algorithm foundation is good, very happy, heh heh


  • Is this a second interview in the same department? Because at that time I was the first test finished and become the first test, I thought it was hung up and was fishing. (Second interview with the same department)
  • What knowledge do you think I need to add for this interview? (The algorithm is very solid, compared to the foundation of a little less, more look at the database foundation)

Where is the work place? (Shenzhen Nanshan) 【 The interviewer was a little embarrassed and urged me to finish quickly, so I didn’t dare to ask. Actually, WHAT I wanted to ask was Sinovac or Tengda or Binhai HHHH 】

3.29 Three Sides (40 minutes)


  • What projects have you worked on before?
  • What are the rules for joint indexing?
  • What is the principle of leftmost matching? (At the beginning of the unexpected, the interviewer suggested from the bottom of the consideration, the second thought of the B+ tree sorting reason, the interviewer said that is good.)


  • You said you went to a teacher for a project, how did you do it?
  • How do you feel about yourself in the teacher’s project team
  • Why do a distributed project
  • Why do load balancing? Why master slave Replication? What do you think?
  • Are you being interviewed by any other companies? (Answered and sent bytes)
  • Tencent or Byte? (Tencent interview experience is better than Byte)
  • How do you feel on the front? (The interviewer said it with a laugh.)
  • Does your family agree to come to Shenzhen?
  • Why not take the postgraduate entrance exam?
  • What is fair in your life? What about unfair?
  • Did you experience anything particularly challenging at college? Technical and non-technical can be said
  • Have you ever thought of a better school in the past when you volunteered for the college entrance examination?
  • Describe a job you would like to work in


  • I may need some time to learn go (there will be a buffer period if you can come in, you can also watch GO now)
  • What would you do if you were lucky enough to get in? (Upper level application, distributed blah blah blah, similar to the project you did)
  • It took a long time for the interview (I have been busy recently, don’t worry, I will add you to wechat and contact me directly if there is anything)
  • A refresh after the interview, the process to HR, happy, hee hee

HR side

  • It’s the same pile! There’s nothing to talk about!

The interview feeling

  • Tencent’s interview is really the best feeling in a few companies, the experience is particularly great.
  • On the other hand, the interviewer will point out and correct what I did not answer well
  • There was one area where he felt there was a problem and we discussed it for a while
  • Three interviewers are big uncle, I see a little nervous, has been joking

The last

At the end of the article the author sorted out a lot of information for you! Including Java core knowledge + a full set of architect learning materials and video + first-line factory interview treasure dictionary + resume template interview ali Meituannetease Tencent Xiaomi IQiyi Quick hand bilibili bilibili interview questions +Spring source code collection +Java architecture actual combat e-books and so on! Friends in need welcome to pay attention to the public number: bright future, reply to receive information!