Recently I have been remote development, and then happened to use Java technology is relatively unsophisticated, often need to refer to API documents, a long time ago I downloaded a JDK1.8 Chinese CHM document on the Internet, access to information is very convenient and practical, I want to deploy into a website.

What is a CHM help document?

CHM is shorthand for Compiled Help Manual. CHM is Microsoft’s new help file format, which uses HTML as the source text to compile and store the help content in the form of a similar database.

How to deploy to a website

The first: direct input in the middle of the browser: mk: @ MSITStore: D: / jdk1.8. CHM: : / index. Results: HTML will open in the middle of the IE browser. (Jump to Internet Explorer using Both Google Chrome and Firefox.)

The second option is to convert THE CHM to AN HTML file and then deploy the HTML file on the server.

CHM files are converted to HTML files

On Windows, enter CMD and run the command

Hh-decompile Output folder CHM file address.

For example, hh-decompile D:\HTML D:\jdk1.8. CHM converts the CHM file to HTML. It’s just a little big

The HTML file is deployed to the server

There are many ways to deploy static HTML. Since nginx is already installed on the server, you can use nginx deployment directly.

1 Map the domain name to the IP address of the server. 2 Upload the generated HTML file to the nginx specified location on the server: /usr/local/nginx/api.api 3 Configure nginx proxy processing

server { listen 80; server_name; location / { root /usr/local/nginx/api/api; index index.html; }}Copy the code

4 Restart nginx and log in to to view the verification