The previous article “Android componentization and plug-in development” mainly introduces the Android componentization and plug-in architecture characteristics, the comparative analysis of the two as well as recommended learning componentization related articles, this part mainly introduces the current use of plug-in open source library, and focuses on the introduction of the VirtualAPK library, for your reference.
Plug-in technology background
Plug-in is mainly the use of dynamic loading technology
It is common for Android APP to configure some parameters through the server and then make corresponding logic. For example, most apps now have a launch page. When some important festivals are coming, the APP server will configure some pictures related to the season. When the APP starts, replace the original launcher image with these new images to improve the user experience.
In addition, when early individual developers publish apps on the Android market, if the app contains ads, it may not be approved. By configuring a switch on the server, the switch is turned off when the app is approved, so that the app does not display ads. After android market audit, and then open the server advertising switch, in such a way to avoid market audit. So now the Android market starts to scan the Manifest and even dex files in APK to see if there is any advertising code in the developer’s APK package. If there is, it may not be approved. Developers started to think, “In this case, how about not writing the AD code in APK, but downloading the AD code from the server when the user runs the APP, and then implementing the AD?” . The answer is yes, this is dynamic loading.
When the program is running, it loads executable files that do not exist in the program itself and runs the code logic in these files.
It looks like the application downloads some code from the server and then executes it!
Using dynamic loading in general makes Android development more complicated. It’s not officially recommended, it’s not currently the mainstream Android development approach, and it’s not something that foreign developers on Github and StackOverflow are interested in. At present, only in China, there are in-depth studies and applications, especially for some SDK component projects and BAT family projects. The relevant open source projects on Github are basically maintained by Chinese people.
The general process of dynamic loading is:
- Copy executable files (.so/dex/jar/ APk) to APP internal storage;
- Load executable files;
- Invoke specific methods to execute business logic;
A comparison of several major plug-in open source frameworks
features | DynamicLoadApk | DynamicAPK | Small | DroidPlugin | VirtualAPK |
Supports four major components | Only support Activity | Only support Activity | Only support Activity | Full support | Full support |
Components do not need to be pre-registered in the host manifest | Square root | x | Square root | Square root | Square root |
Plug-ins depend on the host | Square root | Square root | Square root | x | Square root |
Support the PendingIntent | x | x | x | Square root | Square root |
Android Feature Support | Most of the | Most of the | Most of the | Almost all of the | Almost all of the |
Compatibility and adaptation | general | general | medium | high | high |
The plug-in build | There is no | The deployment of aapt | Gradle plug-in | There is no | Gradle plug-in |
Atlas of Alibaba: Atlas is a plug-in framework running on Android system derived from the continuous development of mobile Taobao. It can also be called dynamic componentization framework, which mainly provides decoupling, componentization and dynamic support. It is a relatively mature scheme with powerful functions, but relatively difficult to use and integrate.
Tencent’s Shadow: Shadow is an Android plug-in framework independently developed by Tencent, and has been under maintenance, but the use and integration is a little too big, you can study it if you are interested.
VirtualAPK access
1.1. VirtualApk is introduced into the host project
- Add dependencies to build. Gradle in Project
Dependencies {classpath 'com. Didi. Virtualapk: gradle:'}Copy the code
- Add VirtualApk’s host plugin to build.gradle of the host app
apply plugin: ''
Copy the code
- Add dependencies to your app
Dependencies {implementation 'com. Didi. Virtualapk: core: 0.9.8'}Copy the code
- Complete the initialization of PluginManager in the Application
public class VirtualApplication extends Application { @Override protected void attachBaseContext(Context base) { super.attachBaseContext(base); PluginManager.getInstance(base).init(); }}Copy the code
1.2 Plug-in Development
Configuration of plug-in APK
- Configure in plug-in Project
The classpath 'com. Didi. Virtualapk: gradle:'Copy the code
- Add the plugin plugin to build.gradle of the plugin app
apply plugin: 'com.didi.virtualapk.plugin'
Copy the code
- Configure the plug-in information and version
VirtualApk {// The packageId in the plug-in resource table must be different for different plug-ins // the range 0x1f-0x7F packageId = 0x6f // The path of the host project application module, // targetHost Can be set to absolute or relative path targetHost = '.. /.. /.. ApplyHostMapping = true} applyHostMapping = true} applyHostMapping = true}Copy the code
- Set signature (Virtual only supports Release, host project and Plugin project signature)
signingConfigs {
release {
storeFile file('/Users/wuliangliang/AndroidSubjectStudyProject/PluginProject/VirtualAPkDemo/keystore/keystore')
storePassword '123456'
keyAlias = 'key'
keyPassword '123456'
buildTypes {
release {
signingConfig signingConfigs.release
Copy the code
Plug-in development
In VirtualAPK, plug-in development is the same as native Android development, so developing plug-ins is the same as developing apps.
