Error part of code

Myarray::Myarray(const Myarray& p) {cout << "copy" << endl; this->mSize = p.mSize; this->mCapacity = p.mCapacity; this->array = new int[p.mCapacity]; //new allocates too little space !!!! For (int I = 0; i < p.mSize; ++i) { this->array[i] = p.array[i]; } } Myarray::~Myarray() { if (array ! = NULL) {STD ::cout << "destructor" << STD ::endl; delete[] this->array; this->array = NULL; }}Copy the code

Summary of information search:


1. Memory out of bounds :(own problems) too little space for new, out of range when used, change the value on the address that does not belong to the program.

2. A shallow copy problem occurs. The same address is deleted repeatedly

int* p1 = new int(50); int* p2 = p1; //p2 and p1 now refer to the same memory address cout << *p1 << endl; cout << *p2 << endl; delete p1; //OK delete p2; // the memory referred to by p2 has been freed by delete p1, and cannot be deleted againCopy the code

3. The memory released by the system is deleted

int* a = new int[10]; 
int b[50];  
a= b;  
delete [] a;
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Delete new int[10]; B [50] allocates space on the stack. There are two results: 1. The original space is not freed. 2. Forcibly release b released by the system [50].

4. First group address change: deleting dynamically allocated Pointers does not point to the original address

int *a = new int[10]; *a= 1; *a++ = 2; delete[] a; / / errorCopy the code

++ now changes the address to which the pointer points; Make sure the pointer points to the original position before releasing. The first element is not released, and one more element is deleted at the end

  1. Different scope, delete under different operation.


After delete pointer, set pointer to NULL. Such as:

delete p;
p = NULL;
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