Front knowledge
Rapid prototyping
- VueCli provides a plug-in for rapid prototyping (running a component on its own)
- An additional global extension needs to be installed first:
npm install -g @vue/cli-service-global
- use
vue serve
Quickly view components in action
Vue serve If no parameter is specified, the following entry files will be found in the current directory by default: main.js, index.js, app.vue, app.vue
- You can specify which components to load
vue serve ./src/login.vue
Multirepo(Multiple Repository)
Each package corresponds to a project
Monorepo strategy
Monorepo is a software development strategy that stores code for multiple projects in a repository. (Manage multiple modules/packages in a project repository)
Since there are many articles about both strategies, here is a brief introduction to the advantages, but not the disadvantages
Flexibility: Each REPO has the flexibility to choose development tools, environment configurations, and so on
Security: natural permission control, release online no impact on other projects
- Visual component display platform
- Interactive presentation of components in an isolated development environment
- Independent development component
- Supported frameworks: ⬇️
React, React Native, Vue, Angular, Ember, HTML, Svelte, Mithril, Riot
Storybook installation
npx -p @storybook/cli sb init --type vue
npm i vue
npm i vue-loader vue-template-compiler --dev
Copy the code
Storybook configuration
Configure the matching path in main.js in the.sotrybook file
module.exports = {
"stories": [
+ "../packages/**/*.stories.@(js|jsx|ts|tsx)"
"addons": [
"framework": "@storybook/vue"
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Build the component library document
Portal official document
Use the YARN workspace
Set the following code in the package.json file in the project root directory to start the workspace.
"private": true."workspaces": [
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Next, install the development dependencies to the workspace root
yarn add lodash@4 -D -W
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Install dependencies for the specified workspace
yarn workspace j-button add lodash@3
Copy the code
Install dependencies for all workspaces
yarn install
Copy the code
Lerna is a tool optimized for workflow management of multi-package code repositories using Git and NPM. Official website pass door. For managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages, it can submit code to Git and NPM repositories with one click.
Project initialization
First use NPM to install Lerna into the global environment:
Lerna 2.x is recommended.
npm install --global lerna
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Next, we’ll create a new Git repository:
git init lerna-repo && cd lerna-repo
Copy the code
Now we convert the above warehouse into a Lerna warehouse:
lerna init && npm i
Copy the code
Your repository should currently have the following structure:
Copy the code
Also add Babel plugin (degrade code, improve compatibility)
npm i babel-core@bridge -D
Copy the code
Commonly used instructions
Lerna init => Initialize
Lerna bootstrap => Execute the boot process (bootstrap) in the current LERNA repository. Install all dependencies and link any cross-dependencies.
Lerna import => Import packages/ from the local path and commit commit.
Lerna publish => Import packages/ from the local path and commit commit.
Lerna Changed => Checks which packages have been changed since the last release.
Lerna diff => Lists all or a package’s changes since the last release.
Lerna run [script] => Run this NPM script in every package that contains the [script] script.
Lerna ls => Lists all public packages in the lerNA repository.
Lerna add => Installation dependency: Lerna add dependency file installation address
Lerna link => Link cross-referenced libraries
About the package
It is easier to package component libraries or frameworks Rollup than WebPack. Because Webpack has to configure tree-shaking itself, even if it does, the result package is much more bloated than Rollup, which supports tree-shaking by default.
Install dependencies:
Yarn add rollup rollup-plugin-terser [email protected] vue- template-compiler-d-wCopy the code
Config file rollup.config.js:
import { terser } from 'rollup-plugin-terser'
import vue from 'rollup-plugin-vue'
module.exports = [
input: 'index.js'.output: [{file: 'dist/index.js'.format: 'es'}].plugins: [
// Dynamically inject css as a <style> tag
css: true.// Explicitly convert template to render function
compileTemplate: true
Copy the code
Then add scripts to package.json
Note that package.json is not in the root directory, but in each component’s own package.json
"build": "rollup -c"
Copy the code
Running YARN Workspace J-button run Build will generate the packaged file under j-Button. This command means to use YARN to run the build command in a workspace named J-button, which is the build command that was just added in package.json in the j-Button folder.
However, packaging a component separately is too tedious. Some plug-ins of YARN can be used to package all components together.
yarn add @rollup/plugin-json rollup-plugin-postcss @rollup/plugin-node-resolve -D -W
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@rollup/plugin-json enables rollup to load JSON files as modules, and @rollup/plugin-node-resolve enables rollup to package dependent third-party packages. Then create the rollup configuration file rollup.config.js file in the project root directory
import fs from 'fs' import path from 'path' import json from '@rollup/plugin-json' import vue from 'rollup-plugin-vue' import postcss from 'rollup-plugin-postcss' import { terser } from 'rollup-plugin-terser' import { nodeResolve } from '@rollup/plugin-node-resolve' const isDev = process.env.NODE_ENV ! == 'production' // Public plugin configuration const plugins = [vue({// Dynamically inject CSS as a <style> tag CSS: true, // Explicitly convert template to render function compileTemplate: }), json(), nodeResolve(), postcss({// Insert CSS into style // inject: true, // insert CSS into the same directory as js extract: True})] // If it is not the development environment, Open the compressed isDev | | plugins. Push (terser ()) / / packages folder path const root = path. Resolve (__dirname, 'packages') module.exports = fs.readdirsync (root) Filter (item => fs.statsync (path.resolve(root, Map (item => {const PKG = require(path.resolve(root, item)).isdirectory ()) // Create a configuration for each folder. 'package.json')) return { input: path.resolve(root, item, 'index.js'), output: [ { exports: 'auto', file: path.resolve(root, item, pkg.main), format: 'cjs' }, { exports: 'auto', file: path.join(root, item, pkg.module), format: 'es' }, ], plugins: plugins } })Copy the code
Then configure the script in the package.json file in the root directory
"build": "rollup -c"
Copy the code
Then configure it in package.json for each component:
"main": "dist/cjs/index.js",
"module": "dist/es/index.js",
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Main is where components are packaged and used, while Module is where dependent third-party packages are stored. After the configuration is complete, run the YARN build command in the root directory to automatically package all components under packages.
On clean up
Node_modules can be deleted using lerna clean, and dist folder can be cleared using a third-party library, rimraf:
yarn add rimraf -D -W
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Then configure each component’s package.json with a command:
"del": "rimraf dist"
Copy the code
After that, run yarn Workspaces run del for all packages to delete the dist directory, but it is not advisable to create the same file every time you create a new component.
Lerna release
When a component library is developed and submitted to Github or NPM, Lerna can be used to make it easy to publish all packages in one place.
Lerna is a workflow tool that optimizes the use of Git and NPM to manage indiana Jones repositories. For managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages, Lerna can submit code to Git and NPM repositories with one click.
After Lerna is installed globally, Lerna init is used to initialize Lerna configuration. Git folders are created automatically if the current project is not managed using Git, or if the project does not have packages folders in its root directory.
For publishing, using the yarn lerna command automatically publishes all components in the Packages folder to NPM. Note that the component name may be the same as the existing package name, and the corresponding message will be displayed. Just change the component name. Note That the source of YARN and NPM must be set to the original source, not the source of Taobao. Otherwise, an error will be reported.