Plug-in and host interaction
Interact by compiling the same AAR. For example, the host project compile the following AAR:
The compile 'com. Didi. Foundation: the SDK: 1.2.0' compile 'com. Didi. Virtualapk: core: [newest version]' the compile 'com. Android. Support: appcompat - v7:22.2.0'Copy the code
However, the plugin project needs to access the classes and resources in the host SDK, so we can also compile the SDK aar in the plugin project, as follows:
The compile 'com. Didi. Foundation: the SDK: 1.2.0'Copy the code
In this way, the plug-in project can refer to the SDK normally, as if the host and the plug-in share a common library to communicate. Also, the aar is automatically removed from the APK when the plug-in is built. This is the basic way plug-ins and hosts communicate in VirtualAPK.
Known constraints on the four components of a plug-in
- Transparent Activity, there can be no startup mode, and the theme must contain android: windowIsTranslucent properties;
<style name="AppTheme.Transparent">
<item name="android:windowBackground">@android:color/transparent</item>
<item name="android:windowIsTranslucent">true</item>
Copy the code
The plug-in calls the host’s four major components. Note the package name in the Intent
VirtualAPK’s handling of intents follows the Android specification, and the package name is the only way to distinguish between plug-ins and even between plug-ins and hosts. The package name of the plug-in has been weakened to make it compatible with activities intercalling between the host and the plug-in, and the package name of the host is still fetched from context.getPackagename () in the plug-in. So in the following example, if the host package name is “com.didi.virtualapk”, and then start a host Activity in the plug-in, it will still be called correctly:
Intent = new Intent(this, hostactivity.class); startActivity(intent); Intent Intent = new Intent(); intent.setClassName("com.didi.virtualapk", "com.didi.virtualapk.HostActivity"); startActivity(intent);Copy the code
If you want to access the plug-in’s four components from within the plug-in, there is no requirement. The following code attempts to start another plug-in Activity from within the plug-in Activity:
Intent intent = new intent (this, pluginactivity.class); startActivity(intent);Copy the code
- A static Receiver is registered dynamically, and external broadcasts cannot wake up the host when it stops running.
- Because of dynamic registration, the Receiver in the plug-in must be invoked by an implicit call.
ContentProvider, which supports cross-process access to ContentProvider
- The plugin calls its own ContentProvider. If the call method is needed, the uri of the provider must be placed in the bundle; otherwise, the call will not take effect.
Uri bookUri = Uri.parse("content://");
Bundle bundle = PluginContentResolver.getBundleForCall(bookUri);
getContentResolver().call(bookUri, "testCall", null, bundle);
Copy the code
The plugin calls the host and external ContentProvider without constraints;
Host call plug-ins ContentProvider, need to pack the uri of the provider, by PluginContentResolver. WrapperUri method, if it involves call method, described in reference 1);
String pkg = "com.didi.virtualapk.demo";
LoadedPlugin plugin = PluginManager.getInstance(this).getLoadedPlugin(pkg);
Uri bookUri = Uri.parse("content://");
bookUri = PluginContentResolver.wrapperUri(plugin, bookUri);
Cursor bookCursor = getContentResolver().query(bookUri, new String[]{"_id", "name"}, null, null, null);
Copy the code
It is recommended that you load the plug-in at Application startup, otherwise, pay attention to the loading time of the plug-in. Consider the case where a plug-in is loaded at a late time and resources in the plug-in are accessed, paying attention to the current Context. For example, if you load a plug-in in the host Activity(MainActivity) and then access the resources in the plug-in (such as Fragment) in the MainActivity, you need to perform a display hook. Otherwise, some 4.x mobile phones will find no resources.
