Writing in the front

I used to work in 360 Enterprise security in Beijing. At that time, because I finished my four-year college study in Beijing, I took the opportunity to work in Beijing through school recruitment. But the house is in the south, more like some diet and living habits of the south, so the company in guangzhou to shenzhen, especially tencent covets already a long time, so in the middle of August this year began to prepare for the interview, interview process has experienced more than a month, or in the middle of October to shenzhen tencent’s offer, now has nearly three months. In the process of preparing for the interview, I read many books on the Internet, which was very helpful to me. Here for the moment to write down their own face, I hope to now prepare for the interview of the students have some help.

One side (telephone)

  • Merging two arrays
  • A memory leak
  • closure
  • Object-oriented understanding
  • Functional programming understanding
  • Fibonacci numbers? How do you optimize?
  • HTTP is different from HTTPS
  • HTTPS setup process
  • What do you know about microservices?
  • Find the sum of three numbers in the array is n

Second interview (telephone interview)

  • Is there any research on design
  • What color is red suitable for and taboo for
  • Vue vs. React
  • React Fiber architecture
  • Do you have any ideas for implementing a CSS framework
  • What is the time complexity of binary search?
  • Have you seen the introduction to algorithms
  • Do you know anything about the picture
  • HTTP establishes the connection process, why not four or two handshakes
  • How do software managers analyze requirements? What was the biggest takeaway? Now flip it over and think about what you did right, what you could do better?
  • How does the authority management of Sky Qing do?
  • How is the Sky Engine style divided?
  • Planning for the future
  • Why do you want to work in Shenzhen
  • Why don’t you come to Shenzhen directly after graduation
  • Interested in full stack in the future
  • Do you know about c++ and go

Three sides (site side)

  • Front-end future planning?
  • Three years from now?
  • Is there a specific line you want to pursue? To B? To C? The whole stack?
  • What problem is Node mainly used to solve?
  • What are the advantages of Node as a BFF?
  • Do you know anything about project monitoring?
  • Do you know anything about microservices
  • What about Docker?
  • What was engaged in front end then?
  • What is the whole learning process?
  • Introduce the department team

Questions to ask your interviewer:

What is the front and back end technology stack currently adopted by the department? Why did the project need to be refactored? Was there a problem with the original architecture? If I am lucky enough to join your company, what will I be responsible for? What do you expect of me?

Four sides (Director’s side)

  • What are the opportunities and challenges for the front end with the advent of 5G era?
  • Html4, HTML5 is built on HTTP, what problems should the next generation of HTTP solve?
  • What do you think of the current mainstream front-end frameworks?
  • So you have Github, what do you do on Github?
  • What source code has Github seen about the front-end project?
  • Have you mentioned PR to any source code?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of restful interface architecture?
  • What are the security problems caused by restful interface architecture and how can they be solved?
  • Are there disagreements in teamwork? What was the final solution? When did you end up with the solution you suggested?
  • What do you think is the way Tencent works in your impression?
  • Why do you want to leave 360?


I felt that I asked some in-depth questions in the interview process, but I was not fully prepared and my answers were not perfect. However, I finally got the offer smoothly and returned to the South happily.

I prepared for a long time before the interview, brush a lot of big factory interview questions, free to share with you, it is a Thanksgiving feedback.


  • Outline the difference between SRC and href.
  • What are the picture formats that you will use to make web pages?
  • Do you know what microformats are? Talk about understanding. Should microformats be considered in front end builds?
  • After CSS/JS code goes live, developers often optimize performance. From the moment the user refreshes the web page, where does a JS request usually get cached?
  • There are a large number of pictures on a page (large e-commerce website), the loading is very slow, what methods do you have to optimize the loading of these pictures to give users a better experience?
  • How do you understand the semantics of HTML structures?
  • What do you need to consider to do SEO from the perspective of the previous end?
  • Is there a way to set CSS styles for a DOM?
  • What are the selectors of CSS?
  • What attributes can be defined in CSS so that a DOM element is not visible to the browser?
  • What is the problem with the hover style not appearing after a hyperlink visit? How to solve it?
  • What is a Css Hack? What are the hacks in IE6, ie7, and IE8?
  • Please write a simple slideshow effect page with Css
  • .

JS based

  • What are JavaScript data types?
  • Given the ID of the Input field, want to obtain the Input value of this Input field, how to do? (No third-party frameworks)
  • How to obtain all the checkboxes in the page? (No third-party frameworks)
  • Set the HTML content of a DIV with a known ID to XXXX and the font color to black (no third-party frames)
  • When a DOM node is clicked, we want to be able to execute a function. What should we do? .
  • What are closures, what are their features, and how do they affect the page
  • How do I prevent event bubbling and default events
  • Add delete replaces the method inserted into a contact
  • Javascript native objects, built-in objects, and host objects
  • Document Load vs. Document Ready
  • The difference between “==” and “===”
  • Javascript’s same-origin policy
  • Write a method to remove the weight of an array
  • .

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JS senior

  • “ECMAScript6” ECMAScript6 “ECMAScript6”
  • What are the methods of asynchronous loading?
  • What’s the difference between documen.write and innerHTML?
  • DOM manipulation – How to add, remove, move, copy, create, and find nodes?
  • What is the difference between call() and.apply()?
  • What are the native methods for arrays and objects?
  • JS how to implement a class. How do I instantiate this class
  • Scope and variable declaration enhancement in JavaScript?
  • How to write high-performance Javascript?
  • Which operations cause memory leaks?
  • How many ways can javascript objects be created?
  • Six ways to Inherit javascript?
  • What does Eval do?
  • JavaScript prototype, prototype chain? What are the characteristics?
  • What is the difference between events, IE and Firefox’s event mechanism? How do I stop bubbling?
  • Describe Sass and Less briefly and explain the differences.
  • What about the difference between the apply() and call() methods in javascript?
  • .


  • What are the two cores of vue.js
  • How does vUE’s bidirectional binding work?
  • What are the VUE lifecycle hook functions?
  • What is the difference between V-IF and V-show?
  • Vue is a common modifier
  • nextTick
  • What is the VUE lifecycle
  • Data response (data hijacking)
  • Virtual DOM principle
  • Advantages of Proxy over defineProperty
  • vuex
  • The function of the key value in vUE
  • Why does data have to be a function in a Vue component?
  • Priority of V-for and V-IF
  • Name at least 4 vUE directives and their usage
  • The vUE neutron component calls the parent component’s method
  • A method in VUE that a parent component calls a child component
  • Vue passes values between page-level components
  • Talk about the dynamic components of VUE
  • The function of keep-Alive built-in components
  • .


  • Can you describe the difference between progressive enhancement and graceful degradation?
  • Why is it more efficient to use multiple domain names to store website resources?
  • Please discuss your understanding of web standards and the importance of standards-setting bodies.
  • Please describe the difference between cookies, sessionStorage and localStorage
  • How to distinguish: DOCTYPE declaration \ new structural element \ functional element
  • Semantic understanding?
  • HTML5 offline storage?
  • Write a document declaration for HTML5
  • New tags for HTML5 and CSS3
  • Own understanding of the semantics of labels
  • .

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