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Debugging check

Simulators can not replace the real machine ~ at least certainly can not simulate bangs ~

So, when we are making the website, we can take the state of the simulator as a reference, but after finishing, we still need to pass the detection of the real machine. Is there any problem? Then how to detect the website on the mobile phone for detection?

Testing steps

  1. Download… But download up, especially slow, if you download, recommend the use of thunder (I download it told me to a day!!

    XAMPP is an integrated software with many functions. Here we use Apache module. It is a WEB server software. (Note that it is connected to the same network)

  2. Installation: Open

  3. Find Apache and click Start to start the service


Some may make an error at this step, and will be prompted with the following text.

  1. Generally speaking, the cause is that the port is occupied by other programs, just modify the port, modify the port:

    HTTPD – SSL. The conf file

    All 443 => 444 (custom ports)

    HTTPD. Conf file

    All 80=> 88 (custom ports)

    Close the software and restart it

  2. Find the firewall and add Apache HTTP Server to allow use of private or public networks (otherwise access will still fail)

  3. Make sure your phone and computer are connected to the same network

  4. Find the current COMPUTER IP address

  1. Mobile browser, typeIPaddress
  2. If you want to access your own page, do the following:

Put the page you want to view in the htdocs folder and you can see it

Here to show you the effect, I downloaded a screen projection software: AirServer

But it’s not really useful for you to develop, so you don’t need to download it, it’s for Apple devices, right

Debugging AIDS

VConsole is a tool that can help you debug on mobile phones. You can view HTML structures and JS errors by using it as follows:

  1. Download vConsole, address:…

  2. Import the above JS file in the page you want to use

  3. Add code

    var vConsole = new VConsole();
    Copy the code
  4. Unfortunately, there is no way to see the style of the element.

Praise support, hand left lingering fragrance, with rongyan, move your rich little hands yo, thank you big guy can leave your footprints.

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