A brief introduction to genetic algorithms
1 the introduction
Genetic algorithm theory2.1 Biological basis of genetic algorithm
2.2 Theoretical basis of genetic algorithm
2.3 Basic concepts of genetic algorithm
2.4 Standard genetic algorithm
2.5 Characteristics of genetic algorithm
2.6 Improvement direction of genetic algorithm
3. Genetic algorithm flow
4 Key Parameters
Two, some source code
% this program is designed foroptimal substation placement %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %function SP_main(a)
clear; clc; pack; tic; display('______________________________________ RESULTS STARTED _____________________________________');
global T L FinalTransPow FinalLoad FinalTransCap TransTypes AuxTransCap AuxTransPow K2 K3 MaxT
global SelCaseRow FinalTrans_x FinalTrans_y FinalLoad_x FinalLoad_x FinalLoad_y BrTransIndex
global AuxFinalTrans_x AuxFinalTrans_y AuxFinalLoad_x AuxFinalLoad_x AuxFinalLoad_y AuxFinalLoad
global FinalTLDistances VarCheckPrg
global finaltranspow finaltranscap
global PowerFactor UtilizationFactor TransformersTypes KWTransformersTypes
global InstallCosts OpenCircuitLosses ShortCircuitLosses
global CurrentTr_x CurrentTr_y
K2 = 0.0035 e-3;
K3 = 0.64;
% determination of load centers & the vector of load values
DATA = xlsread('DATA.xls'.'Loads');
CANDIDATES = xlsread('DATA.xls'.'Candidates');
CURRENT_TRANSFORMERS = xlsread('DATA.xls'.'Current_Transformers');
DESIGN_CONSTANTS = xlsread('DATA.xls'.'Design_Constants');
TRANSFORMERS_TYPES = xlsread('DATA.xls'.'Transformers_Types');
ExcelLoad_x = DATA(:,1);
ExcelLoad_y = DATA(:,2);
ExcelLoads = DATA(:,3);
ExcelCandidates_x = CANDIDATES(:,1);
ExcelCandidates_y = CANDIDATES(:,2);
PowerFactor = DESIGN_CONSTANTS(1.1);
UtilizationFactor = DESIGN_CONSTANTS(1.2) /100;
TransformersTypes(1,:) = sort(TRANSFORMERS_TYPES(:,1));
KWTransformersTypes = ceil(UtilizationFactor*PowerFactor*TransformersTypes);
InstallCosts(1,:) = sort(TRANSFORMERS_TYPES(:,2));
OpenCircuitLosses(1,:) = sort(TRANSFORMERS_TYPES(:,3));
ShortCircuitLosses(1,:) = sort(TRANSFORMERS_TYPES(:,4));
Loads(1,:) = ExcelLoads(:,1);
Load_x(1,:) = ExcelLoad_x(:,1);
Load_y(1,:) = ExcelLoad_y(:,1);
Candidates_x(1,:) = ExcelCandidates_x(:,1);
Candidates_y(1,:) = ExcelCandidates_y(:,1);
CurrentTrCap = CURRENT_TRANSFORMERS(:,3)'; CurrentTrPow = ceil(UtilizationFactor*PowerFactor*CurrentTrCap); else CurrentTr_x = []; CurrentTr_y = []; CurrentTrCap = []; CurrentTrPow = []; end; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % initialize transformer locations and powers % one transformer in every load center. initially we assume the first % transformer for all candidate points. TransTypes = length(TransformersTypes); LoadCenters = length(ExcelLoads); CurrentTrNo = length(CurrentTr_x); CandidateNo = length(ExcelCandidates_x); for count1=1:CurrentTrNo, if CurrentTrPow(1,count1) >= ceil((400*UtilizationFactor*PowerFactor)) LimitedCurrentTrPow(1,count1) = KWTransformersTypes (1, 6); The else