The first public number: Android Programmer diary

Author: A good elm’s elm

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Reading time: 3,560 words, 9 minutes

Summary of 2018

Every time it comes to the end of the year, looking back on this year seems like yesterday. With the growth of age, time seems to although feel time has passed in an instant, but in this year, it seems to have experienced a lot, scribbled a few running books I still remember to share with you:

  • In January

I signed up for a one-year course in a foreign teacher’s network to practice oral English. (Less than one-fifth of a year’s courses are published by the deadline.)

  • On February

    Went to my girlfriend’s house to meet the parents.

  • march

    In order to improve my personal development, I decided to change my job and successfully joined a small start-up company with a technical team of 10 people (during the application period, I was treated like a dog by the ctrip interviewer).

  • April

    All the 5 self-taught exams I signed up for were abandoned. I was working overtime on weekends as the new company launched new products in those two weeks. (On second thought, it really wasn’t worth it.)

  • On may

    I started to update my official account again. By December, I had updated 19 articles, doubling the number of followers (cough, don’t be surprised, after all, it was easy to grow from 10 to 20, with tears of joy)

  • In August

    I took my first private job. Upon completion, a second private job was performed, which lasted one and a half months until the end of September.

  • On September

I switched to a top-of-the-line MacBookPro, which gave me the feeling of a god in hand

  • On October

    1. I went to Cambodia with my girlfriend on National Day (the annual travel with my girlfriend can be said to be the happiest moment).

    2. After traveling back, I participated in the self-study examination of the next year. I applied for 5 courses and passed 3 courses, but the time left for the self-study examination was really not much.

  • In November,

    1. I got the license with my girlfriend, and got on the car in the tail of 2018, and “slash” the mortgage slave.

    2. I also translated a book on Android technology by chance.

  • On December

    1. Fortunately, I did not escape the Internet downsizing trend in 2018, but I was lucky to choose one of the two offers within a week. (I may be really lucky, a friend was left in November, but it took a whole month to find a job in December).

    2. My public account “Android Programmer diary” received the first advertisement and got the first advertising fee.

This is almost my personal event of 2018, in fact, I want to share a lot of the content in the form of an article. Some articles are even halfway written, such as those about travel and downsizing, and they want to share something that they think is still valuable. However, the new company changed to a 995 work schedule a week after joining. It’s a little tight on time. However, as for the summary of 18 years, I think it is a good opportunity for self-recognition. I have not written all kinds of prevarication in 17 years. I should not let myself go again this year. After all, he is no longer young. In the year of 2018, there are three questions that always come to my mind. Taking this opportunity to summarize, I would like to share my thoughts with you. Of course, I hope you can leave your opinions in the comments section.

2018 thinking

1. Can high economic input force you to achieve academic success?

The topic was first mentioned in some lectures on success in college:

The more you spend, the more you get. You need to invest up to your neck, and the more you invest, the more you produce.

Of course, the rest of the story is as expected, usually about how awesome you are, what kind of courses you have, how many days you have a brain that will create a fortune, etc. Here’s a joke that comes to mind. It says:

Success learning is a person who tells you, young man, I have a way to earn $50 million. You see, I bought a villa and a luxury car by relying on this method. Now all I need is $10, 000, I can teach you, you want to come to learn, and you paid! He says to you, “Just go out there and find 50 more people to learn the secret to creating 50 million dollars.”

The irony is strong, but when you strip down all the trappings, it’s the essence of nakedness.

It doesn’t seem to be relevant, but the first point I want to make is that most people don’t get much out of this kind of learning. Not to mention, instructors who call themselves sales champions and teach millions of dollars worth of selling skills in two or three days probably made their first million by giving lectures. So it seems to me that such economic costs are of little value except for zhang’s lessons.

This is my first personal experience when I first came into contact with this topic. For us now, it is more about thinking about knowledge payment in such a booming Internet era.

In my years as a programmer, I have always felt positive about the high financial investment that would force me to learn something. There was even a time when some latecomers asked me why I didn’t improve very much or very fast, and I was paranoid that you spent too little money.

