Recently, Gou Jing was impersonated to participate in the national college entrance examination, the event has been widely discussed in society. After the investigation results of the incident were released, the public opinion was reversed. The public believed that the parties involved exaggerated and consumed the public sentiment. On the one hand, they expressed indignation at the unfair treatment suffered by the parties, and on the other hand, they strongly condemned them for lying and exaggerating the facts. In addition to eating melon, people began to really think about how to avoid the problem of personal identity being exploited in the first place.

The deep source of constant based on computer vision technology, provide financial institutions with remote e – KYC technical solutions, through the witness than, live detection, Hack, multi-factor cross check true and OCR five service module, to help financial institutions real-name authentication of user identity online and check true, real-time extraction and transcribing and user information, Then realize remote account opening, remote approval, remote collaborative documents, safe and efficient.

Remote account opening: user identity real-name authentication and verification

Shenyuan Hengji E-KYC solution helps financial platforms to complete user identity real-name authentication and verification online based on technical modules such as person-witness comparison, in-body detection, Hack prevention and multi-element cross-verification.

Witness comparison, users upload photos and id photos for similarity comparison, aimed at online verification of users and users provided by the id is a unified subject. At the same time, the triple means of in vivo detection, Hack prevention and multi-element cross verification strictly prevent the risk of remote fraud:

(1) In vivo detection, which automatically identifies and judges whether the remotely operated object is a living person and verifies the authenticity of the subject by means of silent or specified interactive actions;

(2) Hack prevention: Use intelligent technical means to identify illegal attacks such as PS photos, 3D bionic models and pre-recorded videos, and timely intercept Hack fraud;

(3) Multi-element cross-verification: Based on trusted source data, multi-element cross-database cross-verification is completed to ensure the authenticity and legitimacy of user identity. Multiple technical methods can be used in parallel to effectively reduce the potential risks of online business.

Remote approval: real-time extraction and recording of user information

During the epidemic, in order to avoid too much close contact with on-the-counter business, Shenyuan Hengji E-KYC solution moved the user information collection and recording operation online based on OCR identification technology: Based on OCR recognition algorithm, it can automatically identify and extract field information on various documents and documents, such as ID card, driving license, driving license, bank card, credit report, business license, VAT invoice, etc., and input the identification information into the information platform in real time. Therefore, when handling business, users do not need to submit paper materials at the counter, as long as they upload relevant information online, to achieve remote document coordination; At the same time, credit granting institutions can also collect user information online to realize digital remote approval.

The e-KYC solution replaces tedious offline processes with a simple, real-time and user-friendly remote online approach, helping financial institutions to quickly and efficiently complete user identity verification, effectively preventing fraud risks, reducing offline human input and improving business efficiency. At the user level, simple and convenient remote online operations reduce transaction costs and optimize user service experience, which is conducive to financial institutions to reduce customer acquisition costs and increase business growth rate.

After the investigation into the Gou Jing incident, the annual college entrance examination is coming. This year, the Shandong provincial government proposed the use of face recognition for the college entrance examination, strict entry, invigilation, strict inspection, all violations of the door. Here, Shenyuan Hengji wishes the vast number of students to ride the wind and waves, jinbang title!