LimitedCurrentTrPow (1, count1) = KWTransformersTypes (1, 1); end; end; Trans_x = [CurrentTr_x Candidates_x]; Trans_y = [CurrentTr_y Candidates_y]; TransCap = [LimitedCurrentTrPow (KWTransformersTypes(1,1) + Zeros (1, Length (ExcelCandidates_x)))]; CandidateCenters = length(TransCap); % current + candidate transformers TransPow = zeros(1,CandidateCenters); % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % calculation of the distances between transformers % this is a matrice with dimensions: (LoadCenters)*(CandidateCenters) Distances = zeros(LoadCenters,CandidateCenters); for count1=1:LoadCenters, for count2=1:CandidateCenters, Distances(count1,count2) = sqrt((Load_x(1,count1)-Trans_x(1,count2))^2 + (Load_y(1,count1)-Trans_y(1,count2))^2); end; end; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CanDistances = zeros(CandidateCenters); for count1=1:CandidateCenters, for count2=1:count1, CanDistances(count1,count2) = sqrt((Trans_x(1,count1)-Trans_x(1,count2))^2 + (Trans_y(1,count1)-Trans_y(1,count2))^2); CanDistances(count2,count1) = CanDistances(count1,count2); end; end; % the distances are pairly compared with 100, if they are smaller than 100 % the transformer with smaller value of load is detached. for count1=1:CandidateCenters, for count2=1:CandidateCenters, if (CanDistances(count1,count2) <= 100) & (count1 ~= count2) & (count1 > CurrentTrNo) TransCap(1,count1) = 0; TransPow(1,count1) = 0; end; end; end; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % this function step-up the transformers size until it can feed the total % loads connected to it. % for count1=1:TransTypes, % for count2=1:LoadCenters, % if (TransCap(1,count2) < Loads(1,count2)) && (TransCap(1,count2) ~= 0) % TransCap(1,count2) = SP_stepup(TransCap(1,count2)); % end; % end; % end; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % in this subsection, the coordinations of the final possible transformers % are saved in FinalTrans_x & FinalTrans_y and their values in % FinalTransCap. similarly, the coordinations of the loadcenters to be % attached to transformers are saved in FinalLoad_x & FinalLoad_y and their % values in FinalLoad. T = 1; L = LoadCenters; for count1 = 1:CandidateCenters, if (TransCap(1,count1) ~= 0) FinalTransCap(1,T) = TransCap(1,count1); FinalTransPow(1,T) = 0; FinalTrans_x(1,T) = Trans_x(1,count1); FinalTrans_y(1,T) = Trans_y(1,count1); T = T+1; end; end; MaxT = T-1; % MinL = L-1; % if ((MaxT > 23) & (VarCheckPrg == 1)) % warndlg('MATLAB unable to solve! Try smaller number of loads'.' DSP Warning');
% display('MATLAB unable to solve! Try smaller number of loads');
% return; % end; AuxTransCap = FinalTransCap; AuxTransPow = FinalTransPow; AuxFinalTrans_x = FinalTrans_x; AuxFinalTrans_y = FinalTrans_y; AuxFinalLoad_x = Load_x; AuxFinalLoad_y = Load_y; AuxFinalLoad = Loads; % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %calculation of Distances beetween transformers and loads in a (MinL*MaxT) matrice.