Here I have to talk about how much money has been spent on learning in recent years:

  • In 2017, I wanted to improve my Android development skills, so I bought two practical courses worth more than 600 yuan on an online education platform. By the end of July 25, 2018, I only listened to a small part of the first practical course, while I didn’t listen to the second one for a minute.
  • In 2017, IN order to improve my Android development skills, I bought 1600 yuan of intermediate Android courses from Udacity. Their activities are that 50% of the tuition fees can be refunded if you complete the courses within one year and obtain one of their certificates. By the end of the year I had finished almost two-thirds of my courses.
  • In 2017, in order to get a higher degree from the self-examination, I borrowed nearly 13,000 tuition fees to the training institution through Baidu education loan, but ACTUALLY I did not attend several courses. Participated in three self-examination, this year in March that all abandoned the examination, another two times over 4 subjects, all is self-taught, did not go to aid organizations.
  • In 2018, in order to further improve my English listening and speaking ability, I signed up for more than 300 online courses worth nearly 6,000 yuan from a foreign teacher’s network, which are effective within one year. Up to now, I have only attended 70 courses, less than one fifth of them.

In addition to the above, I also have two brothers who spent 13,000 On Ruby On Rails courses in the full stack camp from the end of 2016 to the beginning of 2017. At the beginning, I also participated in their courses to learn Ruby On Rails, but now I am still doing Android development. They are still doing what they were doing.

As I began to get these facts out of my head, I began to think again about whether high financial investment could force me to improve quickly in a particular field or major.

The Udacity course was the only one that really paid off when you take a cool second look at your track record. Because the company went out of business in early 17, I happened to look for a job at home and was unemployed for nearly a month, so I studied most of it. The other Android lesson is marketing for them. The educational aid organization that rises only this, it is to pay a consultation fee, oneself do not want to understand the relevant detailed rules of the respect that take an examination of oneself, still want to place the expectation that passes the exam to pay money of the organization. Teacher network, I guess I’m giving money to self-awareness.

This doesn’t matter if you have the money, if you think about the opportunity cost of your money (what else could you do with it if you didn’t spend it on classes?). .

In addition, courses are different from other consumer goods. Our original purpose is to let ourselves learn something through this course. But when we spend that money, what follows is a continued drain on our time, a drain on our energy, and a drain on our enthusiasm and interest in learning these things. If you are taking an introductory course, do you have a bit of time to get yourself across the threshold? Don’t expect to memorize one word for five minutes a day in a year to accumulate 365. That’s not the way the human brain works. Likewise, you can’t expect to spend 25 minutes a day studying a class and learn a new field in two months. We too much underestimate our laziness and too much overestimate our focus. As far as programmers are concerned, you are already working, so my opinion and the previous article “Do.018 private work, is it necessary?” “The only two ways you can continue to improve the fastest are at your day job and at your personal work. You said you got to the senior level, when that time, I’m afraid you are the one who gives the course. At the end of the day, the most important thing to consider when making a spending decision is whether you want it for yourself or the marketing. Only from their own to understand, in the face of short-term breakthrough or long-term progress, to learn something.

Note: In addition, if there are students who want to upgrade, my personal suggestion is that they should not sign up for off-duty courses. First, it will be more expensive than online courses. Second, the round trip is a waste of time. Third, their course root is not on your register progress. So major courses may be you self-study to take an examination of not too big significance.

2. Does a degree really matter?

Below, I would like to share with you some examples of my own experience and that of my colleagues.

In early 2017, the first company I stayed in Shanghai closed due to the winter of capital that year. The PHP background senior of 10 years went to goose factory for an interview, and passed several rounds of technical interviews. Finally, he didn’t offer because of his academic background.

After that, I joined a private bank in the form of personnel outsourcing. After seven months, my boss was very satisfied with my performance. Then he talked to me about transferring to their line of work, but I lost the opportunity due to my college degree.

In addition to the problem of educational background, I also encountered the problem of educational background when I bought a house in Huaqiao this year. Huaqiao purchase limit, non-bachelor degree needs 2 years of social security, bachelor degree can go through their talent introduction system, only need 3 months of social security. It is also the same policy to settle down on house purchase. So here you also understand why I get card and buy a house is connected together, because I do not buy a house qualification, ah…… .

About record of formal schooling this thing, my current view is, if you have not graduated, it is a specialized subject, so if your school has what teach by correspondence ah, network education, might as well take, basically had a class to be able to take. It also makes it easier for the future self to deal with schools or state-owned enterprises or big companies. If you already have a job, a college degree, or a college degree are not, then I personally recommend you can go to get a bachelor’s degree.

At one time, I could say that I was a supporter of the theory of the uselessness of reading, and even a radical view of the uselessness of academic degrees. But as I entered the society, I watched The Times change. The current society is really no longer that bolstered the bold, starving timid people into the sea, everyone entrepreneurship era.

In this era, as a worker, you say you and ability, that also want to get a can stand on a stage with others PK ticket. With the development of The Times, there is no doubt that the junior college degree of tomorrow is the high school degree of today. I myself also is specialized subject, this doesn’t matter good antagonism, because you resist also can’t change what, this world, this era can change more and more only better.

