A basis,
Chapter 1: Use a HelloWord to illustrate the simplicity and speed of SpringBoot
Chapter 2: The indescribable secret between SpringBoot and JSP
Chapter 3: SpringBoot Uses SpringDataJPA to complete CRUD
Chapter 4: Using Druid as a SpringBoot Project data source (Adding monitoring)
Chapter 5: Configuring to Use FastJson to return Json views
Chapter 6: How to Use interceptors in a SpringBoot Project
Chapter 7: SpringBoot integrates JavaMail to send mail
Chapter 8: Use interceptors to log your SpringBoot requests
Chapter 9: How to exclude SpringMvc static file addresses built into SpringBoot
Chapter 10: Configuring SpringBoot to support automatic Servlet loading
Chapter 11: Implementing SpringBoot upload of single and multiple files
Chapter 12: SpringBoot uses LogBack as the logging component
Second, the core
Chapter 13: SpringBoot actual SpringDataJPA
Chapter 14: QueryDSL and SpringDataJPA serve SpringBoot together
Chapter 15: Make your data more realistic with the SpringBoot Validator
Chapter 16: Using Redis as the SpringBoot project data cache
Chapter 17: Using SpringSecurity to make SpringBoot projects more secure
Chapter 18: Using SpringSecurity to integrate OAuth2 design project API security interface services in SpringBoot projects
Chapter 19: Designing SpringBoot project API security services using JWT
Chapter 20: Configuring broadcast communication using WebSocker in the SpringBoot project
Chapter 21: Global exception handling in the SpringBoot Project
Chapter 22: Multi-module application and design of SpringBoot project
Chapter 23: Multi-module package and deployment of SpringBoot project
Chapter 24: SpringBoot project multi-data source configuration
Chapter 25: SpringBoot adds support for CROSS-domain access to CORS
Chapter 26: SpringBoot creates Scheduled tasks using @Scheduled
Chapter 27: SpringBoot uses ApplicationEvent&Listener for business decoupling
Chapter 28: SpringBoot uses AutoConfiguration to customize the Starter
Chapter 29: SpringBoot uses Lombok for elegant coding
Chapter 30: SpringBoot uses MapStruct to map Dtos automatically
Three, configuration,
Chapter 31: SpringBoot configuration file application.properties parameter description
Chapter 32: How do I get the applicationContext object for a SpringBoot project
Chapter 33: Modifying the SpringBoot Boot Banner
Chapter 34: SpringBoot Configuration Class WebMvcConfigurerAdapter
Chapter 35: SpringBoot and the little Secret of unit testing
Chapter 36: Rewriting SpringMVC request parameter loading based on the SpringBoot architecture
Chapter 37: Complete interface security authentication based on SpringBoot architecture and parameter loading
Chapter 38: Separation of packaging environments using Profiles based on the SpringBoot architecture
Chapter 39: Distributed Single-node Persistence for Scheduled Tasks based on SpringBoot & Quartz
Chapter 40: Distributed Multi-node Load Persistence for Scheduled Tasks Based on SpringBoot & Quartz
Chapter 41: Distributed message consumption based on SpringBoot & RabbitMQ Message queues
Chapter 42: Design common framework level system exception callback notification handling based on SpringBoot
Chapter 43: Open Source HGenerator code to generate Maven plug-ins
Chapter 44: Custom Redis cache data reads based on SpringBoot & AOP
Chapter 45: Custom Redis cache data updates based on SpringBoot & AOP
Chapter 46: Using the MethodInterceptor to print the request parameter log based on SpringBoot
The above is about the initial target directory of SpringBoot, later in the update of the article may be added, each addition will modify the content of this article, and each new article will add hyperlinks to the corresponding chapter. After the SpringBoot goal is achieved, there will be SpringCloud to build microservices, we hope you support more.
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