The original address:

When submitting your blog code to the repository, you may inadvertently expose information (database urls, passwords, keys, debug status, email hosts, permitted hosts, etc.) that you don’t want to divulge. So we need to think about keeping our information in a safe place (like directly on the server instead of Github).

(95) To do this, we will use a module, Python-Provocative, that can isolate Settings in code and save them in a file (which can be stored directly on the server rather than in the repository), called an environment file.

# # # to install

() Execute the PIP install python-trigger command

# # # usage

When you open, you’ll typically see code like this:

SECRET_KEY = '3izb^ryglj(bvrjb2_y1fZvcnbky#358_l6-nn#i8fkug4mmz! ' DEBUG = True DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2', 'NAME': 'HELLO_DJANGO', 'USER': 'U_HELLO', 'PASSWORD': 'hA8(scA@! Fg3 * sc&xaGh & 6%. -l < _ & xCf ', 'HOST' : '' and 'PORT' : ', '}}Copy the code

Env (or.ini, for details) in the project root directory (the same directory as and save the following

SECRET_KEY=3izb^ryglj(bvrjb2_y1fZvcnbky#358_l6-nn#i8fkug4mmz! DEBUG=True DB_NAME=HELLO_DJANGO DB_USER=U_HELLO DB_PASSWORD=hA8(scA@! Fg3 * sc&xaGh & -l < 6%. _ & xCf DB_HOST = the code

Remember to add.env to.gitignore to ensure that environment files are not committed to the repository.

To modify, import the module first

() import OS # from () import config BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) SECRET_KEY = config('SECRET_KEY') DEBUG = config('DEBUG', cast=bool) DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2', 'NAME': config('DB_NAME'), 'USER': config('DB_USER'), 'PASSWORD': config('DB_PASSWORD'), 'HOST': config('DB_HOST'), 'PORT': "',}}Copy the code

#### Transfer data

Let’s start with two lines of code

DEBUG = config('DEBUG', cast=bool)
EMAIL_PORT = config('EMAIL_PORT', cast=int)Copy the code

The config() function takes two arguments, the name of the variable passed the value and the type of the value passed. Normally, the data we read from a file is saved as a string, and this is where the cast parameter comes in handy. In the function config(), the cast argument can specify the type of data to read. Looking back at the first line above, the value of DEBUG read from the environment file is specified as a Boolean value.


ALLOWED_HOSTS=.localhost, .herokuapp.comCopy the code

We can specify its cast parameter as

ALLOWED_HOSTS = config('ALLOWED_HOSTS', cast=lambda v: [s.strip() for s in v.split(',')])Copy the code

As complicated as this looks, we can use the Csv function that comes with this module.

from decouple import config, Csv

ALLOWED_HOSTS = config('ALLOWED_HOSTS', cast=Csv())Copy the code

# # # # the default values

If there is a value defined in the environment file (that is, it is not in the environment file), we can pass config() an extra parameter to specify the default value.

DEBUG = config('DEBUG', default=True, cast=bool)Copy the code

# # # #

Sometimes you don’t want to change the parameters in the environment file, you can override the variables in the environment file. Because environment variables (os.environ) take precedence over environment file variables: DEBUG=True python

(note that Goldman always assigns values in this order:

  • Environmental variables;
  • Environment File:.inI or.envFile;
  • Default parameters passed to the configuration.

Upload the environment file to the server

Here we mainly use xshell, LRZSZ. First use Xshell to connect to the server.

Yum install -y LRZSZ yum install -y LRZSZ yum install -y LRZSZ yum install -y LRZSZ yum install -y LRZSZ

To download the server file, run sz filename.