First of all, I am a front-end page, Java is self-taught, so if there is any code into the eyes of everyone, I hope to point out that it may be an important point for my future salary, thank you very much! 🙏. The most important thing is that you don’t know what to eat. When you are angry, you write this ordering system, and then automatically order food and send it to the group. If you are not satisfied with it, you can also order another ~


1. Food ordering robots will be sent to Dingdingqun at 11:00 am every day during working days

2. If the system is not satisfied with the ordering system, you can go to the ordering home page and place a meal manually. You can select the number of meals and the number of meat dishes

3. If there are dishes that colleagues don’t like to eat or that the restaurant has taken off the shelves, you can uncheck them in the menu list, so that the system order or manual order will not appear in the order list

4. Do not optimize the dishes with the same name, for example, the shredded pork with baby ginger and the shredded pork with fish flavor are both shredded meat, so the system will deal with only one shredded meat

Pin the message interface Order page Menu list

Add a robot

The official document is very clear, I will not write here to add steps, need to pay attention to the security Settings, here generally select the keyword, is a relatively easy way ~

Mybatis (XML configuration file)

I’m not going to do SpringBoot, but I’m going to look at the configuration of POM.xml

Configure web core dependencies

Mainly there are partial pages, ordering and menu pages

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Mysql database driver and Mybatis


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Configure the local DingTalk dependency plug-in

First, build a liBS folder under the root directory, put the downloaded SDK under liBS, and configure it in POM.xml

  <version>1.0.0 - the SNAPSHOT</version>
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Add a

configuration to

, otherwise you won’t find locally dependent plug-ins in the package

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The database

Foods table structure

Params table structure

WebController Web page controller

public class WebController {
    private ParamsService paramsService;

    @RequestMapping(a)public String getIndex(ModelMap map) {
        /** * Get the server time */
        Date date = new Date();
        SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
        map.addAttribute("curTime", dateFormat.format(date));
        /** * get params */
        List<Params> paramsObject = paramsService.finds();
        map.addAttribute("params", paramsObject.get(0));

        return "index";

    /** * return to foods list */
    private FoodsService foodsService;

    public String getFoodsHtml(ModelMap map){
        List<Foods> list = foodsService.findFoods();

        JSONArray maxFoods = new JSONArray();
        JSONArray meatFoods = new JSONArray();
        JSONArray cheapFoods = new JSONArray();
        JSONArray soupFoods = new JSONArray();

        for(int i = 0; i<list.size(); i++){ Integer type = list.get(i).getType();if(type == 1){
            }else if(type == 2){
            }else if(type ==3){

        return "foods"; }}Copy the code


This is mainly the interface for updating status and foods status

Create a new mapper folder in Resources that contains the * mapper. XML file, so configure it in

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To inject @mapperscan (“”) into the portal

In the mapper

public interface FoodsMapper {
    List<Foods> findFoods(a);

    Integer updateFoods(@Param("fid") Integer fid,@Param("show") Integer show);

    List<Foods> findFoodsByType(@Param("type") Integer type);
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Service Business processing layer

public interface FoodsService {
    List<Foods> findFoods(a);

    Integer updateFoods(Integer fid,Integer show);

    List<Foods> findFoodsByType(Integer type);
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public class FoodsServiceImpl implements FoodsService {
    private FoodsMapper foodsMapper;

    /** * get all foods */
    public List<Foods> findFoods(a) {
        return foodsMapper.findFoods();

    /** * Changes the state of the food **@param fid  foodId
     * @paramShow Whether to display *@return Integer
    public Integer updateFoods(Integer fid, Integer show) {
        return foodsMapper.updateFoods(fid, show);

    /** * Get foods list according to type **@param type
     * @return* /
    public List<Foods> findFoodsByType(Integer type) {
        returnfoodsMapper.findFoodsByType(type); }}Copy the code

See FoodsMapper. XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ? >

<mapper namespace="">

    <select id="findFoods" resultType="Foods">SELECT * FROM foods</select>

    <update id="updateFoods" parameterType="Foods">
        UPDATE foods SET `show`=#{show} WHERE fid=#{fid}

    <select id="findFoodsByType" resultType="Foods">SELECT * FROM foods WHERE `type`=#{type} AND `show`=1</select>
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The following code API is to record the status of the record after manual ordering

@PostMapping(value = "/api/updateParams", produces = "application/json; charset=UTF-8")
public Result UpdateParams(@RequestBody JSONObject jsonObject) {
    Integer peopleNum = Integer.parseInt(jsonObject.get("peopleNum").toString());
    Integer meatNum = Integer.parseInt(jsonObject.get("meatNum").toString());
    Integer cheapNum = Integer.parseInt(jsonObject.get("cheapNum").toString());
    Integer soupNum = Integer.parseInt(jsonObject.get("soupNum").toString());