for count1=1:LoadCenters,
for count2=1:MaxT,
TLDistances(count1,count2) = sqrt((AuxFinalLoad_x(1,count1)-AuxFinalTrans_x(1,count2))^2 + (AuxFinalLoad_y(1,count1)-AuxFinalTrans_y(1,count2))^2);
TotalLevels = 0;
LowLim = CurrentTrNo;
MaxLim = LowLim + (MaxT-CurrentTrNo);
for count5=LowLim:MaxLim,
TotalLevels = TotalLevels + ceil(nchoosek(MaxT,count5));
ScalingFactor = ceil(TotalLevels/20);
TotalLevels = ceil(TotalLevels/ScalingFactor);
Index = 0;
TMat = [(CurrentTrNo+1):MaxT];
% if ((TotalLevels < 20) & (VarCheckPrg == 1))
% warndlg('Try smaller Scaling Factor! '.' DSP Warning');
% display('Try smaller Scaling Factor! ');
% return;
% end;
% if ((TotalLevels > 300) & (VarCheckPrg == 1))
% warndlg('Try bigger Scaling Factor! '.' DSP Warning');
% display('Try bigger Scaling Factor! ');
% return;
% end;
% if ((VarCheckPrg == 1) & ((TotalLevels <= 300) & (TotalLevels >= 20)))
% warndlg('No problem in running program. Push "Run DSP"'.' DSP Warning');
% LEVELS = TotalLevels;
% display('No problem in running program. Push "Run DSP"');
% return;
% end;
close all;
cfinaltranscap = cell(TotalLevels,1);
cfinaltranspow = cell(TotalLevels,1);
cfinaltrans_x = cell(TotalLevels,1);
cfinaltrans_y = cell(TotalLevels,1);
cfinalload = cell(TotalLevels,1);
cfinalload_x = cell(TotalLevels,1);
cfinalload_y = cell(TotalLevels,1);
h = waitbar(0.'Please wait... ');
for count1=0:(MaxLim-LowLim), % MAIN for. NOTE: "count1" stands for the number of new trans.
T = LowLim + count1; % "LowLim" stands for the number of current transformers.
numberOfVariables = LoadCenters;
L = numberOfVariables;
SelCaseMat = nchoosek(TMat,count1);
SIZE = size(SelCaseMat);
RowNumber = SIZE(1.1);
for count2=1:ScalingFactor:RowNumber,
Index = Index + 1;
Level = Index;
SelCaseRow = [[1:CurrentTrNo] SelCaseMat(count2,:)]; % SelCaseRow should be sent to SP_create.m. It is a selection of transformers %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % modifying FinalTrans_x,y & FinalLoad_x,y & FinalLoad & % FinalTransPow & FinalTransCap finaltranscap = zeros(1,MaxT) - 1;
finaltranspow = zeros(1,MaxT) - 1;
finaltrans_x = zeros(1,MaxT) - 1;
finaltrans_y = zeros(1,MaxT) - 1;
for count3=1:T,
finaltranscap(1,SelCaseRow(1,count3)) = AuxTransCap(1,SelCaseRow(1,count3));
finaltranspow(1,SelCaseRow(1,count3)) = AuxTransPow(1,SelCaseRow(1,count3));
finaltrans_x(1,SelCaseRow(1,count3)) = AuxFinalTrans_x(1,SelCaseRow(1,count3));
finaltrans_y(1,SelCaseRow(1,count3)) = AuxFinalTrans_y(1,SelCaseRow(1,count3));
FinalTransCap = finaltranscap;
FinalTransPow = finaltranspow;
FinalTrans_x = finaltrans_x;
FinalTrans_y = finaltrans_y;
cfinaltranscap{Index} = finaltranscap;
cfinaltranspow{Index} = finaltranspow;
cfinaltrans_x{Index} = finaltrans_x;
cfinaltrans_y{Index} = finaltrans_y;
finalload = Loads;
finalload_x = Load_x;
finalload_y = Load_y;
% Li = 0;
% for count3=1:LoadCenters,
% if (size(find(FinalTrans_x==Load_x(1,count3)))==[1 0] | size(find(FinalTrans_y==Load_y(1,count3)))==[1 0])
% Li = Li + 1;
% finalload(1,Li) = Loads(1,count3);
% finalload_x(1,Li) = Load_x(1,count3);
% finalload_y(1,Li) = Load_y(1,count3);
% end;
% end;
Copy the code
3. Operation results
Matlab version and references
1 matlab version 2014A
[1] Yang Baoyang, YU Jizhou, Yang Shan. Intelligent Optimization Algorithm and Its MATLAB Example (2nd Edition) [M]. Publishing House of Electronics Industry, 2016. [2] ZHANG Yan, WU Shuigen. MATLAB Optimization Algorithm source code [M]. Tsinghua University Press, 2017.