In VUE development is the most convenient component, some common places are extracted into a component, need to use the place can be introduced. But modal boxes like Alert, toast, etc., which are cumbersome to introduce each time, can’t be like Elementui? Once registered with vue.use (), it is available by calling this.$alert. This requires the VUE plug-in to implement. Chapter two: The Portal

I. Preparation before plug-in development

If you want to develop a plug-in and publish it to NPM, you should first check the NPM website to see if the name of your plug-in is repeated. If not, you can use it. In this case, the name of our plug-in is vue-modal-plugins, and we are glad that it is not used on NPM.

1, create a directory locally, then NPM init

After init, a package.json file is generated in the directory

  "name": "vue-modal-plugins"."version": "1.0.0"."description": "a modal in vue"."main": "index.js"."scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
  "keywords": [
    "vue-modal"."vue-toast"."vue-modal-plugins"]."author": "mzong"."license": "ISC"
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Create a SRC folder in the root directory to store the source code

Create a lib folder in the SRC directory to store the plugin’s source code.

Second, the specific implementation of plug-in

Let’s look at the code in the lib files

Vue -modal-plugins.vue file

This file is very simple, in this case we just use it to display a text, similar to the toast effect.

  <transition name="fade">
    <div class="vue-modal" v-show="visible">
      <div class="vue-content">
        {{ message }}

<script type="text/ecmascript-6">
export default {
  data () {
    return {
      message: 'hello world! ',
      visible: false} }, methods: { } } </script> <style scoped> .vue-modal{ position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; Background: Rgba (0, 0, 0, 0.3); z-index: 200; } .vue-content{ position: fixed; top: 50%; left: 50%; padding: 10px; width: 270px; height: auto; text-align: center; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); z-index: 201; border-radius: 4px; color:#fff;Background: rgba (0, 0, 65); } .fade-enter-active{ animation: fade-in .3s; } .fade-leave-active{ animation: fade-out .3s; } @keyframes fade-in { 0% { opacity: 0; } 100% { opacity: 1; } } @keyframes fade-out { 0% { opacity: 1; } 100% { opacity: 0; } } </style>Copy the code

Index.js file

This file is the main implementation of plug-ins, such as automatically importing components and mounting $mount to elements. Let’s take a look at the definition of plug-ins on the VUE website

// Initialize the vue plug-in objectletModal = {} // Vue plug-ins must have a public install method. // The first argument to this method is the Vue constructor, and the second argument is an optional modal. install = objectfunction(Vue, options) {// Vue is passed in when vue.use (), options is the option object. Vue.use(Modal, { someOption:true})... } // Finally export the plug-in, you can use vue. use(Modal) in main.js to use it.export default Modal
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We write the implementation code in the install method. This example uses the fourth method to come to VUE, adding the vue instance method.

import vueModalPlugins from './vue-modal-plugins'// Initialize the vue plug-in objectletModal = {} // Vue plug-ins must have a public install method. // The first argument to this method is the Vue constructor, and the second argument is an optional modal. install = objectfunction(Vue, options) {// Vue is passed in when vue.use (), and options are global options // defaultlet opts = {
    duration: 3000
  for (let props in options) {
    if(opts.hasownProperty (props)) {opts[props] = options[props]}} // Add an instance method that can use this in the project.$modal() to call Vue.prototype.$modal = function(message, option) {// The options above are global. You can also replace global options with local optionsif (typeof option == 'object') {
      for (let props in option) {
        if(option.hasownProperty (props)) {opts[props] = option[props]}}} extend extends a Vue component, VueModalController is the same as the object returned by Vue({}) const vueModalController = vuue.extend (vueModalPlugins) // After creating the component instance, New vueModalController({el: document.createElement();'div')}) to mount. //letvueApp = new Vue({... }) exactly the samelet instance = new vueModalController().$mount(document.createElement('div'Instance = "message"; // When the instance is created, the data in the instance can be modified. To add el to document in the body. The body. The appendChild (instance.$el)
    Vue.nextTick(function() {// The default call Settings are shown as show instance.visible =true}) // Let the popbox hide after a few secondssetTimeout(function() {
      instance.visible = false
      document.body.removeChild(instance.$el)}, opts.duration)} // If$modalThere's more than one way to do it$modalAdd child methods. // This can be called.$
  Vue.prototype.$modal['show'] = function (message, option) {
    Vue.prototype.$modal(message, option)}} // Finally put the plugin everywhere, you can use vue. use(Modal) in main.js to use it.export default Modal
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Specific ideas

  • Import the component and create the component constructor using vue.extend
  • Create instance by new a constructor that manipulates the data in a. Vue file
  • AppendChild: Mount the instance and put it in the body.
  • RemoveChild instance.

Three, plug-in use

NPM install will automatically place the package in node_modules directory. In this case, we will first place the entire plugin folder in node_modules directory

    "main": "./src/lib/index.js"
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The plug-in is now ready to use in the project, introduced and registered in main.js

import vueModalPlugins from 'vue-modal-plugins'
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Let’s just call any page and test it

created () {
    this.$'Hahaha')}Copy the code