1 Basic HTML syntax

1.1 HTML tags

Tags are the basic building blocks of HTML, also known as elements.

Labels are classified into single labels and double labels.

The label name is case insensitive.

<h1>The text content</h1>

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1.2 Attributes of labels

You can set attributes for HTML tags, and different HTML tags have different attributes.

An HTML tag can set one or more attributes.

An attribute consists of an attribute name and an attribute value, which can be enclosed in single or double quotes or without quotes.

< tag name Attribute name =" attribute value "></ Tag name >Copy the code

1.3 HTML comments

Syntax for comments:

<! -- Comment content -->

<! -- Note 1; Note 1; Note 1 - >
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What comments do:

  • Explain the code.

  • Code that does not need to be run for a while can be commented out.

1.4 How to Master an HTML Tag

  • The semantics and functionality of tags. The most important thing about a tag is its semantics. Semantic tags help search engines to capture web pages correctly.
  • What attributes the tag has and how to set the values of the attributes.
  • Whether the label is single label or double label.

1.5 Document Declaration

<! doctypehtml>
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Document declarations are used to tell the browser to render the page using standard mode parsing code.

1.6 Basic Page Templates

<! doctypehtml>
    	<meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>The page title</title>
Copy the code

2 SUMMARY of HTML tags

2.1 Main Structure Label

Tag name Semantics and functionality attribute Single label or double label
html Root tag Double label
head Page header Double label
body Page body Double label

2.2 the HEAD tag

Tag name Semantics and functionality attribute Single label or double label
meta Set the page meta information

Used to set the character set encoding
Charset attribute:Set a character set encoding. Utf-8 is recommended single
title The page title double

2.3 Format Labels

Tag name Semantics and functionality attribute Single label or double label
h1 ~ h6 Content title tag Double label
hr separated A single tag
br A newline A single tag
p The paragraph Double label
pre Displays content in the browser as is

Generally used for page-centric code
Double label
div No semantic label Double label