Developing JavaScript libraries with TypeScript rollup+ Commitizen + Husky (1)

Submit specifications

  1. Install and configure Commitizen
// Install commitizen globally

Mac:Math fanyanbo$ npm install commitizen -g

// Check the version number

Mac:Math fanyanbo$ npm view commitizen version 


// Project directory execution to support the Angular specification's Commit Message

Mac:Math fanyanbo$ commitizen init cz-conventional-changelog --save --save-exact

Copy the code
  1. Install and configure CommitLint
// Install dependency packages

Mac:Math fanyanbo$ npm install -D @commitlint/config-conventional @commitlint/cli --registry

// Create the configuration file in the root directory

Mac:Math fanyanbo$ touch commitlint.config.js

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// commitlint.config.js

/ / configuration rules

module.exports = {

    extends: ['@commitlint/config-conventional'].

    rules: {

        'type-enum': [2.'always'[



        'scope-empty': [1.'never'].

        'subject-case': [0.'always'].

        'scope-case': [0]



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For the Angular specification, the commitlint rules configuration, please click here

  1. Install and configure Husky

Before installing Husky, configure the git environment for the project. Otherwise, the following error will be displayed

husky > Setting up git hooks

fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

husky > Failed to install

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Create the project repository Math on Github or GitLab at with your username/math.git

/ / configure git

Mac:Math fanyanbo$ git init

Mac:Math fanyanbo$git remote add Origin Your username/math.git

Mac:Math fanyanbo$ git remote -v

Origin Your username/math.git (fetch)

Origin Your username/math.git (push)

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Install Husky locally

Mac:Math fanyanbo$ npm install -D husky --registry

Mac:Math fanyanbo$ npm view husky version


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Configure husky in package.json and commit message with commitLint validation

// package.js


  "husky": {

    "hooks": {

      "commit-msg""commitlint -E HUSKY_GIT_PARAMS"




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With git Cz commit, there will be a boot prompt after git Cz is executed

Mac:Math fanyanbo$ git add .

Mac:Math fanyanbo$ git cz

[email protected][email protected]

? Select the type of change that you're committing: (Use arrow keys)

❯ feat:     A new feature 

  fix:      A bug fix 

  docs:     Documentation only changes 

  style:    Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc) 

  refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature 

  perf:     A code change that improves performance 

  test:     Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests 

(Move up and down to reveal more choices)

// Enter type, scope, and description as prompted. Type is mandatory

? Select the type of change that you'
re committing: feat:     A new feature

? What is the scope of this change (e.g. component or file name): (press enter to skip) all

? Write a short, imperative tense description of the change (max 89 chars):

 (12) init project

? Provide a longer description of the change: (press enter to skip)


? Are there any breaking changes? No

? Does this change affect any open issues? No

Husky > commit- MSG (node v14.15.0)

[master 14de90e] feat(all): init project

 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)

// Commit to the remote repository

Mac:Math fanyanbo$ git push

Copy the code

Github description (feat(all): Init Project) is a short description

Or commit with Git commit and demonstrate both non-standard and canonical formats respectively

Mac:Math fanyanbo$ git add .

Mac:Math fanyanbo$ git commit -m "This is not a canonical commit message"

Husky > commit- MSG (node v14.15.0)

⧗ input: This is not a canonical commit message

* Subject may not be empty [subject-empty]

✖   type may not be empty [type-empty]

⚠   scope may not be empty [scope-empty]

* Found 2 problems, 1 warnings

ⓘ   Get help:

husky > commit-msg hook failed (add --no-verify to bypass)

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An invalid message format will throw the above error, preventing the commit. The validation rules are configured in commitlint.config.js

Mac:Math fanyanbo$ git commit -m Feat (all): This is a commit message

Husky > commit- MSG (node v14.15.0)

[Master 1996AC2] feat(all

 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

Mac:Math fanyanbo$ git push

Copy the code

Description Github Commits (feat(All)

  1. Install the standard version

Standard-version updates the version number and automatically generates the Changle log

Mac:Math fanyanbo$ npm install -D standard-version --registry

// Configure in package.json scripts"version""standard-version -r patch"

Mac:Math fanyanbo$ npm run version

> [email protected] version/Users/fanyanbo/juejin/Math

> standard-version -r patch

✔ bumping version inPackage. json from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1

✔ bumping version inPackage-lock. json from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1

✔ created CHANGELOG. The md

➤ ➤ Outputting changes to

Configure package-lock.json and package.json and

Husky > commit- MSG (node v14.15.0)

✔ tagging release v1.0.1

ℹ Run `git push --follow-tags origin master && npm publish` to publish

Mac:Math fanyanbo$ git push

Copy the code

As shown above, NPM run version increases the revision number by 1 from v1.0.0 to v1.0.1. It is also convenient to change the major and minor versions

In addition, a changlogel. md file is automatically generated in the root directory, which records the previous commit messages

Of course, the generation of Changle log can also use xconvention-Changelog-CLI tool, this article does not do the specific introduction, interested can learn by themselves, please stamp here


Content is more extensive, not in-depth, we take its essence to its dregs.