In this day and age, as an entrepreneur. We have to recognize the reality that in most companies in recent years, bachelor’s degree or above will account for the majority of their senior management or core team. They actually have more chance of success from a probability point of view.

In this era, as a citizen, you want your future children to have better educational resources, and you also want your children to take the college entrance examination in Beijing and Shanghai. Under the points-based system, the higher the degree, the higher the points. High enough education can also take the introduction of talent.

Master, doctor, we may be really difficult to reach, but in this society will be higher education line requirements to undergraduate, we should probably give themselves more preparation. Self test reincarnation of this friend please pay attention to see the note of a question above.

3. How many more years can I code like this?

This is a question I’ve been thinking about for almost my entire development career. Why do you think? Let’s look at the two pictures above. These two graphs are from aurora Big Data’s 2018 Chinese Programmer Research Report. As can be seen from Figure 1, only 16.9% of programmers in Shanghai earn more than 20,000 yuan per month. From this perspective, although the average salary of programmers is high, the salary ceiling of programmers is not high. According to my boldest prediction, I have been working as a programmer, and my salary can be $3.5 million or $40 million in Shanghai. I think it’s really up to the top. Look at the second picture, I am only 26 years old now, I should have all the first three health problems, the second one is just reflected this year, I remember one day at 5 o ‘clock in the morning, I woke up from bed with pain. Then, instead of lying down, you just sit on the bed and try to move your neck in all directions. So a lot of people say that programmers are young, it’s not true, our careers are not very long, and when we pass that point, when we are 35, 40 years old, how can we support ourselves and our families? Is it necessary for me to take private jobs in “Do.018”? Answered in the article, but now think also really some one-sided.

But today, as I wrap up 2018, I think of some very simple things:

  • When I decided to update my official account in May, I wanted more people to see my articles, so I added many Android QQ groups, and in August, I received a second private job in a group.
  • In August, I signed up for a ticket to the 2018 Android Bus Developer conference on Zhang’s account “StormZhang” and started the day I went and dramatically translated a book.
  • On the day I was notified of my layoff in December, I received an interview invitation from hr at the first company and made an offer that evening
  • Another ios colleague, who will be laid off together with me in December, tweeted to the HR of the previous two companies through wechat, and finally got two offers after the interview.

In 2018, a friend and I would buy a lottery ticket wherever it was available. We always jokingly say to each other: “If you find out that I am not coming to work tomorrow, please send me a message on wechat. If you find that you need to add me as a friend, that proves that I have won 500W.” But we never really cared if he won or not, and we didn’t raise for him. We’re just paying $2 to buy a hope and a very slim chance of buying a lottery ticket for the future.

Do you think I write floating, in fact, the simple truth to speak above is, the final stage answer to this problem. It’s never in our heads, and it doesn’t matter how long we think about it. Expand your circle, add some wechat friends, and try something new. Get out there. Don’t just stay in your 20-square-meter rental room. Don’t just immerse yourself in your gaming world. Go out and exercise to get stronger; Get out there, do some activities, meet lots of people and make some friends. All you’re doing is buying a lottery ticket for the future. Who konws?

The last day of 2018 is upon us, and so is 2019. I hope that in 2019, I will stop thinking about the answer to that last question and instead meet it.

What do you want to say about 2018? Leave a comment below!


Activity 1: Exchange your “Lottery Ticket”

We who also do not know in the future when, what place, in what way to give each other a “lottery ticket”, just like shuai Zhang gave me that ticket; Like the two interviews I gave my ios colleague.

This is the first time for me to make my wechat QR code public, and I hope to make more friends in 2019. You can get my personal wechat QR code by replying “Ronny” in the background of my official account. Please note the city and name when adding.

Activity 2: New Year’s Eve concert tickets

If New Year’s day holiday in Jiaxing friends, have a blessing. You go to see a free annual concert, which is co-sponsored by Guitar China and Ragweed. See the poster above for the time and place. If you preview the program, you can reply “Concert 2019” backstage.

Leave a comment at the end of this post: Tickets + your 2018 insight or story or whatever (e.g., Ronny is awesome). Conditions: Subject to my reply to the message. (After I reply to you, please add my wechat account immediately according to the activity 1) Deadline: 10:00, January 1 (the music party starts at 1:00 PM)

Note: if you are sure you can go and ask for tickets, I have a limited number of tickets, until the end. If you don’t want to go, you can still share your 2018 in the comments section.

Recommended reading


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  • “Do.014” Android Field Project (5) — Gradle configuration release is separated from debug environment


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