This is the 21st day of my participation in the August Text Challenge.More articles in August

The initial ZBlog

Z-Blog official website, open source free, small and powerful Blog procedures and CMS station. Z-Blog and Z-BlogPHP, is not only a Blog program, but also a CMS site building system. With more than ten years of experience, they have strong customizability, rich plug-in interface and independent theme templates, and are committed to providing excellent blog writing experience to domestic users.

ZBlog characteristics

  • Support PHP 5.2-7.4, 8.0
  • Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite databases
  • One-click download of application themes and plug-ins
  • Support online installation, online update and verification
  • The user center
  • Unify all account system of Z-blog website
  • Support GitHub and QQ login
  • Mobile phone binding
  • Open up two-step verification and single-pass Token system
  • Support Access+MSSQL dual database
  • Can achieve static, pseudo static, dynamic pages
  • New default theme and background UI
  • Carefully build a new application center

Quick start

A key to install

1, select pagoda one key deployment source code

2. Select z-Blog source code

3. Click one-click deployment

4, enter the domain name, remarks, root directory, database, select source, default source, select PHP version, general version default.

5. Click Create to deploy the source code

6. Z-blog has been successfully deployed and can be accessed directly.

7. Enter the domain name in the browser and click to visit. If the following page appears, the establishment is successful. Isn’t that easy?

Management control

1. Click Login background

2. Enter the user name and password
3, modify the site name, click on the background site Settings, modify the site title

4. After the modification is completed, show little Ajie’s blog on the home page of the website

5, in the website background left, you can create a new article, management directory: article management, page management, classification management, label management, comment management, attachment management user management and module management. Can be related to the article information management.

6, publish the first article, click new article, enter the title and body of the article,

7. Select category, status, tag, publication date and author. Click Publish as shown below.

8, in the website home page that just published the article, is not very simple, hurry up to establish their own blog published.


If you have a personal technical website or blog, you can also exchange and learn together, add a friendship link. About the author: [Little Ajie] a love tinkering with the program ape, JAVA developers and enthusiasts. Public number [Java full stack architect] maintainer, welcome to pay attention to reading communication.

Well, thank you for reading, I hope you like it, if it is helpful to you, welcome to like collection. If there are shortcomings, welcome comments and corrections. See you next time.