1. Design principles
  • Single responsibility principle A class is only responsible for one thing (UIView/CALayer)
  • The open closed principle is closed for modification and open for extension
  • Interface segregation principle Using multiple special agreement (UITableViewDataSource/UITableViewDelegate)
  • Dependency Inversion principle Abstraction should not depend on concrete implementation, concrete implementation can depend on abstraction (data access)
  • Richter’s substitution Principle The parent class can be seamlessly replaced by the child class without affecting the original function (KVO)
  • Demeter’s Law An object should know as little as possible about other objects, be highly cohesive and coupling less

2. Design patterns

  • Chain of Responsibility model
@class Object;
typedef void(^CompletionBlock)(Bool handled);
typedef void(^ResultBlock)(Object *handler, BOOL handled);

@interface Object: NSObject

@property (nonatomic.strong) Object *nextObject;

- (void)handle:(ResultBlock)result;
- (void)handleBusiness:(CompletionBlock)completion;


@implementation Object

- (void)handle:(ResultBlock)result {
    CompletionBlcok completion = ^(BOOL handled) {
        if (handled) {
            return (self, handled);
        } else {
            if (self.nextObject) {
                [self.nextObject handle:result];
            } else {
                result(nil.NO); }}} [self handBusiness:completion];

- (void)handleBusiness:(CompletionBlock)completion 
    // Business processing


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  • The bridge model

A1 –> B1, B2, B3

A2 –> B1, B2, B3

A3 –> B1, B2, B3

@interface BaseObjectB: NSObject

- (void)fetchData;


@implementation BaseObjectB

- (void)fetchData

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#importt "BaseObjectB.h"

@interface BaseObjectA: NSObject

@property(nonatomic.strong) BaseObjectB *objB;

- (void)handle;


@implementation BaseObjectB

- (void)handle 
    [self.objB fetchData];


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  • Adapter mode

How does a class adapt to change

#import "AdaptedObject.h"

@interface FitObject: NSObject
@property (nonatomic.strong) AdaptedObject *adapted;

@implementation FitObject

- (void)request 
    // adapt logic
    [self.adapted request];
    // adapt logic

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  • The singleton pattern
@implementation SingObject

+ (id)shareInstace 
    static SingleObject *instance = nil;
    static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
    dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
        instance = [[super allocWithZone:NULL] init];
    return instance;

+ (id)allocWithZone:(struct _NSZone *)zone
    return [self shareInstance];

- (id)copyWithZone:(nullable NSZone *)zone 
    return self;

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  • Command mode

Behavior parameterization reduces code coincidence

@class Command;
typedef void(^CommandCompletionCallBack)(Command *cmd)

@interface Command: NSObject
@property (nonatomic.copy) CommandCompletionCallBack completion;

- (void)execute;
- (void)cancel;
- (void)done;

@implementation Command

- (void)execute 
    // Logical processing
    [self done];

- (void)cancel 
    self.completion = nil;

- (void)done
    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
        if (_completion) {
            _completion(self)}self.completion = nil;
        [[CommandManager shareInstance].arrayCommands removeObject: self]; })}@end

// Command manager
#import "Command.h"
@interface CommandManager: NSObject

@property (nonatomic.strong) NSMutableArray<Command *> *commandArr;

+ (instanceType)sharedInstance;

+ (void)executeCommand:(Command *)cmd completion:(CommandCompletionCallBack)completion;

+ (void)cancelCommand:(Command *)cmd;

@implementation CommandManager

+ (id)shareInstace 
    static CommandManager *manager = nil;
    static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
    dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
        manager = [[super allocWithZone:NULL] init];
    return manager;

+ (id)allocWithZone:(struct _NSZone *)zone
    return [self shareInstance];

- (id)copyWithZone:(nullable NSZone *)zone 
    return self;

+ (void)executeCommand:(Command *)cmd completion:(CommandCompletionCallBack)completion
    if (cmd) {
        if(! [self _isExecutingCommand:cmd]) {
            [[selfsharedInstance] arrayCommands addObject:cmd]; cmd.completion = completion; [cmd execute]; }}} + (void)cancelCommand:(Command *)cmd 
    if (cmd) {
        [[[selfshareInstance] arrayCommands] removeObject:cmd]; [cmd cancel]; }} + (BOOL)_isExecutingCommand:(Command *)cmd
    if (cmd) {
        NSArray *cmds = [[self shareInstance] arrayCommands];
        for (Command *aCmd in cmds) {
            if (aCmd = cmd) {
                return yes;
    rturn NO;
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