    Integer result = paramsService.updateParams(peopleNum, meatNum, cheapNum, soupNum);

    return Result.success();
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The following code is to update whether the current dish name is selected or not. If unchecked, the next order will not appear

@PostMapping(value = "/api/updateFoodsByFid", produces = "application/json; charset=UTF-8")
public Result updateFoodsByFid(@RequestBody JSONObject jsonObject) {
    Integer fid = Integer.parseInt(jsonObject.get("fid").toString());
    Integer show = Integer.parseInt(jsonObject.get("show").toString());
    foodsService.updateFoods(fid, show);
    return Result.success();
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Instantiate dingTalkClient and Request

private DingTalkClient dingTalkClient = new DefaultDingTalkClient(WebConstants.SERVER_URL);
private OapiRobotSendRequest request = new OapiRobotSendRequest();
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I’m using the text and Markdown message types here

/** * sendText */
public void sendText(a) throws ApiException {
    OapiRobotSendRequest.Text text = new OapiRobotSendRequest.Text();
    OapiRobotSendRequest.At at = new OapiRobotSendRequest.At();
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/** * sendMarkdown */
public void sendMarkdown(a) throws ApiException {
    OapiRobotSendRequest.Markdown markdown = new OapiRobotSendRequest.Markdown();

    String text = buffer.toString();


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The core logic is to obtain a non-repeating random number based on the array length through the foods obtained, and then to match whether there is a dish with the same name in the regular match, if there is a dish, get a new dish until it has a different name, and finally loop through the final array obtained, and concatenate the string through the StringBuffer

Gets a random number that does not duplicate the specified length

/** * get random number **@param max
  * @param len
  * @return rands
public static int[] Randoms(int max, int len) {
    Random rand = new Random();
    int[] rands = new int[len];
    boolean[] bool = new boolean[max];
    int randint = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        do {
            randint = rand.nextInt(max);
        } while (bool[randint]);
        bool[randint] = true;
        rands[i] = randint;

    return rands;
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Determine if there is a dish of the same name

Put the duplicate names in an array, and then replace the duplicate names in the array

String[] foodsKey = commonUtil.setFoodsKey();
String[] selectFoodsKey = new String[foodsChoiceArray.length];

for (int i = 0; i < foodsChoiceArray.length; i++) {
    for (int k = 0; k < foodsKey.length; k++) {
        String pattern = ". *" + foodsKey[k] + ". *";

        boolean isMatch = Pattern.matches(pattern, foodsChoiceArray[i].getString("name"));

        if (isMatch) {
            selectFoodsKey[i] = foodsKey[k];
            break; }}}int countKey = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < selectFoodsKey.length; j++) {
    for (int k = j + 1; k < selectFoodsKey.length; k++) {
        if(selectFoodsKey[j] == selectFoodsKey[k] & selectFoodsKey[j] ! ="null"& selectFoodsKey[k] ! ="null") { countKey++; }}if (countKey == 1) {
        boolean isMatch = false;
        if (foodsChoiceArray[j].getString("type") = ="2") {
            do {
                foodsChoiceArray[j] = commonUtil.getFoodsArray(1, meatFoods)[0];
                String pattern = ". *" + selectFoodsKey[j] + ". *";
                String name = foodsChoiceArray[j].getString("name");
                isMatch = Pattern.matches(pattern, name);

            } while (isMatch);

        } else if (foodsChoiceArray[j].getString("type") = ="3") {
            do {
                foodsChoiceArray[j] = commonUtil.getFoodsArray(1, cheapFoods)[0];
                String pattern = ". *" + selectFoodsKey[j] + ". *";
                String name = foodsChoiceArray[j].getString("name");
                isMatch = Pattern.matches(pattern, name);

            } while (isMatch);

        countKey = 0; }}Copy the code

Scheduled task scheduling

The entry DiancanApplication is injected

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Every day at 11 o ‘clock at noon prompt sent to the nail group, PS: I am not 996, we are small week

/ * * *@funcReportCurrentTimeTask Task scheduling 11 am every day ⏰ */
@Scheduled(cron = "0, 0, 11 * *?)
public void reportCurrentTimeTask(a) {
    Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
    int week = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);

    try {
        if(week ! =1) { 😯 **/sendText(); sendMarkdown(); }}catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); }}Copy the code

Finally: this piece of optimization is written behind, because the same dish has been found before, and then colleagues said that this is not intelligent, and then I took out the free time to do this piece of optimization, as far as the present, there is no problem! I rarely write articles, the analysis and summary of the project is like this, if you have any questions welcome