Today I’m going to recommend a library called day.js that can help you with dates in JavaScript, because dates in JavaScript are so hard to use. It is completely unusable when doing business development, and you need to encapsulate various functions by yourself.

Why day.js

First, using day.js makes it easier to handle dates and times in JavaScript.

You’ve probably heard a lot about libraries for dealing with time in JavaScript, such as Moment, but it’s 2021 and it’s not recommended to use moment.js because it’s too clunky for a date-handling tool. Day.js is a more modern, lightweight, and extensible library.


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It’s very lightweight because it takes advantage of TreeShaking, and it’s extended by plugins, and we can import plugins as we want, so we only end up importing what we need.

What would we do without day.js

In native JavaScript, we get the current date like this

const today = new Date(a);const dd = String(today.getDate()).padStart(2.'0'); / /,
const mm = String(today.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2.'0'); / / month
const yyyy = today.getFullYear(); / / year
const curDate = `${yyyy}-${mm}-${dd}`

// Output: 2021-09-17
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This is all we need in Day.js, and there’s more to it than that.

import dayjs from "dayjs";

const curDate = dayjs().format('YYYY-MM-DD');

// Output: 2021-09-17
Copy the code

Day. Js example

Now let’s look at some practical, interesting examples that are simpler and more readable than the native API.

1. Obtain the number of days between two dates

To view the document

import dayjs from "dayjs";

// The second parameter is specified as 'day' to indicate the daily granularity
dayjs(new Date(2021.10.1)).diff(new Date(2021.9.17), "day"); 
// Output: 15
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2. Check whether the date is valid

To view the document

import dayjs from "dayjs";

// Output: false
// Output: true
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3. Obtain the days of the month

To view the document

import dayjs from "dayjs";

// Output: 30
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4. Add day, month, year, hour, minute, and second

To view the document

import dayjs from "dayjs";

dayjs("The 2021-09-17 08:10:00").add(20."minute").format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') 
// Output: 2021-09-17 08:30:00
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5. Subtract days, months, years, hours, minutes and seconds

To view the document

import dayjs from "dayjs";

dayjs("The 2021-09-17 08:10:00").subtract(20."minute").format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
// Output: 2021-09-17 07:50:00
Copy the code

Use plug-ins to extend functionality

1. RelativeTime

To view the document

Gets the time difference between the specified time and the present time.

import dayjs from "dayjs";
import relativeTime from "dayjs/plugin/relativeTime";


dayjs("The 2021-09-16 13:28:55").fromNow();
// Output: 9 hours ago
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Below are all the output tables

Range Key Sample Output
Zero to 44 seconds s a few seconds ago
45 to 89 seconds m a minute ago
90 seconds to 44 minutes mm 2 minutes ago … 44 minutes ago
45 to 89 minutes h an hour ago
90 minutes to 21 hours hh 2 hours ago … 21 hours ago
22 to 35 hours d a day ago
36 hours to 25 days dd 2 days ago … 25 days ago
26 to 45 days M a month ago
46 days to October MM 2 months ago … 10 months ago
November to 17 y a year ago
18 months + yy 2 years ago … 20 years ago

2. WeekOfYear

To view the document

Gets the week of the year in which the specified date is obtained

import dayjs from "dayjs";
import weekOfYear from "dayjs/plugin/weekOfYear";


dayjs("2021-09-13 14:00:00." ").week(); 
// Output: 38
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3. IsSameOrAfter

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Checks whether a date is equal to or greater than a date

import dayjs from "dayjs";
import isSameOrAfter from "dayjs/plugin/isSameOrAfter";


// Output: true
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4. MinMax

To view the document

Gets the largest or smallest date in the array

import dayjs from "dayjs";
import minMax from "dayjs/plugin/minMax";


const maxDate = dayjs.max([
    dayjs("2021-09-20")])const minDate = dayjs.min([

maxDate.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') 
// Output: 2021-09-20 00:00:00
minDate.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') 
// Output: 2021-09-13 00:00:00
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5. IsBetween

To view the document

Checks whether the specified date is within the specified date range

import dayjs from "dayjs";
import isBetween from "dayjs/plugin/isBetween";


// Use day as granularity for comparison
dayjs("2010-10-21").isBetween(dayjs("2010-10-20"), dayjs("2010-10-25"), "day");
// Output: true

// Use year for granularity comparison
dayjs("2010-10-21").isBetween(dayjs("2010-10-20"), dayjs("2010-10-25"), "year");
// Output: false
Copy the code


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