
Find Finds the path matching criteria

Search path: default Current directory Search criteria: default all files in the specified path search operation: default displayCopy the code

Matching criteria:

-name File name Indicates the exact match of the file name. Wildcard: * Any character of any length? Any single character [] Any single character within the specified range [^] Any single character outside the specified range -iname File name File name matching is case insensitive -regex file name File name matching based on regular expression -user User name search by owner -group Group name -uid Search by UID -GID Search by GID -nouser Search for files without owner -nogroup Search for files without owner group -type Search for files by file type F: common file D: directory C: character device B: block device L: [+,-]#k [+,-]#M [+,-]#G link file P: pipe device S: socket device -size Searches based on file size [+,-]#k [+,-]#M [+,-]#G Parentheses can be omitted, + indicates greater than,- indicates less than, and # indicates any numberCopy the code

Combination conditions:

-mtime [+,-]# change time -ctime [+,-]# change time -atime [+,-]# - The value is less than, and # indicates any digit. -perm Indicates the exact match of the permission. -perm/Permission Any bit matches the conditionCopy the code


-print displays the details of each file in an ls -l format. -ok {} \; Each operation requires confirmation of the -exec command {} \; The operation does not require xARGS validationCopy the code