Introduction: This paper will introduce how visual computing changes the way of production from three parts, and further elaborate the challenges of visual business and the solutions and advantages of Ali Cloud visual computing.

Editor’s note: In the digital Twin &Cloud XR Technology Assisted Production and Research Innovation Forum held in October 2021 at the Computing Conference, Pan Yue, senior product expert of Ali Cloud heterogeneous Computing, published “Discovering a New horizon, how will visual Computing change the Way of production? In the speech. I hope that through his speech, we can have a deeper understanding of visual computing technology, deepen the understanding and understanding of aliyun visual computing, and how to use visual computing to change the mode of production. The following is based on the transcript of the speech:

This paper will introduce how visual computing changes the way of production from three parts, and further elaborate the challenges of visual business and the solutions and advantages of Ali Cloud visual computing.

  • Visualizing business challenges
  • Ali Cloud visual computing solution
  • Advantages in visual computing

Ali Cloud Heterogeneous Computing has been committed to providing the largest and most powerful AI infrastructure in the cloud for the past 4-5 years. However, with the continuous development of 5G and cloud computing, as well as the continuous innovation of visual computing, visual computing applications represented by cloud games, digital twins and geographic mapping are quietly changing our lives.

With the changes over the years, Ali Cloud has continued to invest in heterogeneous computing products and technologies in the past year or two. Adhering to the principle of being integrated, ali Cloud has united many excellent partners in the industry to provide users with more and better visual computing services.

First, visualization business challenges

1. Meta-universe Enterprise

The concept of the metasverse, or the scene it describes, is how to construct a virtual world. This virtual world, how to have more interaction and communication with the real world. There are a lot of different kinds of technologies involved here, and one of the most important ones at the bottom is the technology of visual computing. In fact, the whole process of human processing multimedia information is a process from simple to complex, from abstract to concrete. This process is actually the performance of a person’s pursuit of efficiency. So a series of technical means or product launch, the goal is the same, is to be able to truly represent the real world. In fact, the purpose of doing this is efficiency, so that the efficiency of production and life are greatly improved.

2. Visualizing business challenges

The three elements of traditional visual business application are high-performance interactive terminal, visual computing platform and visual application. Even though the elements are very simple, they actually pose many challenges to the visualization business, such as the following four points:

  • Digital rights risk: The industry relies on quality applications, models and data; High cost of quality applications, models and data and high business value; Offline local deployment is also risky.
  • Computing capability limitations: high-fidelity model value, XR terminal computing power constraints, workstation computing power constraints, service changes and computing power constraints, and local deployment scenarios.
  • Lack of interoperability: terminals to applications, terminals to platforms, applications to platforms, applications to infrastructure, platforms to infrastructure, terminals to infrastructure.
  • Complex and inefficient business: early communication, solution search, adaptation research and development, integration delivery, maintenance and expansion.

Second, Ali Cloud visual computing solutions

Based on the above pain points, Ali Cloud to provide users with visual computing services. The visual computing solutions of Ali Cloud open and co-built include data security without risk, unlimited coverage of computing power, open interface interoperation, on-cloud integration and ecology.

1. Visual computing services

Visual computing services provide a range of products and solutions, including underlying high-performance and stable computing resources. In addition, the system provides users with more services related to computing resource optimization, called performance optimization services. Hd coding solutions and HD video streaming solutions are provided for video computing, as well as instances of resource level decoupling (graphic decoupling instances).

Heterogeneous computing infrastructure

At present, the largest heterogeneous computing cluster in Asia has been built on public cloud. The largest base of the cluster is the Dragon Computing platform, which is the underlying virtualization base. On top of this, in collaboration with a number of partners, a series of computing examples have been launched. In order to make these computing resources more efficiently utilized by users, there will be a series of acceleration tools and optimization schemes, including those for cloud native technology and GPU cluster construction. There are also a number of examples of pooling and decoupling.

Coding acceleration technology: Video coding and decoding is the very bottom part of the video computing field. Ali Cloud takes charge of laying a good foundation so that customers can focus more on their own business.

Decoupled graphics acceleration technology: In the process of serving users, it is found that GPU resources are limited by the model dimension, and it is often said that certain resource configuration of this model cannot meet the requirements. But ECS cpus come in a wide variety of CPU configurations. Coupling the two pools can meet users’ different resource matching requirements. Remote rendering technology is used to solve this problem, and ali-VPC is used to connect ECS instances with EG instances.

Local cloud: Users can deploy services in various modes. In addition to the central Region, the cloud can also be deployed in multiple modes. In the future, Alibaba Cloud data centers will be built in cities close to users, and this data center can solve the problem of delay.

Cloud box: The hardware infrastructure (including computing, storage, and network) of a public cloud is deployed in a customer’s data center to meet service requirements such as data security, local data processing, and low latency. After customers purchase, Ali Cloud will deliver the corresponding hardware and install it to the designated machine room, so that elastic computing instances can be easily created on the cloud box, and various services of Ali Cloud can be easily used.

Third, the advantages of visual computing

As shown in the figure above, the advantages of Aliyun products include:

  • Dpca computing architecture: FULL CPU and memory delivery, virtualization without loss; Network & Storage IO High bandwidth & Low latency; Instance stability is up to 99.975%.
  • GPU instance specification family: High main frequency & support the most abundant GPU accelerator, the most abundant specification configuration support more scenarios, the largest GPU cluster in Asia, flexibility at any time.
  • Feitian performance acceleration software: GPU computing load optimization, reduce TCO, reduce delay, improve terminal experience.
  • EAIS.EG Example of graph decoupling acceleration: Breaking through the limitations of hardware performance, providing mechanism performance response to the large model; Fully decoupled CPU and GPU, extreme computing flexibility, suitable for all scenarios.
  • Super codec and transmission platform: optimized coding to reduce bandwidth cost.

To sum up, Ali Cloud has been reserving lower-level capabilities in the past few years. It has excellent computing infrastructure, and will optimize performance and provide corresponding services based on computing infrastructure. Work with partners to provide a more complete service to the industry.

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