After VScode creates a new HTML file, use the ‘! + TAB ‘will automatically generate an HTML template

But because the default template didn’t meet our requirements, we had to change lang and mate:vp every time, which was very troublesome

By modifying the contents of the file, you can modify the HTML code segments generated by default each time

The method is as follows:

Most tutorials on the web are available through the following directory

{VScode installation path}\resources\app\extensions\emmet\node_modules\vscode-emmet-helper\out\expand\ expands-full.js

Locate the expansion-full.js file

And then modify it

However, when I tried this method, I found that node_modules\vscode-emmet-helper\out\expand\ expands-full.js was not found in the emmet directory

Through testing, I found that this can also be achieved through the following paths:

1. Find the fileemmetNodeMain.js

Via \Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\ Extensions \emmet\dist\node\ emmetNodemain.js

You can find the file emmetNodemain.js

As shown in figure:

2. Use VScode or another editor to open it

3. Start the modification

Solemnly remind, please be sure to backup before modification, in case of emergency.Copy the code

*** Find function (default shortcut Ctrl+F) ***

3.1 Changing the lang to zh-cn

Find the variables: {lang:,

Change lang:”en” to lang:” zh-cn “;

As shown in figure:

3.2 modify the meta: vp (viewport)

This action will be generated by default

< meta name = "viewport" content = "width = device - width, initial - scale = 1.0" >

Modified to

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">

Do the same as the previous step

Find “meta:vp” (note that the quotes should also be copied)

Use “meta: vp”, “meta [name = viewport content =” width = ${1: device – width}, initial – scale = ${2:1. 0} ‘]”

Replace the whole thing with the following code (note the notation)

"Meta: vp" : "[name = meta viewport content =" width = ${1: device - width}, initial - scale = ${2:1. 0}, minimum - scale = ${3:1. 0}. Maximum - scale = ${4:1. 0}, user - scalable = ${5: no} ']"

The result is shown below:

3.3 Modifying the initial position of time marker generated by the H5 template

By default, use! When an exclamation point generates an H5 template, the cursor defaults to device-width text, and 3-4 Tab keys are required to move the cursor into the body.

Device-width = “width”;

[name = “meta viewport content =” width = ${1: device – width}, initial – scale = ${2:1. 0} ‘] “.

Delete ${1} and then remove the initial cursor to device – the width of the selected text in the same way, remove ${2: and} can remove initial cursor on 1.0 of the selected text The result is shown in figure

"Meta :vp":"meta[name=viewport content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no']"

Title {${1:Document}} {${1:Document}} {${1:Document}} {${1:Document}} {${1:Document}} {${1:Document}} You can change it to the character you want, such as XXX

4. Save the file, close the file, and restart VS Code

Create a new HTML file to test

5. Achieve results

Note: updating VScode loses changes and requires reconfigurationCopy the code

That is:

<! DOCTYPEhtml>
<html lang="zh-CN">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport"
        content="Width =device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">




Copy the code


Author: xishuiinsz

