
I just bought Ali cloud server, now want to deploy node.js code to Ali cloud server above; I wrote an article before how to buy and log in ali cloud server, not clear students can learn from oh,…

Log in to ali Cloud server

  • We log in to the web version of Ali Cloud server, currently we use the root account

  • First obtain the public key on the local computer, using the command line:cat ~/.ssh/

  • Copy the public key and change it to:Echo 'public key' >> ~/. SSH /authorized_keys

  • Put the above content do not know the web version of Ali Cloud server command line;

  • After executing the replication command, you can log in to ali cloud server on this machine.
  • Open the local terminal and enterSSH root@Public IP address

  • If we never remember the IP address, we can set the local host so that we can use our own name to access it later

  • To exit the cloud machine, type Exit
  • How to prevent SSH from stalling, you can run the following code in this machine (note not Ali cloud server)
echo "Host *" >> /etc/ssh/ssh_config
echo " ServerAliveInterval 30" >> /etc/ssh/ssh_config
Copy the code

Create a new account

  • As for why we need to create a new account, because the root account is too high, if the root account is controlled, it is equivalent to the whole machine is controlled, so we generally do not use the root account;
  • Log in to aliyun server locally as root and enter ‘adduser username’.

  • I’m gonna create a.ssh directory,mkdir /home/dj/.ssh
  • Copy the authorized_keys file from the server’s.ssh folder to the newly created.ssh foldercp ~/.ssh/authorized_keys /home/dj/.ssh/
  • Make authorized_keys readable and executablechmod 755 /home/dj/.ssh/authorized_keys
  • Set the owner of the file to the new userchown dj:dj /home/dj/.ssh/authorized_keys
  • Once the above Settings are complete, you can log out and log in as a new user

Add sudo permission to the new user

  • Our new user’s permission is too small, sometimes we need root’s permission, then root can add sudo to the new user.adduser dj sudo

  • So what is sudo? Sudo stands for super user do; Windows-like running as an administrator; Normally, we should not use root account, but DJ account. In case of special operation, we add sudo in front of it, and please exit root. The password that needs to be entered is DJ’s password, not root’s password.
  • Command execution is tricky
  • ctrol + aI can quickly go back to the command line,
  • sudo !!Execute the last command using sudo

Install Node.js on the server

  • curl -sL | sudo bash -
  • sudo sed -i 's/\/node_8.x/\/nodesource\/deb_8.x/g' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nodesource.list
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
  • sudo apt install git

The deployment of application

  • Git clone xxx. git

  • Using the command linetouch logCreate a Log file
  • Run the Node programnode server.js 8888 > log 2>&1This will return a number. This number is the process ID, which can be used if we want to kill the processkill -9 id

  • We can make the startup command into a scriptecho 'node server.js 8888 > log 2>&1 &' >> ./start

  • Give start an executable permissionchmod +x ./start
  • run./startperform

Access the server code in the native browser

  • Since the node server code listens to port 8888, we need to add port 8888 to the security policy in Ali cloud server first

  • Configuration is complete, you customer in the browser to access:


Thanks to fangfang’s selfless sharing in the Hungry People Valley, the income is quite a lot!