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Singleton pattern definition and usage scenarios
This type of design pattern is the creation pattern, which provides the best way to create objects. This pattern involves a single class that is responsible for creating its own objects while ensuring that only a single object is created. This class provides a way to access its unique objects directly, without instantiating the objects of the class.
How to resolve it: Determine if the system already has this singleton, return it if it does, and create it if it does not.
Usage scenarios
- 1. Require the production of unique serial numbers.
- 2. The counters in the WEB are not added to the database every time they are refreshed, but cached with singletons first.
- 3. Creating an object consumes too many resources, such as I/O connections to the database.
Application examples:
- There is only one head teacher in a class.
- 2, Windows is multi-process multi-thread, in the operation of a file, it is inevitable that multiple processes or threads operate a file at the same time, so all file processing must be carried out by a unique instance.
- 3. Some device managers are often designed in a singleton mode. For example, a computer with two printers has to deal with the fact that two printers cannot print the same file.
Disadvantages: No interface, no inheritance, conflicts with the single responsibility principle, a class should only care about internal logic, not how to instantiate outside.
Several common singleton pattern implementations
Lazy way
- Ensuring thread safety
- Prevents instruction reordering
- Double check optimization
/** * double check slacker mode */
public class SingletonLazy {
private volatile static SingletonLazy instance;
private SingletonLazy(a) {}public static SingletonLazy getInstance(a) {
if (instance == null) {
synchronized (SingletonLazy.class) {
if (instance == null) {
instance = newSingletonLazy(); }}}returninstance; }}Copy the code
The hungry way
Hungry mode: the instance is initialized at the class loading node
Three stages of class loading (sidebar)
- Load -> Load the corresponding binary file and create the corresponding data structure in the method area
- Links -> A. Verify, B. Prepare, C. Parse
- Initialize -> Assign initial values to static properties
Hungry and Hungry mode example
public class SingletonHungry {
// Static variables are assigned at class load time
private static SingletonHungry instance = new SingletonHungry();
private SingletonHungry(a) {}public static SingletonHungry getInstance(a) {
returninstance; }}Copy the code
Inner class mode
Because a class is only loaded once, you can use this feature to initialize a single real object.
/** * static inner class */
public class SingletonInner {
static class InnerClass {
private static SingletonInner instance = new SingletonInner();
public static SingletonInner getInstance(a) {
return InnerClass.instance;
private SingletonInner(a) {
if(InnerClass.instance ! =null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Singletons are not allowed to have multiple examples!"); }}}Copy the code
Enumeration methods
Enumeration is a singleton strength
public class SingletonEnum {
private SingletonEnum(a) {}private enum SingletonInnerEnum {
private SingletonEnum instance;
SingletonInnerEnum() {
this.instance = new SingletonEnum();
public SingletonEnum getInstance(a) {
returninstance; }}public static SingletonEnum getInstance(a) {
returnSingletonInnerEnum.INSTANCE.getInstance(); }}Copy the code
Reference documentation