Some time ago, one of my friends went out for an interview again. This time, he had a clear target for the interview, which was all the departments with large business volume and core business. I went to a lot of companies, several big factories, and he said what impressed him most was byte.

Image source: dragnet byte recruitment information

After three rounds of technical and one round of HR, he finally got an Offer of 45K *16 salary.

The first round focuses on Java fundamentals, while the second and third rounds focus on application technology mastery and business understanding of past projects. He was impressed because each round lasted more than an hour and a half, which really benefited him a lot.

He chose Byte not only because it was a core project, but also because byte’s benefits were touted as the best in the industry and its pay was among the highest in its category.

“High salary, good development and good welfare” seems to have become byteDance’s label.

And many people think dachang has a high threshold:

“Slag this double non education can not enter the big factory!”

“If you work for less than three years, you can’t enter a big factory!”

“Those who do not graduate from a professional class cannot enter a big factory!”

But for me this slag this double non graduate friend, into bytes, it seems that it is not so difficult. In his words, into the factory depends on one: technical strength.

You just need good technical skills and a good performance in the interview to get an Offer.

Super big factory interview real questions, to help you fix the big factory interview test points, high-frequency points, pay points, get it quickly! 👇

Please forward it and add assistant VX: Yunduoa2019 after following it or scan the qr code below and follow the guidance of the assistant to obtain it by yourselfStart with one of my perksJava data** (contains four open source frameworks that Java engineers must spend time learning) **

Screenshot of part of the Java resource pack