
The string S consists of lowercase letters. We want to divide the string into as many fragments as possible, with the same letter appearing in only one of them. Returns a list representing the length of each string fragment.


  1. Example 1:
Enter: S ="ababcbacadefegdehijhklij"

Output: proposal [9]


The partition result is"ababcbaca"."defegde"."hijhklij".

Each letter appears in at most one fragment.

like"ababcbacadefegde"."hijhklij"The partition of is wrong because the number of segments divided is small.

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  • The length of S is between [1, 500].
  • The S contains only lowercase letters ‘a’ through ‘z’.

The topic


Train of thought
'a'= > 8,

'b'= > 5,

'c'= > 7,

'd'= > 14,

'e'= > 15,

'f'= > 11,

'g'= > 13,

'h'= > 19,

'i'= > 22,

'j'= > 23,

'k'= > 20.

'l'= > 21

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Find the last position of each character and search for each character individually,

If you encounter characters farther back in the last position of the element before finding the last position of the element, extend the length to be cut,

The position of last occurrence of all characters is in the current fragment until it is intercepted

The topic
/ * *

 * @param {string} S

 * @return {number[]}

* /

var partitionLabels = function(S{

  let map = new Map(),

    _result = [],

    index = 0.

    maxIndex = 0

  for (let i = 0; i < S.length; i++) {

    map.set(S[i], i)


  let i = 0

  while (i < S.length) {

    maxIndex = Math.max(map.get(S[i]), maxIndex)

    if (i == maxIndex) {

      _result.push(i - index + 1)

      index = i + 1




  return _result


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