1. Think and summarize 
What are some good habits that you can maintain in the long run
- Prepare what you are going to say before the meeting rather than just saying it off the cuff.
- Before you leave work, plan out your tasks for the next day and estimate how long each task will take.
- Not afraid to admit when you’re wrong, not overwrite it;
- Be willing to do what others are unwilling to do.
2. This week we learned 

2.1 Computer Bus
This week you learned the definition of computer buses, their classification, and why they were introduced.
Computer Bus (I)
2.2 Use the InheritedWidget of Flutter
InheritedWidget is an important functional component of Flutter that provides a way for data to be passed and shared from top to bottom in the widget tree.
For example, if we share data with an InheritedWidget in the root widget of our app, we can retrieve that shared data in any child widget!
This feature comes in handy in scenarios where you need to share data in the widget tree!
For example, the Flutter SDK uses inheritedWidgets to share app Theme and Locale information.
For details about how to use InheritedWidget, please refer to:
Data sharing (InheritedWidget)
Here’s an important point about InheritedWidget:
What is the difference between dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType () and getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType ()?
The difference is that the former registers dependencies while the latter does not.
So the call dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType (), InheritedWidget and rely on it and of the sons of component relationship registration is complete, when after InheritedWidget changes, will update depends on its components, That is, the didChangeDependencies() and build() methods that call these descendant components.
And when the call is getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType (), since there is no registration dependencies, so after when InheritedWidget changes, the children will not update the corresponding Widget.
3. Reading to improve 
3.1 Characteristics of pragmatic Programmers:
- Early adopter/quick fitter: You have an instinct for techniques and techniques and like to experiment;
- Curious: You tend to ask questions;
- Critical Thinker: You rarely accept a given reality without confirmation;
- Realism: You try to understand the nature of each problem you face.
- Generalist: You strive to familiarize yourself with various technologies and environments;
- Focus on improving your skills;
- Keep thinking and summarizing your work.
4. Gossip 
I recommend a method to relieve cervical vertebra pain. I insisted on practicing for 5 days, and the neck did not hurt. This method is called McKee therapy.
Mind you, it’s McKenzie, not KFC.
You can directly go to B station search:
5. Postscript 
I heard that good-looking people like to give me a thumbs-up !
See you next week!