About why you did Electron

Last year, I saw a lot of tweets on wechat about electron and flutter. I was lazy at that time and didn’t take the initiative to understand relevant knowledge. Recently, colleagues in the department shared some daily repetitive behaviors with shell scripts or Google plug-ins. In my mind, I always logged in TO QQ or wechat every time I uploaded pictures of a specified size, and used the screenshots to capture pictures of the corresponding size. Every time I adjusted the 1px distance, I felt frantic. Electron is the development of desktop application, why not use electron to achieve this function, only input width and height, to generate a specified size of the picture, and then the background color of the picture to specify a custom, do not fill a random color. Ness, having identified his needs, can happily learn

Related versions before starting:

Node: 12.13.0 electron: 8.2.5Copy the code

A, install,

During the installation process, it is found that the install step has been stuck. Currently, the taobao source is found, and some configurations need to be added:

NPM config list Displays the userconfig location

After finding the address of the.npmrc file, add a sentence to that file


Ok, now you can run NPM install -g electron

Electron provides a sample repository for quick startup

git clone https://github.com/electron/electron-quick-start
cd electron-quick-start
npm install && npm start
Copy the code

Second, write,

My daily development habit is React + TS + ANTD, if this environment then the development of functions will be more convenient

Create the React + TS project

create-react-app my-tools --template typescript
cd my-tools
npm start
Copy the code

Now you see the classic React startup page

2. Introduce ANTD and babel-plugin-import

npm install antd --save

npm install babel-plugin-import --save-dev

Install react-app-rewired, cross-env, and customize-cra

npm i -D react-app-rewired cross-env customize-cra

React-app-rewired2.x requires customize-cra installation to modify the WebPack configuration


/* package.json */
"scripts": {
   "start": "react-app-rewired start"."build": "react-app-rewired build"."test": "react-app-rewired test",}Copy the code

Create a react-app-rewired config file config-overrides. Js to extend the webpack configuration

Antd needs to be loaded on demand

/* config-overrides.js */
const { override, fixBabelImports, } = require("customize-cra");

module.exports = override(
  fixBabelImports("import", {
    libraryName: "antd", libraryDirectory: "es", style: 'css',}));Copy the code

5. Write page code

TSX file, add some style definitions to react-app-env.d.ts, and change tsconfig.json from strict to false.

6. Install the ELECTRON environment and configure the entry file

npm i -D electron

/* main.js */
const { app, BrowserWindow } = require('electron');
const path = require('path');

let mainWindow = null;
const createWindow = () => {
  let mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
    width: 800,
    height: 600,
    webPreferences: {
      nodeIntegration: true,}}); /** * loadURL is divided into two cases * 1. Development environment, pointing to the react development environment address * 2. Production environment, pointing to index.html */ const startUrl = process.env.node_env ==='development'
      ? 'http://localhost:3000'
      :  path.join(__dirname, "/build/index.html");

  mainWindow.on('closed'.function () {
    mainWindow = null;

app.on('ready', createWindow);

app.on('window-all-closed'.function () {
  if(process.platform ! = ='darwin') app.quit();

app.on('activate'.function () {
  if (mainWindow === null) createWindow();
Copy the code

7. Add related scripts

/* package.json */
"main": "main.js"."author": "xuanye"."description": "Personal Toolset"."scripts": {
    "start": "cross-env BROWSER=none react-app-rewired start"."start-electron": "cross-env NODE_ENV=development electron ."."start-electron-prod": "electron ."
Copy the code

8. Test the effect of the page

A command line window runs the React project

npm run start

Another command line window runs the electron project

npm run start-electron

After startup, the following window will appear

As for why there are two command lines, we have already stated in the main.js file that in the development environment we are loading port 3000. If you do not start the React project, then running the electron command will create an empty desktop application.

Three, packaging,

1. Add the electron builder tool

npm i -D electron-builder

2. Add scripts and package related configurations

Make an icon

The icon name must contain 256

The content of the NSIS configuration item is configured as required

/* package.json */
  "homepage": "."// Avoid the situation where resources such as CSS cannot be found"scripts": {
    "build-electron": "electron-builder"
  "build": {// Package name"appId": "com.xxx.xxx"// The project name, which is also the generated installation file name"productName": "Toolset"// Copyright information"copyright": "Copyright © 2020"// An error is reported when the extends is not set to null: Application Entry File"build/electron.js" does not exist
    "extends": null,
    "directories": {// Output file path"output": "build-electron"
    "files": [
      "./build/**/*"."./main.js"."./package.json"]."win": {// Win-related configurations"icon": "./favicon_256.ico", /* How to name the generated startup file */"artifactName": "${productName}.${ext}"
    "nsis": {// Whether to install with one click and cannot change the directory, the default istrue
      "oneClick": false// Whether permission promotion is allowed. If it isfalse, the user must restart the setup program with the promoted permissions."allowElevation": true, // Whether the installation path can be changed"allowToChangeInstallationDirectory": true// Whether to create desktop ICONS"createDesktopShortcut": true// Create a start menu icon"createStartMenuShortcut": true// Install complete request run"runAfterFinish": true// Install package icon"installerIcon": "./favicon_256.ico"// Uninstall the program icon"uninstallerIcon": "./favicon_256.ico"// Install header icon"installerHeaderIcon": "./build/icons/aaa.ico"// Desktop icon name"shortcutName": "Toolset"}},Copy the code

3. Start packing

Install the React project NPM run build.

Run the NPM run start-electron-prod command to check whether the production environment is running properly

After verification, the project can be packaged into the installation package NPM run build-electron. The installation package is stored in the build-electron directory specified in package.json

If the package is slow, download the corresponding package from the official website and decompress it to the local PC

The following error indicates that the file name of the image should contain 256

After packing, I found that I had been stuck in downloading WinCoDesign-2.6.0. Go to https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder-binaries/releases/tag/winCodeSign-2.6.0 to download the corresponding version winCodeSign (remember to switch to you ), then download the Source Code (zip) file,

And then found to become stuck in NSIS, Go to https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder-binaries/releases/tag/nsis- to download the corresponding version of the nsis (remember to switch to the version you need), Then download the Source Code (zip) file,

Copy the nSIS-resource folder from the file in the previous step.

Show you the file name you want

Once packed, you will see the build-electron folder in the root directory, which contains the executable EXE file. Click to install

The latter

Author and description are mandatory

The image must be 256 * 256

If nSIS is not configured, the application will be automatically installed on drive C

View the ASAR file

npm install -g asar

The asar extrct command takes two parameters: the first parameter is the ASAR file to be extracted and the second parameter is the path to save the extracted file. “./ “means to put it in the root directory.