2020 is the year of magic for all. In fact, so is my 2020, which is infinitely more magical than 2019. I lived in self-denial for a long time, but it unraveled later.

The key word this year: self-denial.


The first half of the year was basically spent at home. Especially at the beginning of the year, working from home can be really hard. Every day to cook their own meals, the family happy, really miss this kind of life.


Because of the epidemic, this year’s footprint is not much. I was supposed to go to Shanghai at the end of November to share with designers, but it was cancelled due to the sudden new cases.

  • Qiandao Lake lazy Outing;
  • Shanghai · New book of “Authoritative Guide to Visual Studio Code” was released;
  • Shenzhen · Tencent Live Developer Conference (TLC);
  • Dalian · Private time;
  • Cangnan · Private time;
  • Daming Mountain, Lin ‘an skiing.

In thousand Island lake house for a few days, calm down his first half of the self-denial mood, with @guan high @day pig they late night masturbation; And stumbling into a shabby, smoke-filled pub and listening to singing into the wee hours.

I can’t even remember the name of the bar on Thousand Island Lake. It feels so good.

This experience made me have a decision with @ Fran, is each to a new city, later all want to find a local not so famous but has a good singer in the bar to enjoy, to sing don’t need how many levels in appearance, singing does not necessarily need more good, such as dalian some bars have to sing “the hills” hissing sound of the little fat man I will love it.

In August, I went to Shanghai and was a guest at the book release conference of “Authoritative Guide to Visual Studio Code” by Han Jun, largely because I worked as a Cloud IDE in Ant Group.

In shenzhen, I paid back the technology sharing debt due in the first half of the year. In fact, I stopped developing IDE and did something I was more interested in and good at. But I still appreciate the warm-hearted friends of Tencent.

Went to Dalian to find a small beach no one lying listening to the sea, feel the peace of the waves; I also went to a nice bar and listened to music. As mentioned before, the fat guy in the bar broke down singing “The Hill” ~~ (choo over the hill) ~~.

I spent a day together with my college friends in Cangnan, and met a very interesting little sister of tea art, which opened some new ideas.

In the end, I broke my little tail bone in Daming Mountain, but finally I could finish skating in the novice village, which was also a new experience. I feel like a shark pepper in my gray ski shoes.


There are a few more plastic figurines this year, like ねず Kosher in a bath.

And another wall in an already crowded house.

Jean didn’t learn much. After the epidemic, the qin class was abandoned. I only learned a poem “the whole thing”, now I have almost forgotten it. It’s a good thing they got it on tape, otherwise it would have been a shame. I feel like my life is basically just houses, games and music.

This year’s birthday gift is actually jay’s full album vinyl, and a LP60. Couldn’t be happier!

Speaking of games, I made a lot of money this year. Partial examples include Tsushima Ghost, Amuho, Spirit of the North, Human: Fall Flat, Duanshen Ji, Xuanyuan Sword 7, Hitman 2, 13 Machine Soldier, Final Fantasy VII rework, P5S, etc. FFVII and Spirit of the North are the only ones that made it through the final stage and are currently working in Cyberspace. However, as I am a disabled person, the games are not completed and played by myself. I am keen to watch @Fran completing the game. Now Judy has been pushed down.

Finally, Yu Ji also finally got the silver 50 card. Keep going in 2021.


I’m sorry to take up your public resources again this year.

There was a sentence in last year’s summary.

But what touched me was that my friends all helped me. I feel guilty every time I see them trying so hard to help me. Thank zong Yu, thank Teacher Lu, thank teacher Chang and five elder brother. It’s my own problem if I don’t act up.

It’s true that this year has not been up to snuff, I feel like I can not help a fight.

This year’s work is really a blockbuster, it feels like the magic movie of the year. To be honest, I’ve had two bad years in a row. There was a time in the middle of this year when I didn’t think I was cut out to be a programmer and what I did wasn’t recognized. Take the non-IDE stuff for example, I did build optimization, using some caching technology, and was immediately slapped down by @Su: “What’s the use of doing this stuff all the time on the periphery?” Why not make something that beats Webpack?

Yeah, what am I supposed to do with all this stuff? Like the domestic Internet ethos, change the same, only dare to rub in the periphery. In fact, regardless of my ability, I’d love to make a tool that builds fast enough, but can I afford to fail now that I’ve wasted years? If I fail, it means I’ve wasted another year. I don’t know how the people above me (not pejoratively) are feeling from God’s point of view at my current stage, but I feel like I can list the key words myself: obsession, fear of hands and feet. These are the chains I put on myself. Maybe a few years from now, I’ll look back and see that it was just a little bump, just like you see me now. However, for me now, these “negatives” are all I have right now.

It’s about stages, like when I was a kid, a toy was all I had. If the toy breaks, maybe my whole world falls apart. So maybe a few years from now I’ll be able to talk about this year, but I won’t be able to do that now.

I’m just a programmer. I love writing code. However, in the past two years, I have found it more and more difficult to write code. I cannot make my code provide value for myself, the company and the whole society.

The Cloud IDE is a very imaginative project, but the big front end (Cloud IDE interaction) and the big back end (container side things) are not my area of expertise. I spent half a year to change myself, and even wrote a few months of front-end, and found that I really can’t. All I had to worry about was a seemingly useless IDE gateway.

