If you have a requirement to open the PC Notification bar on your local H5 page, try Notification~

Supported browsers Google, Firefox, and Safari do not support IE

            // There is a desktop notification bar function
            if (window.Notification) {
                Notification.requestPermission((result) = > {
                    // Refuse to open the notification bar
                    if(result.data == 'denied') return;
                    // Agree to open the notification bar
                    if (result == 'granted') {
                        let notification = new Notification('You have news.', {
                            body: 'You have opened the XXX desktop popover'./ / body
                            icon: 'http://www.xxx.com' / / picture
                        // Click the notification bar event
                        notification.onclick = () = > {
                            // Click and execute to return to the notification bar launch page
                            window.focus(); }}})}Copy the code