“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

In a twinkling of an eye, he has been in the dyeing VAT of society for more than 10 years. From a novice programmer to a novice coder. The more you learn, the less you know.

I worked for the boss of a private enterprise for more than ten years, and experienced 3 or 4 companies. I was inspired by quantifiable OKR, and I came to a state-owned enterprise from the company WHERE I had worked for more than 6 years by chance. The following roughly share the work experience of entering the state-owned enterprise, can give some experience to friends who also want to lie flat.

Working as a micro engineer in the middle of a private company, I spent my days fixing parts on a plane that was about to crash, digging through shit, or leaving something behind naturally. Hard work really didn’t keep up with OKR’s goals, and it was said that okR, which can be reached by a single step, is like the moon in the well, which has been scratched countless times, but is always out of reach, probably because I leave work on time every day (with the occasional exception).

He has a woman to support and a mortgage to pay, and okR’s ceiling limits wage growth. An occasional chance to learn from a friend that the salary of a programmer in a state-owned enterprise is even higher than yours. So think about yourself now, think about the future. I turned down offers from the CTO and THE CEO, even though I raised more money than I could make after I switched jobs. For a change of scenery, for a change of mood. Then resolutely ran away.

(Friends may occasionally be unreliable), I invited my friend (he has been in various state-owned enterprises), also just left his job and went to a new state-owned enterprise, I don’t know anything about it. And dragged me into this strange environment. The interview was easy. It was so easy that when my buddies looked at my work history, they didn’t ask about the technology and they asked when they could start.

It is a huge state-owned enterprise that can rely on its own special channels to eat permanent rice bowls. Salary is ok, but the form of payment is more tangled. There will be a probationary period of 2 months, and the salary for the probationary period is only 3 or 4000 yuan. Thinking about anyway is to talk about annual salary, on long-term plan, the problem is not big. And his savings will last for a while. So the happy February life began. 8:30-11:30 2:00-5:30 working time, let people nap really satisfied. The monthly 800 meal card subsidy, plus the canteen food is really good and cheap. (Let me have a new understanding of canteens, before only eating school canteens). There is a special fruit shop after dinner. I’ve never seen a meaty bun bigger than my fist, (tears of happiness fall down). 800 meals per month can basically meet the morning, middle and evening three meals plus daily fruit. Spend not to finish there are internal supermarkets can be consumed, swipe card to see other stay for a long time of small partners are 3, 4 thousand plus.

Talking about the atmosphere of the company, the company still maintains the form of the previous public institutions, there is a superior and subordinate administrative relationship, the superior leaders for the masses will not consciously have some sense of being overruled by the official, even if the other party is very friendly (after all, when the masses have been for a long time, they are afraid to see the official). But my supervisor is really nice, and he’s kind to us. Neither have any of the other bigwigs. As far as I’m concerned, I don’t want to climb the ladder anyway, just focus on the technology, and the money is enough. (Later I learned that there was a special technical post, the salary was high at the beginning, but the growth was low, and the nature could not climb to the administrative position).

Above is daily life talk about work content. The team I joined is going to build an office platform for internal use, and the functions of the first phase are expected to be completed within a year. Currently, there is only one staff (my buddy), who is a professional c and C ++ maker and does the website background while learning. The selection framework of basic technology, function and technology was the one I helped him make during his resignation. If you think about internal systems, concurrency is not as high, performance requirements are not as high, and key requirements are not as clear as in a private company feature iteration (no product manager). It chose vUE front end, Python to do Windows client and back end development mode. Why python? Because it’s fast.

It was very embarrassing. The function was expected to last a year, but I accidentally finished it in 2 months during my trial period. And that’s on the condition of fishing every day and leaving on time. The boss was satisfied, but something more embarrassing happened. My friend wants to run away, I go, he arrived a month earlier than me and has become a full-time, and then because of the previous entry-level salary may be relatively low, so I can’t stand to run away. Ah, what a happy life, a separate 2 person office (before everyone rows rows of rows of sitting scene), 2.5 hours of rest and sleep at noon. The company is just outside the subway, the delicious canteen, the daily fruit. Beautiful generous people very nice director of leadership. What better way to lie flat? The key is that I only got a probationary salary of 5, 6000 in 2 months. I was in tears. I had a flash of thought at that time and left the company with him.

Then a new state-owned enterprise. Why is it a state-owned enterprise, I do not know, my brothers can always find a variety of state-owned enterprises, the key his salary also turned over, the interview technology officer than before more reliable, is a netease do games out of the technology tycoon, the main attack C, C++, with my technology stack across the river. I hold the title of full stack engineer, but I do a mess, just because of my rich working experience, such as C# backend, Java backend microservice development, database design, mobile iOS, flutter, what protocol, multi-thread pulling, python data warehouse, crawler, automation, backend. In addition to artificial intelligence, MACHINE learning (forgive my college math, calculus, probability theory, all back to the teacher) can do everything, plus the probation period while learning to complete the project for two months of VUE front-end experience. And I made it through the interview.

So go ahead and clock in. What, 10:30? Oh, flex time. You have to clock in for 8.5 hours. I heard that you have a full stack, so do the front end, react will do it, oh no, can learn. Well, let’s do it.

Think accumulation fund is handed in full forehead all the time already was the biggest welfare, original gold of cure oneself is ok still every month thousands, see the fund of cure oneself that calendar year remaining sum is 0, do not worry to be sucked dry blood by wife child later. The original pension can also pay thousands of their own monthly, look at their work for ten years of 50,000 pension stock, and then only need 1 or 2 years. Does the future just lie flat?

For a head of hair? No, I serve the people. What private enterprises do is profitable business. What state-owned enterprises do is a plan for a hundred years. Please let me get up, for the country for the social dedication of my meager strength.