Here is how I used VSCODE to debug Go in Windows 10

Click on VSCODE’s “run and debug” feature, and a launch.json file appears. Fill this file with the configuration information needed for debugging. Here is a more detailed example. For reference only.

    // Use IntelliSense to learn about related attributes.
    // Hover to view descriptions of existing properties.
    / / for more information, please visit:
    "version": "0.2.0"."configurations": [{"name": "launch game"."type": "go"."request": "launch"."mode": "auto"."program": "${fileDirname}/.. /game/main.go"."cwd": "${fileDirname}/.. /"."args": [
                "--dburl".""."--mqurl"."Nats: / /"."--pfenv"."dev"."--servername"."b3"."--etcdcenter".""."--serverid"."406"."--project"."b3d1"."--csv"."b3d1"."--loglevel"."debug"] {},"name": "launch gate"."type": "go"."request": "launch"."mode": "auto"."program": "${fileDirname}/.. /gate/main.go"."cwd": "${fileDirname}/.. /"."args": [
                "--doordburl".""."--project"."b3d1"."--pfenv"."dev"."--etcdcenter".""."--serverid"."406"."--loglevel"."debug"] {},"name": "launch gswatcher"."type": "go"."request": "launch"."mode": "auto"."program": "${fileDirname}/.. /client/gswatcher/main.go"."cwd": "${fileDirname}/.. /"."args": [
                "--gateaddr".""."--project"."b3d1"."--dburl".""]},]}Copy the code

Description of document contents:

  • ${fileDirname} indicates the location of the launch.json file, usually in the.vscode folder in the current project folder.
  • The Program configuration item specifies the Go file to execute
  • The CWD configuration item specifies the working path after the process is started
  • The args configuration item specifies the command line parameters for starting a process. It’s an array of strings. Notice how the parameters are listed.
  • Configurations configures multiple objects so that multiple processes can be launched in succession.