
JS two big data types

Officially defined names:

  • Primitive value type
  • Object data type

Primitive value types commonly known as simple data types, basic data types Object data types commonly known as complex data types, reference data types

Primitive value type

  • Number
  • String
  • Boolean
  • null
  • undefined
  • Symbol
  • bigint

The Number type

  • Members are numbers, NaN, Infinity, -infinity
  • NaN: The rate is of type Number, but not a valid Number
  • Infinity / – Infinity representative is infinite | minus Infinity

Number is special

  • We shouldn’t compare NaN to a number when we compare a significant number
/* NaN does not equal NaN */
console.log(NaN= = =NaN); //=> false

/* NaN does not equal any number */
console.log(NaN= = =1); //=> false
console.log(NaN= = =Infinity) // false
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  • We should use isNaN when we want to see if a number is a significant number
/* isNaN method is a built-in JS function */
isNaN(NaN) //=> true
isNaN(1) //=> false
isNaN(Infinity) //=> false
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Summary of the Number type

  • NaN does not equal NaN, so we should use isNaN instead of comparing equality to determine whether it is a significant number
  • IsNaN returns true if it is not a significant number, false if it is a significant number

Type String

  • Anything enclosed by single, double, or backquotes is called a string
  • Backquoted strings also called template strings are ES6 syntax
/* Single quotes' */
var str1 = 'This is a string.';

/* Double quotes "" */
var str2 = "This is a string.";

/* backquotes' '*/
var str3 = 'This is a string';
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Pay attention to

  • Double quotes cannot enclose double quotes, single quotes cannot enclose single quotes, and backquotes cannot enclose backquotes. But they can wrap each other
  • If you want to concatenate two characters, use the hyphen (+).
/* concatenates strings */
var str1 = 'connection' + 'characters';

/* symbols wrap each other */
var str2 = 'See' love 'see' meaning ';
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String summary

  • No matter what the content is, as long as the single quote, double quote, backquote is wrapped around a string, right
  • The same symbol is not allowed to be wrapped

Boolean type

  • Boolean has only true and false values
  • False only if a value is an empty string, an empty array, the digits zero, null, or undefined

Null and undefined

  • Null: indicates that this result is expected
  • Undefined: this result is unexpected
  • Both null and undefined mean empty


/* The parent node that gets the page's HTML(root) tag is expected */
var html = document.documentElement.parentNode;
console.log(html) //=> the result is null because the syntax knows that the root tag has no parent node, as expected

/* Get a nonexistent property of the object unexpected */
var obj = { name: 'obj' };
console.log(obj['age']); //=> undefined, because the syntax does not know that obj has the age property when it goes to fetch it, it is not unexpected, so undefined
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Summary of null and undefined

Undefined when trying to get a property that is not known and does not exist and null when trying to get a property that is known but is empty

Symbol type

  • ES6 syntax added
  • A value declared with Symbol is unique and not enumerable


/* Declare that the two symbols are equal */
console.log(Symbol('A') = = =Symbol('A'));  // The result is false because they are identical, but both values are unique, so false

/* Gets the attribute */ in the object with the Symbol value as the key name
var sy = Symbol('A');
var obj = {
    name: 'obj',
    [sy]: 'symbolA'[Symbol('B')]: 'symbolB'
console.log(obj[Symbol('B')]); Obj => Symbol('B'); obj => Symbol('B')
console.log(obj[sy]); //=> symbolA, which refers to the same variable as obj so it gets the value

// Use object.keys to get enumerable properties
console.log(Object.keys(obj)); //=> ['name']

/ / need to use the Object. GetOwnPropertySymbols this method can only obtain symbol value
consoe.log(getOwnPropertySymbols(obj)); //=>[Symbol(A), Symbol(B)]

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Symbol type summary

  • Symbol(‘A’) just uses ‘A’ as an identifier, but its value is still unique
  • Symbol value cannot be enumerated, need to use the Object. The getOwnPropertySymbols to obtain
  • If you want to get the same result, you need to use variables to hold the value temporarily. Otherwise you can’t get it

BigInt type

  • ES6 syntax added
  • BigInt ensures accuracy when working with very large numbers
  • A number followed by an n indicates that the number is of type BigInt

/* To BigInt */
console.log(BigInt(100)); //=> 100n

/* BinInt converts the data type to Number */
console.log(Number(9123452334564571n.toString())); / / = > 9123452334564571
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BigInt type summary

  • A number followed by n is of type BinInt
  • When the operation exceeds the safe number, use the BigInt type, otherwise the accuracy will be incorrect
  • BitInt reverses the Number type by converting it to a string and then to a Number

Object data type

  • Standard common object
  • Standard special object
  • Non-standard special objects
  • Callable/executable object

Standard common object

  • Consists of 0 to multiple key/value pairs => {key: value}
  • Keys can only be strings and symbols


/* Define a normal standard object */
var name = 'obj';
var obj = { name: 'obj' };

console.log(obj[name]); // =>undefined 'obj' ['obj']
console.log(obj['name']); //=> 'obj'
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Standard special object

  • Built-in classes in JS
  • Array, date, error


/* Built-in date object */
console.dir(Date); //=> Print details using dir instead of log
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Non-standard special objects

  • Based on the primitive value type, which is based on the instance of the constructor new
/* new a nonstandard special object */
console.log(new Number(1)); //=> Number {1}
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Executable/callable object

  • Function object
  • A function is a special object

At the end

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