This article will show you how to code a browser ajax request to carry parameters behind the request

Postman is introduced

Postman is a powerful tool for sending HTTP requests, sending GET, POST, DELETE, and so on, and seeing the results of the requests returned.

Postman download address, download the next step until the installation is successful, open the following interface:

With lessons learned on lesson1 to create a new project, let’s start writing code and using postman to simulate sending requests and debugging the background.

First let’s look at the DemoController code and structure as follows:

The @restController annotation tells SpringBoot that this is a REST requested class so springBoot knows how to load and process it.

RequestMapping is a class annotation, which means that all rest requests must start with this value. As shown in the figure above, all requests in this class must start with Demo

A get request

GetMapping Annotation request This method must be requested using the GET method on the client, and cannot be requested using post or DELETE

There are two ways to carry parameters in a GET request: Method 1: Pass? Followed by parameters

A post request

The request body is used to carry parameters

There are other requests, such as DELETE, options, put, and so on, which are not often used and will not be covered in this article.

Also note that a normal GET request queries the data and does not modify the contents of the database; And the POST request to submit data, change the content of the database, including adding, deleting and changing.

Of course, you can also use GET to query, post to add, put to change, delete to delete data. This can be distinguished using HTTP request methods or path separators:

Such as:

1.get:/user/details? id=abc

Indicates a GET request to obtain detailed data about the user whose ID is ABC id=abc

Indicates a POST request to delete user data whose ID is ABC


  1. The @RestController annotation tells SpringBoot on the class that this is a REST request class
  2. @requsetMapping annotation On a class, all paths requesting the class must take this path parameter
  3. On the method, the annotation is a GET request, and the annotation path
  4. On the method, the annotation is a post request with the annotated path
  5. The @requestParam annotation is used on the parameters of the request path. With arguments, use the &sign with multiple arguments
  6. The @requestbody annotation is on the parameters, the post request is available, and the HTTP RequestBody is used to carry the parameters

More original reading: