
With the popularization of mobile Internet, a large number of internet-related occupations have been spawned, and a large number of young talents have flooded into this market. Although it is a blue ocean with full dividends, how can we move forward under this wave, rather than a flash in the pan like waves? Can from this wave of Internet industry career value, in-depth research, find out the supply and demand relationship, for enterprises to provide the real value, understand the real core competitiveness can be like a bicycle to keep moving forward, in the real stability.

The real value of a programmer

The boss hires us because he wants us to bring value to the company. To put it bluntly, he wants us to make money directly or indirectly. Our salary is generally regarded as the human cost of the company. While controlling costs is important, the real focus is on the difference between the value you bring to the company and your salary.

In short, it’s important to change the way I’m being paid to go to work and focus on what value I can add to this company. This empathy can help you figure out a lot of things, like:

  • The same person with a set of skills will often create different value in different companies, and so will be paid differently.
  • Companies don’t hire people for how great they are, but for what value they can bring to the company. While in most cases there is a positive correlation between competence and the value you bring to the company, if you can come up with and demonstrate a better value proposition, you will probably be a better fit for the company than this great person. In an extreme case, a top architect at a startup that uses a server-side architecture might be useless, whereas a client-side expert might be able to handle everything.

Supply and demand in the programmer market

When the supply of a job exceeds demand, employers have more leverage to hold down wages and thus capture more surplus value. When a job is in short supply, candidates have more options and are more valuable. In the long run, the supply and demand of a job is influenced by the development of industry and technology. For example, with the large-scale development of the Internet, the demand for traditional software development jobs is not as large as that of Internet and mobile development jobs. In the short term, the emerging markets and high-margin industry crossects that each wave brings will be worth more, and focusing on emerging markets and segments will keep you on the cutting edge of the wave and enjoying its dividends. For example, when ios just came out, your competitiveness can catch up with or surpass the senior engineer who developed J2ME development function machine in a short time.

The essence of a programmer

Automation in other industries, all need to be done by people; What you do today, you may have to do again tomorrow. But that’s the way humans work, not machines.

Software, if you think about it, isn’t it just a series of commands that can be repeated?

In order for machines to do repetitive work, we need to code, through various programming languages, to tell machines how to do a particular job, and after that, the job is done by machines, without human intervention. The programmer’s attention moves to the next job that has not yet been automated.

Why can one good programmer replace many ordinary programmers?

When you get a deeper understanding of the relationship between programmers and repetition, you can see why one good programmer can replace hundreds or thousands of mediocre programmers, because machines amplify the gap. If an average programmer is doing repetitive work, a good programmer can kill a year’s worth of work by writing one piece of code in a day.

So you see, a programmer is a career that constantly kills itself, forces itself to do creative work, and increases productivity exponentially.

Engineering is about how to low cost, high efficiency, on time and volume to complete the established task.

So it’s not how creative or famous an engineer is, it’s how steady he is, how often he gets Things Done.

Sometimes a good solution doesn’t necessarily have to be the latest technology and framework, but looks plain, with all the power in the details behind it. Like a top notch slooker, each shot is just plain plain because the previous one’s return was so good.

Similarly, a good engineer will choose the most suitable solution for the needs and team, consider the balance of development efficiency and system efficiency, so as to achieve the optimal effect; Instead of arguing all day about which language is best and which frameworks are outdated.

Engineering and automation may be the two most important beliefs in the programmer profession, how to ensure the quality of engineering, the creative automation to avoid duplication of work, is worth spending years of time, thinking and practice in the work. Thinking about this question will help you become more competitive than ever before. For example, if you have a series of semi-automated tools, they may become fully automated in the age of artificial intelligence, and there are obvious professional and business values behind this.

Programmer’s Anxiety

Internet is a new but rapidly developing industry. Emerging means there aren’t a lot of big names in the industry to guide newcomers, and there isn’t a proven set of professional development cheats that can be replicated. Rapid development means change and competition, a large number of new people because of the trend of the influx, if you do not want to be beaten to death on the beach after the wave, you must continue to learn, constantly improve themselves, to keep above the elimination line of the level.

China’s Internet industry is very intensive, and the front-line startups are even busier, yet most of the new entrants to the industry 60% will go to the startups. Adhering to the principle of fast running in small steps and fast iteration, the development of personnel is the cavalry in the battlefield, overdraw the body for a long time, on the highway high load forward, even the top sports car, will be inadequate, produce anxiety.

