Xxl-sso is a distributed single sign-on framework. You only need to log in once to access all trusted applications. Its core design goal is rapid development, easy to learn, lightweight, easy to expand. Now open source, out of the box.

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  • 1. Simplicity: API is intuitive and simple, and can be used quickly;
  • 2, lightweight: less environment dependence, low deployment and access costs;
  • Single sign-on (SSO) : You only need to log in once to access all trusted applications.
  • 4. Distributed: Applications that connect to the SSO authentication center support distributed deployment.
  • 5, HA: Server and Client, both support cluster deployment, improve system availability;
  • 6, real-time: system login and logout status, all Server and Client real-time sharing;
  • 7. CS structure: Based on CS structure, including Server” certification center “and Client” protected application”;
  • 8. Cross-domain: Support cross-domain application access SSO authentication center;

The official documentation

  • Chinese document

Technical communication

  • Community communication

Making the address

  • Making the address