When communicating with many seniors, they gave me all kinds of opinions. For example, I need to be able to carry all the things I want to do and be good at, want to do but not good at, don’t want to do but good at, don’t want to do but not good at, don’t want to do but good at, don’t want to do and not good at (maybe my memory is wrong, maybe I only need to carry two or three quadrants), I want to develop in this direction; Or changing tracks and doing what you’re good at, but maybe that won’t make you a better person.

In the end, I chose the latter. I just wanted to write good code, and I wanted my code to serve the public. Why don’t you hand over things you’re not good at to someone more professional? If the company does not need me, it would be good to fire me, forcing myself only to become strengths can not play, weaknesses are not as good as others, the result is what I am now.

It’s a personal choice, not a method.

During that time, when everyone was denying me and I was denying myself, I thanked @Fran for always thinking I was the best. It was nice to have her by my side. In addition, I would also like to thank @Suqian and @Yubo for not bothering me and giving me a lot of advice during a few hours of chat. I was inspired by @Yubo’s talent view and team view.

In addition to my family, the most grateful teacher is @Shuwen. He took the initiative to find me, didn’t deny my bias, and even thought that the company should have a place for weird people like me. And suggested a team that might be more suitable for me, which is the team I am in now, the Amoy Node architecture team. At that time, I really had the idea of leaving, and was finally moved by his sincerity. Whether I quit or not, whether I joined my current team, actually had nothing to do with him.

Why is it right for me? Because one of the core competencies of this team is the ability and skills that I didn’t have in my previous team.

It’s not that long ago, but at least I’ve been able to optimize the Alinode source code, increasing the startup time of some official Serverless function projects by nearly 120%; A JavaScript Runtime with microsecond startup time is also implemented; The deployment density of functions can also be further increased. And the colleagues around are also brave in the field. Maybe what I am doing now is barely comparable to what Su Qian said at that time, “Why not make a faster build tool?” In fact, I can.

Looking back on it now, maybe I was in the wrong line of work in the last two years, rather than being too lazy. Two days ago, I just watched the adventure of the Soul. I felt that I was the gray soul and the color soul in the Zone in the first half of the year and the second half of the year. It’s so much easier to let go of the obsession. Give more time to your life and your family. It’s not worth losing yourself.

Technology & Community

  • In Zhihu, he was hanged and flogged again.
  • Finally, master Vim: Efficient Development with Vim 8 and Neovim;
  • “How JavaScript Works”Has been translated and submitted, it is expected to meet with you in 2021;(Douglas’s writing style is unique and daring to make fun of)
  • Participated in the translation and examination of OpenJS Node.js Certification Exams;
  • In Tencent Live Developer Conference, I made a sharing: “Cloud IDE’s Landing practice in Ant Group”;
  • “The Definitive Guide to Visual Studio Code” book launch, invited to be a guest.

Happily, there’s a lot more code written this year than there was last year. I really love coding!

Translation books

Modern Vim was finally published in a slim volume. This is my first attempt at book translation. Thanks to @kyaukzi from the blog point of view, she is willing to give this book a chance to meet everyone.

As for How JavaScript Works, Douglas’s writing style is truly fantastic. It is, shall we say, an abusive book, but strangely enjoyable to read. It’s a little hard to pull this off. For example:

It is highly recommended that you do not simply copy and paste code that you do not understand. Although we often refer to ourselves as “copy and paste engineers,” this practice is actually quite undesirable. It’s not as stupid as installing software you don’t understand without even looking at it, but it’s certainly not smart. In the current international level of security technology, the best security filter is your brain, be sure to use it.

I’ve done my best to avoid mentioning most JavaScript crap in this book, but in this chapter I’m going to rip the underwear off these ugly monsters and leave them naked. I’m going to take a look at some of the problems that come up in My Goodness and similar presentations and show you how they work. This may not be funny, and you may even be offended.

If one of the include packages contains rogue content (and it will), it won’t make much noise under the my_little_get_inclusion function, but if we access it directly from FS, there could be serious consequences.

The more science advances, the closer we get to the grave.

All of the above are from the first draft of my translation of How JavaScript Works.


I don’t want to belabor it too much. Check out the zhihu link above.

To attend

I’ve been to two this year. One is a lecturer and one is a guest. A few times a year. If you don’t come a few times a year, you’re probably stuck in your old ways. For those of you interested in Cloud IDE, check out the video of my talk. But I’m not doing that anymore. I’m doing something that makes my eyes shine.

This year, I talked with @hax for a long time, exchanged a lot of information and gained a lot. Although their positions are very different, I have a feeling that He Lao’s language style may be somewhat similar to Douglas’s writing style. (Please don’t hit me, I will delete if offended)

The Checklist of 2000

  • A trip to Europe and the United States;
  • Take your parents on a play date;
  • How JavaScript Works translated and published;(Half finished, not yet published)
  • Adjust the state, not like this year’s collapse;
  • Learn a new skill.

For the learning technology this piece, do not follow the new. I just finished the Check point by going into the technology that wasn’t that deep before.

But this state, this year is really not good, more decadent than last year.

I can’t help it because of the epidemic. Alas.

Look ahead to 221

I’m not going to write Checklist, because I’m not going to finish it next year anyway, so why bother yourself? It would be nice if the family were healthy and safe.

Ask me anything: github.com/xadillax/am…

Denver annual essay | 2020 technical way with me The campaign is under way…