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First, the introduction of decorator mode
The Decorator Pattern, also known as the wrapper design Pattern, is a structural Pattern that acts as a wrapper around existing classes, allowing you to add new functionality to an existing object without changing its structure.
There are two ways to add functionality to an object: inheritance and association. The decorator pattern uses associative composition, embedding an object of one class into another object that decides whether or not to invoke its behavior to enhance functionality, and is more flexible than using inheritance.
The core of
- Abstract Components: Methods for defining components
- ConcreteComponent: A concrete implementation of a Component that is a concrete object to decorate, the decorator
- Decorators: Defines the behavior of a concrete Decorator that has the same interface as the Component role and holds instance references to Component objects
- ConcreteDecorator: Decorates the Component object with concrete additional functions
Note: Decorator and decorator have the same superclass (Component)
Application scenarios
- Add responsibility to a single object in a dynamic, transparent way, without changing its structure
- The most common use of JDK source code is IO streams, which make extensive use of decorative design patterns (InputStream, BufferedInputStream…
- The purpose of both the decorator pattern and inheritance relationships is to extend the functionality of objects, but the decorator pattern can provide more flexibility than inheritance
- Using different specific decorators and permutations and combinations of these decorator classes, you can create many combinations of different behaviors without changing the original code, following the “open and close principle.”
- The decorator pattern adds many subclasses that can complicate the application if overused (multiple layers of wrapping)
- Increase the complexity of the system, increase the difficulty of learning and understanding
Decorator pattern code implementation
Create an abstract component class:
/** * Abstract component: gun **@author GitLqr
public abstract class Gun {
String name;
public Gun(String name) {
super(a);this.name = name;
/** * Damage */
public abstract float attack(a);
/** * recoil */
public abstract float recoil(a);
public String toString(a) {
return name + "The damage is:" + attack() + ", the recoil force is:+ recoil(); }}Copy the code
Create a concrete component class:
/** * UMP9 **@author GitLqr
public class Ump9Gun extends Gun {
public Ump9Gun(a) {
public float attack(a) {
return 100;
public float recoil(a) {
return 20; }}Copy the code
Create an abstract decorator class:
/** * Abstract decorator: accessories **@author GitLqr
public abstract class Part extends Gun {
// Hold component reference (note: this component may already be decorated)
Gun gun;
public Part(String name, Gun gun) {
this.gun = gun;
public String toString(a) {
return "Assemble [" + name + "], the damage is:" + attack() + ", the recoil force is:+ recoil(); }}Copy the code
Create a concrete decorator class:
/** ** **@author GitLqr
public class MufflerPart extends Part {
public MufflerPart(Gun gun) {
super("Muffler", gun);
public float attack(a) {
return gun.attack() - 5;
public float recoil(a) {
return gun.recoil() + 5; }}/** * Specific decoration: flame bullets **@author GitLqr
public class FireBulletPart extends Part {
public FireBulletPart(Gun gun) {
super("Bullets of Fire", gun);
public float attack(a) {
return gun.attack() + 30;
public float recoil(a) {
return gun.recoil() + 5; }}Copy the code
public static void main(String[] args) {
Gun gun = new Ump9Gun();
System.out.println(gun); // UMP9 does 100.0 damage and 20.0 recoil
gun = new MufflerPart(gun);
System.out.println(gun); // Assemble [muffler], attack: 95.0, recoil: 25.0
gun = new FireBulletPart(gun);
System.out.println(gun); // Fire bullets, damage: 125.0, recoil: 30.0
// Gun gun = new FireBulletPart(new MufflerPart(new Ump9Gun()));
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Decorator pattern in JDK source IO stream application
- Abstract component: InputStream
- Specific components: FileInputStream, ByteArrayInputStream
- Abstract decorator: FilterInputStream
- Decorators: BufferedInputStream, DataInputStream
The abstract component InputStream defines the read() method:
public abstract class InputStream implements Closeable {...public abstract int read(a) throws IOException;
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The FileInputStream component implements the read() method:
public class FileInputStream extends InputStream {...public int read(a) throws IOException {
return read0();
private native int read0(a) throws IOException;
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The abstract decorator FilterInputStream inherits from the abstract component InputStream and holds a reference to the component object instance:
public class FilterInputStream extends InputStream {
/** * The input stream to be filtered. */
protected volatileInputStream in; . }Copy the code
The specific decorator BufferedInputStream enhances read() to add caching:
public class BufferedInputStream extends FilterInputStream {
protected volatile bytebuf[]; .public synchronized int read(a) throws IOException {
if (pos >= count) {
if (pos >= count)
return -1;
return getBufIfOpen()[pos++] & 0xff; }... }Copy the code
// Add the Buffer function
InputStream inputStream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(""));
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