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TCP/IP is such a flexible networking tool that you can customize it to meet the specific needs of your organization. When designing your own network, think carefully about the main issues of this topic. The details of these topics are discussed in other chapters, and the following list is intended to introduce you to these topics.

1. Select the type of network hardware you want to use:

  • Token ring (token – ring)
  • Xerox EV2(Ethernet Version 2)
  • The IEEE 802.3
  • Fiber Optic Distributed Data Interface (FDDI)
  • Serial Optical Channel (SOC)
  • Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) For user access to the Internet through telephone lines and modems

2. Design the physical network layout. Consider the capabilities each host facility will provide. For example, when setting up your network, you need to decide which machines will be used as gateways.

3. Decide whether a flat or layered network structure better meets your needs.

A. If your network is very small, within a single site, and consists of a physical network, then a flat network structure is suitable for you. B. If your network is large and complex, with many sites and many physical networks, a layered network will be a more efficient network architecture for you.Copy the code

4. If your network needs to connect to other networks, you must design your gateway installation and configuration. The following things need to be considered:

A. Decide which or which machines will be used as gateways. B. Decide whether you want to use static or dynamic routes, or both. If you choose dynamic routing, depending on which communication protocol you need to support, you need to decide which routing guard each gateway will use.Copy the code

Decide on your addressing scheme.

A. If your network will not be part of a larger Internet, choose the addressing scheme that best meets your needs. B. If your network will be connected to a larger Internet such as the Internet, you will need to obtain an official set of addresses from your ISP.Copy the code
  1. If your network needs to be split into subnets, you need to decide how to allocate your subnet mask.
  2. Choose a domain name system where each machine on the network needs its own unique host name.
  3. Decide if your network requires a DNS server for domain name resolution, or if using the /etc/hosts file is also effective. If you choose to use a DNS, think about the type and number of DNS you need to serve your network effectively.
  4. Decide what type of service you want to provide to remote users. For example, mail service, printing service, file sharing, remote login, remote command execution and so on.