
To be a good Android developer, you need a complete body of knowledge. Here, let’s grow together into what we want to be.

  • PagerAdapter is introduced
  • ViwePager cache policy
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The body of the

1, to make a smooth ListView as possible, how do you usually optimize in your work?

2. How much do you know about Android security issues

3. How to reduce the size of APK package?

4. What are symmetric and asymmetric encryption in the way Android interacts with the server?

5. What happens when the device switches between vertical and horizontal screens?

6. What are the two ways to start a Service on Android? What are their applications?

7. What is your understanding of Context in Android?

Is the onCreate callback to the Service in the UI thread?

9. Please introduce the internal implementation of AsyncTask. What are the applicable scenarios?

10. What is your understanding of Binder mechanisms?

11. What are the implementation methods of interprocess communication in Android?

12. Introduce the basic process of implementing a custom view

13. What is the transfer mechanism of touch event in Android?

14. What are the implementation methods of Android multithreading?

15. When to use multiple processes in Android development? What are the benefits of using multiple processes?

16. What is ANR? How can ANR be avoided and resolved?

17. What are the common ideas for solving sliding conflicts under Android?

18, How to set an application as a system application?

19. Android memory leak research

20. What’s a good way to detect memory leaks?

These are the most common questions I get asked in interviews, both large and small.


The first is to feel that their foundation is not enough, big factories seem to like to ask these underlying principles.

Another part of the reason is that the information has not finished reading, on the one hand, with that information before the examination of the surprise make up for a few days can also easily cope with (here still want to thank the information, really cattle), so I feel good, the information is not how to go on.

My previous preparation only involved Java, Android, computing network, data structure and algorithm, which was not enough for the interviewers to investigate other basic courses.

Next or should check a leak to fill a vacancy, undertake targeted review.

Finally finally, that set of data this time must see all, is really too comprehensive, each knowledge point has covered, almost I interview all the knowledge point of the problem have inside! Here is also free to share with you, I hope you don’t make the same mistake as me!! Make sure you finish it!

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