One netizen was outraged because the suspected programmer at Didi said he earned 12,000 yuan a month after four years of work. So he said, “Enough with insulting salaries!” Apparently, the didi employee’s position is not very low-level, but could be a programmer or a junior manager. Didi Chuxing is a small giant among Internet companies, along with Toutiao and Meituan, so he feels uncomfortable being paid less at a big company.

“I’ve been working for four years, and my monthly salary was 9,000 yuan six months ago, but now it’s 26,000 yuan,” said an employee from netease Games. So jump when it’s time to jump, jump when it’s time to jump. However, this netizen’s salary increase is really too scary, nearly three times the salary in six months.

Some people think that such a salary increase is not feasible, how can it be so much increase. But a kuaishou employee came out to say that his salary was more than doubled after his job-hopping. He has been working for three and a half years. Six months ago, his salary was only 11,000 yuan, but now it is 24,000 yuan. So it’s not a big deal to double your salary, it’s a big deal to change your salary by 50%.

But there are people who disagree, so make an objective statement. In Didi Chuxing, the salary of 9,000 yuan is too low. You need to see if you can handle higher-paying responsibilities first. Venting shows that you don’t have the courage to change. So look at yourself first and see if you fit the company’s requirements. There’s a good chance you’re not technically good, or you wouldn’t be here complaining.

Some people are doing the same thing, making $8,000 or $9,000, but some people can go from $16,000 to $25,000. Doubling it is not easy, but there are many people who can halve it. Working hours is not the limit of a programmer’s salary, the key is to see the skill level and business ability ah. If you can, I believe you will soon go to another job, then don’t stick to a shitty place. If you want to be comfortable as a programmer, suck it up, but if you want a high salary and the ability to hone your skills, work hard.

What are the skills a Java programmer must master to get paid at a large Internet company?

A: framework source code analysis

Learn about Java technology architecture, design patterns, popular frameworks and components

— Common design patterns, coding necessary, Spring5, do the latest framework essential to application, MyBatis, play database essential components……

Two: engineering and tools

To do a good job, you must first sharpen its tools, whether it is white, or senior developers, playing with Java technology system, choosing good tools, improving development efficiency and team collaboration efficiency, is essential:

Maven, project management

Jenkins, continuous integration

Sonar, code quality management

Git, version management

Three: Distributed architecture

High concurrency, high availability, large amounts of data, and no distributed architecture knowledge is possible:

Principles of Distributed Architecture

Distributed Architecture Strategy

Distributed middleware

Distributed Architecture Practice

Four: microservice architecture

Business is becoming more and more complex, and services are layered. Micro-service architecture is the only way to upgrade architecture. What are the technologies related to Micro-service in Java technology system?

Microservices Framework

Spring Cloud

Docker and virtualization

Microservices Architecture

Five: performance optimization

Any PPT architect who is detached from the details is a bully. He can operate from the top and solve first-line performance problems from the bottom. Java technology system needs to understand:

Performance index system

The JVM tuning

Web tuning

The DB tuning

Six: basic knowledge

From architecture design, to application layer tuning, and then in-depth understanding of the underlying principles, solid Java basic skills can make me become a sweeping monk:

The memory model

Concurrent mode

Threading model

Lock details etc.

I will share the technical points involved in the article and make a video for everyone to download for free, hoping to help friends and children in this industry development, spend less time looking for information in forums and blogs and other places, the limited time, really spend on learning, so I share these information. I believe that for those who have already worked and encountered technical bottlenecks or write blog code friends, there must be content you need in this information.

Data claim: Plus VX: Yunduoa2019 claim!

Get past Java Advanced Architecture materials, source code, notes, videos. Dubbo, Redis, Design pattern, Netty, ZooKeeper, Spring Cloud, distributed, high concurrency and other architecture technologies