String pkg = "com.didi.virtualapk.demo";
PluginUtil.hookActivityResources(MainActivity.this, pkg);
Copy the code
So file loading
To improve performance, VirtualAPK does not actively release so when loading a plug-in, unless you explicitly specify VA_IS_HAVE_LIB as true in the plug-in APk manifest, as shown below:
android:value="true" />
Copy the code
For versatility, placing the corresponding SO file in the armeabi path can meet the requirements. If you consider performance, please do a good job of the adaptation of various SO files.
1.3. Execute the plug-in Plugin generation
- Perform assemablePlugin
- Generate a Plugin file to install the Plugin Plugin into the phone
adb push ./app/build/outputs/plugin/release/com.alex.kotlin.virtualplugin_20190729172001.apk /sdcard/plugin_test.apk
Copy the code
Pay attention to the problem
- The plugin can be built only after the host APP is first built, otherwise it will be abnormal
- The resource ID must be set in the plug-in layout file, otherwise: Cannot get property ‘ID’ on null objectPlugin
- Add the file and configure Android. useDexArchive=false
1.4. Use the plug-in Plugin in the host program
Load the plug-in APK in the host App
private void loadApk() { File apkFile = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), "Test.apk"); if (apkFile.exists()) { try { PluginManager.getInstance(this).loadPlugin(apkFile); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}}Copy the code
After the plug-in is downloaded or installed on the device, obtain the plug-in file and call pluginManager.loadPlugin () to load the plug-in. The PluginManager completes all code parsing and resource loading. 2. Go to the plug-in page
Final String PKG = "com. Alex. Kotlin. Virtualplugin"; Intent Intent = new Intent(); Intent. SetClassName (PKG, "com. Alex. Kotlin. Virtualplugin. MainPluginActivity"); // The full path of the target Activity startActivity(intent);Copy the code
Precautions when using VirtualAPK
Integration development issues
- Note that the path of the application module of the host project is correct:
virtualApk { packageId = 0x6f targetHost = '.. /.. /VirtualAPK/app' // Check if this path is correct, relative or absolute applyHostMapping = true}Copy the code
- PackageId:
- The packageIDS of different APKs cannot be the same. Therefore, the packageIDS of plug-ins are in the range of system applications (0x01,0x02… Depending on the system) and the host (0x7F).
- The packageId of multiple plug-ins, like the packageName, needs to be unique in the host.
- Com. Android. Tools. Build: gradle “support to the highest 3.1.4, the highest in virtualApk engineering can only use the classpath ‘com. Android. View the build: gradle: 3.1.4’
- Androidx libraries are not currently supported
- The buildToolsVersion in the plugin seems to only go up to 27.0.3, the rest will fail
- Resource files must not be duplicated (layout files, resource ids, etc.) between the host and the plug-in
- All com.Android. support packages that the plug-in depends on have explicit dependencies on the host and are version consistent with the host
- Both the host and the plug-in rely on a common local JAR file or library module, which is not automatically culled when the plug-in is built: The automatic dependency removal function of plug-ins only supports resources with stable contents and stable paths. However, the paths and contents of local JARS or other resources are changeable, so they cannot be automatically deleted. If you need to delete resources, package them and export them to Maven or other dependency management servers. If resources cannot be publicly published, you can deploy private Maven services on the Intranet.
Currently unsupported features
- Some unusual Activity features (such as Process and configChanges) are not supported, but theme, launchMode, and screenOrientation are supported.
- OverridePendingTransition (int enterAnim, int exitAnim) this kind of transitions in the form of animation, animation resources cannot use the plug-in (you can use a host or system);
- Plug-in shot notification, need to be unified processing, go to the host logic, the notification of the resource file can not use the plug-in (can use the host or system).
- The plugin Activity does not support dynamic permission requests.