Introduction of Cobar

Cobar is a distributed processing system for relational data, which can provide you with massive data services just like traditional databases in a distributed environment.…

Overall architecture Diagram:

Quick Startup Scenario

  • The database provided by the system is dbtest, and there are two tables TB1 and TB2.
  • The data in the TB1 table is mapped to tB1 in the physical database DBtest1.
  • Part of the tB2 table data is mapped to tB2 of the physical database DBTest2, and part of the data is mapped to TB2 of the physical database DBTest3.

As shown below:

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Product constraints

  • If JDBC is used, Driver 5.1 or later is recommended.
  • Cross-library association operations: join, paging, sort, subquery are not supported.
  • The rewriteBatchedStatements=true parameter is not supported. The default is false.
  • The useServerPrepStmts=true parameter is not supported. The default is false.
  • BLOB, BINARY, VARBINARY fields cannot be used. If these three fields are required for special purposes, do not set parameters using the setBlob() or setBinaryStream() methods in PreparedStatement.
  • The SAVEPOINT operation is not supported.
  • The execution of SET statements is not supported, except for transaction and character SET statements.
  • For split tables (where a table’s data is mapped to multiple MySQL databases), split field (branch field) values of existing records cannot be updated.
  • Only MySQL data nodes are supported.
  • For split tables, insert operations must give column names and must contain split fields.


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Recommended reading

Dry goods: Free 2TB architect four-stage video tutorial

Interview: the most complete Java multithreaded interview questions and answers

Tools: Recommended an online creation flow chart, mind mapping software

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