This is the 26th day of my participation in the August Text Challenge.More challenges in August

In addition to Git triple connection, what are the common operations in actual work

Git checkout– Create, switch branches, forgo local modifications

The checkout command is often used for branch operations, while supporting operation creation of local files and switching to a new branch:

Git checkout -b <branch> // create and switchCopy the code

Discard changes to a file:

Git checkout <file> git checkoutCopy the code

Git reset– Rollback of a historical version

Another feature of Git is the flexibility to manipulate historical versions. With the advantage of decentralized repositories, historical versions can be manipulated without affecting other repositories. Back to a historical commit:

Git reset --hard <commit> // Rollback to a version and rollback to the fileCopy the code

Git merge– Merge branches

The merge command is used to merge the development branch code into the test or trunk branch.

Git merge <branch> // Merge a branch into the current branchCopy the code

What happens when Git pull happens?

Many people do not understand the difference between Git pull and fetch. In fact, when Git pull is executed, there are two steps: one is fetching fetch and automatically merging merge, while fetching supports simple fetch execution and does not automatically merge. Here’s an example:

Git diff temp // Git merge temp // merge TMP //Copy the code

Modify the file, suddenly found that the branch is wrong, how to do?

Sometimes we make changes to a file and realize that the branch forgot to cut back to the development branch. Is there a better way to do this than clumsily copy the file, switch back to the correct branch, and then restore the code? After implementing the Git Stash temporary change to cache, switch to the correct branch and push the change out of the stack:

Git stash pop: <branch>Copy the code

Git branch management specification

Master the main branch

As an official environment branch (stable version), it is read-only, cannot be modified, and can be merged. The official server should switch to this branch

Release The pre-publish branch

As an acceptance environment branch, it cannot be modified and can be accepted by Merge or switched to this branch before a formal server is put online

Develop test branch

As a test environment branch, it is modifiable and can be merged test servers should switch to this branch

Feature/development (feature) branch

As a development environment branch, the local development and development server should switch to this branch

Hotfix/BUG fix branch

As a BUG fix branch, pull a Hotfix branch from the online or test branch and merge it into the test or online branch after the BUG is resolved

Git workflow model recommendation

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