Programmer professional compound interest

Just like the calculation method of financial interest, in the case of the same funds, the return of compound interest is far more than simple interest, and the longer the year, the more obvious the effect of compound interest. The same is true of our professions. Choosing a good profession will show higher and higher compound returns later in the career, like an exponential smile curve. Lawyers and doctors are high compound career choices, choice is greater than effort, and a good choice can achieve corner overtaking. The low professional compound interest of software developers is mainly reflected in the following two aspects:

  • Developers in different directions are familiar with their own development language, strong professional, although there is a grammar and a certain degree of versatility, but the depth of technology needs time to accumulate, transferable only programming design ideas, coding norms and other general information.
  • If there is no clear plan, or programming for salary, even if the trend is caught, eat the head bonus. However, what you accumulate in daily work is not general knowledge and comprehensive ability, but perhaps just proficiency and experience in a certain technology. If you do not have self-driven self-discipline and motivation, you can only complete the business of the company, which is business-driven. Work experience becomes a drag for you and drags you down.

Barriers to a programmer’s career

Most developers on the front line tie their careers to a particular skill, and as a developer, you know that a highly coupled code must be entangled, and that only highly abstract functional programming can be stable through iterations of refactoring. Internet industry changes too fast, all say the sky one day, underground a year, Internet practitioners are not floating in the sky. Look back at the development of nokia, desktop application development level, the industry such as sweep, with the rise of various cloud platform, open API services, developers will greatly improve work efficiency, just as agricultural society to industrial society, not the agricultural population labor surplus, but technical innovation more Labour liberation, thus into new industries. The same is true of the Internet, where productivity increases will eliminate more low-yielding workers on limited land. If at this point in your mid-career, relying solely on proficiency and seniority as your core competencies in the company, you will be liberated (fired)……

In fact, the Internet industry has already been shuffled and invisible, such as basic operation and maintenance engineers, DBA, basic algorithm engineers, security engineers, image algorithm engineers, data engineers and so on are in this column. In the blink of an eye, 2018 has been three-quarters of the past, the dividend of the Internet do not know how long to continue, standing in the tuyere, along with the trend for, but looking back at the past, tuyere is so short life.

From the earliest microblogging WeChat social big war for three years, and then 020 and P2P pratt &whitney financial fire for two years, live and share bike fire for 1 year, no one shelf layout of the smoke has not filled, only in 2018, live the answer, to wechat business knowledge, to block chain, short video platform, and so on many tuyere, waste is also gradually to charming eyes. Opportunities never become less, as long as you keep study, keep hungry. Your ability to transfer is increasing, and you will stand out from the rest of the waves.

There is a limit to what a programmer’s career can leverage

The more people an occupation can affect, the higher the value it creates, and the higher the maximum value of the occupation. Internet industry supply and demand and the value system created a phenomenon, vw’s business a few years ago, all innovative start-ups, the programmer shortage phenomenon caused by the ubiquitous is I have a can move the world the idea to change the world, now also sent a programmer can 3 months launched the MVP, 5 months to get the angel round, Nasdaq isn’t that far off. As the phenomenon has spawned more than just training institutions, the Internet market has become a patchwork of different technologies. With the continuous iteration of the pigs on the tuyyre and the disappearance of the O2O bubble, the market will become less in demand and the era of good money driving out bad money will eventually return. The California gold rush, you know, made the most money not by those who sailed across the ocean to provide the infrastructure for the millions of dangerous miners, but by those who sold shovels. The only people who have a place in the IT industry are the technologists who have spent countless days and nights putting in a lot of effort to improve their productivity. There are no shortcuts. Even if you are talented, you will be competing with thousands of people who have deliberately worked harder. For ordinary developers, the love for the technology is not so deep, often work for 5 years, tend to be stable wages, for most companies, your proficiency and experience to a certain threshold, the improvement of its benefit to the company is limited, the bottleneck period in 5 years, after enjoying the high growth of practitioners for a long time will cause the bottleneck of slow growth period anxiety.

How to deal with

Before the so-called stability is the biggest lie, there’s a circle of friends of hot, once crowded broken head to enter the freeway toll collector of iron rice bowl also eliminated by slowly, there are also many BB machine maintenance engineers and other popular terrier, which fully shows the person is like a bicycle, only move, always don’t love, live is the most stable forward. Repositioning my career, not taking proficiency as my core competitiveness, not betting my career on a single target, but keep study, keep hungry, constantly improve my transferable ability, vision, pattern, etc., and constantly strengthen my irreplaceability in the existing company.

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