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hi! Everybody is good, today to bring my little tool kam set in the second quarter, subject of WeChat assistant, about in June 2019, saw a very interesting project WeChat daily said, had the good of the raspberry pie, want to deploy a version, used to do the daily weather push (forgive my poor, also often be rain) later found in the process of using the web version Wechat does not support wechat login registered after 2017 (there may be more wechat login now). After a long search process, we finally found teacher Zhao Qingming’s course on wechat Hook (it has been removed now), and decided to develop a version of wechat assistant tool as a breakthrough point. At present, the project has been finished

However, due to my limited ability, the DLL I wrote was terrible. Just as a big shot opened his own project (Weike-bot), I was very happy to use Electron to make my wechat assistant tool

Here is a brief introduction to my project

Technology stack

Copy the code

For node-ffi-nAPI you can refer to my Node-ffi from Getting Started to Giving up (Installation) to install it

Version for

Node: 12.16.0-x86 node-gyp: 7.0.0 FFi-nAPI: 2.4.5 wechat version: the code

Wechat: Extraction code: J4m0

Injector and hook file addresses




├ SRC │ ├ Config.ts │ │ ├ Config.ts │ │ ├ Config.ts │ │ ├ Index │ │ ├ ─ ├ ipc, └ │ ├ ipc, └ │ ├ ipc, └ │ ├ ipc, └ │ ├ Exercises, ├ exercises │ ├ ├ API │ ├ apis │ ├ exercises ├ apis │ ├ exercises ├ apis │ ├ exercises ├ exercises │ │ ├ views │ ├ vuexInterface. Ts │ │ ├ views │ ├ vuexInterface Vuex used interface │ │ └ weChatParams. Ts / / WeChat hook used interface │ ├ mainProcess / / main process store address │ │ ├ BrowserWindow / / main process configuration file │ │ │ └ │ │ ├ ├ SRC/exercises ├ ├ SRC/exercises │ ├ ├ SRC/exercises │ ├ ├ SRC/exercises │ ├ ├ SRC/exercises │ ├ ├ SRC/exercises │ ├ ├ SRC/exercises │ ├ ├ SRC/exercises │ ├ ├ SRC/exercises │ ├.exercises │ ├.exercises │ ├.exercises │ ├.exercises │ ├.exercises │ ├.exercises │ ├.exercises │ ├.exercises │ │ ├ bass Exercises API │ │ ├ Turing. exercises │ ├ turing. exercises │ ├ turing. exercises │ ├ exercises │ ├ sass │ ├ sass │ ├ exercises │ ├ sass │ ├ exercises │ ├ sass │ ├ exercises │ ├ Common │ │ ├ bass │ ├ Components │ │ ├ Content.vue │ │ ├ exercises │ ├ exercises │ │ ├ footer. At the bottom of the vue / / │ │ │ │ │ ├ navigation. The vue / / the left sidebar │ │ │ │ │ └ title. The vue / / head │ │ │ │ └ index. The vue file / / general home page entry │ │ ├ mix.└ │ ├ mix.txt │ │ ├ mix.txt │ │ ├ mix.txt │ │ ├ tool │ │ ├ API │ ├ API │ ├ common │ ├ exercises │ ├ common │ ├ exercises │ ├ exercises └ │ ├ exercises, ├ routes, └ │ ├ exercises, └ │ ├ routes, └ │ ├ exercises, exercises, exercises, exercises, exercises, exercises, exercises │ │ ├ exercises │ ├ modules │ │ ├ main. │ │ ├ userList. │ │ ├ exercises │ │ ├ exercises. │ │ ├ exercises. │ │ ├ exercises │ └ │ ├ ache, │ ├ ache, │ ├ ache, │ ├ ache, │ ├ ache, │ ├ ache, │ ├ ache, │ ├ ache, │ ├ ache │ │ ├ SendMsg │ │ ├ SendMsgPage │ │ ├ userList │ │ │ List │ │ ├ sendSGPage │ │ ├ SendSGPage ├ listitom. vue │ │ ├ listWrapper. Vue │ │ ├ listitom. vue │ │ ├ listitom. vue │ │ ├ listWrapperset│ ├ │ ├ sendmsgpage. └ │ ├ Tool, └ exercisestype// │ ├ App. Vue │ ├ Background │ ├ main. Ts │ ├ registerServiceWorker │ ├ shims-node │ ├ exercises, ├ exercises package, ├.json │ ├ exercises package, │ ├ exercises package, │ ├ exercises package, │ ├ exercises package, │ ├ exercises Tsconfig. Json └ vue. Config. JsCopy the code

Introduction of electron

Electron is a GitHub cross-platform desktop application development tool that uses JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to build cross-platform desktop applications, itself based on C++



The main process

Inject DLLS into the wechat process

import ffi from "ffi-napi";
import { DllInject } from "@/interface/mainInterface";
import { join } from "path";

export default class Inject {
  private Handel: DllInject;

  public constructor(dllPath: string) {
    this.Handel = ffi.Library(dllPath, {
      Inject: ['int'["string"."string"]]

  public Inject(dllPath: string, exePath: string): number {
    returnthis.Handel.Inject(dllPath, exePath); } public StatusCode(code: number): string { const StatusCode: { [p: number]: string; } = {0:"Success",
      1: "Wechat process is not found. Please confirm whether wechat is open.",
      2: "Failed to open process",
      3: Failed to allocate memory space,
      4: "Write to memory failed",
      5: "Failed to find LoadLibraryA",
      6: "Failed to start remote thread"
    return StatusCode[code]

const InDllPath = join(global.__static, "/dll/demoInject.dll");
const BeInDllPath = join(global.__static, "/ DLL/version2.9.0.123- DLL");

const WeChatInject = new Inject(this.InDllPath);

WeChatInject.Inject(BeInDllPath, "WeChat.exe");

Copy the code

Rendering process

Later, I sorted out the API and provided the address, but the content was too much. I found it was not good after writing, so I deleted it

Thank you

Thank you cixingguangming55555 for your wechat bot


The original intention of this project is to solve the need to passively reply to messages/send documents in daily life. It is strictly prohibited to be used for advertising/promotion

Wechat Assistant does not belong to the assistant tool recognized by Tencent, so the use of marketing, advertising and other behaviors will lead to the closure of the account, which is also the reason why I said it is strictly prohibited to use for advertising/promotion, I hope you can use it within the scope allowed by Tencent

Such as secondary development for girlfriend to query dry and wet garbage, daily weather report and so on, at the same time, welcome it friends to add friends to study the front-end c++ knowledge (I front-end one, can some simple c++)