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** Author: ** Chen Shunyao
The background of this picture is black in the shortcut bar, why is it white in the AIO (conversation window)? Through a bug list, I found a lot of strange performance in q during the process of following up the black and white background problem. Look at the code layer by layer, sort out and summarize the display and sending logic of pictures in hand Q, as well as the special processing of transparent channel pictures.
A black background? White background?

The background of this picture is black in the shortcut bar, and white in AIO. The background color of the display view is inconsistent. The filter rules of the transparent channel of the selected PNG image are inconsistent in the two different scenes of AIO and quick post.
It’s easy to see the difference between the two scenes: the quick post bar takes a PNG image as a bitmap and compresses it into a JPEG, ignoring transparent channels, and android’s default processing is a JPEG with a black background. The byte stream of all images in the shortcut picture bar is persisted in the same file. The purpose of this is to share the same FILE IO when loading multiple images from the local PC next time, improving the loading efficiency.
The thumbnail images in AIO are also compressed into JPEG from the original image. In the processing code, I found the logic of adding white background artificially, which was originally the product’s strategy. Maybe considering that the black background of PNG images in AIO is not very beautiful visually, I made special processing. However, the quick picture bar and AIO did not achieve visual unity, it is said that the product patted the head for a while, the development of solving the bug crematorium

Two, are PNG, how black and white!
Now that the problem is found, deliciously ready to add a chicken leg, but things are not so simple! I used another PNG image to test the regression question, gee, how come this image has a black background in AIO?
There are two suspected directions: 1. In the process of PNG compression into JPEG, the transparent channel was lost, resulting in the black background of this image in AIO; 2. Is it possible that the problem is caused by the failure to draw a white background on canvas?

Firstly, analyze from the first direction, output PNG as bitmap by bitmapfactory. decode, and then draw the white background and bitmap to the canvas successively. During this period, processing of rotation information, special processing of long graph and subSample will not be expanded here. If the PNG output is a bitmap, the transparent channel is lost.
As we know, ARGB refers to A color mode, in which A represents Alpha, R represents red, G represents green and B represents blue. In fact, all visible colors are composed of right red, green and blue, so red, green and blue are also called the three primary colors, and each primary color stores the information value of the color represented. The values of config in bitmap. Option are as follows: ALPHA_8 for 8-bit Alpha Bitmap, ARGB_4444 for 16-bit ARGB Bitmap, ARGB_8888 for 32-bit ARGB Bitmap, and RGB_565 for 16-bit RGB Bitmap. Is it possible that the ALPHA channel was lost due to weird policy adjustment of config value during PNG output to bitmap? So step by step breakpoint trace this piece of code, unfortunately, no exception was found.
Looking at the second direction, we review the code with a white background (see image above) and Paint sets the Xfermode. Porterduff. Mode allows you to set the blending methods for different layers in a Canvas drawing, as shown below. What we do is overlay the image bitmap onto a white background, where SRC_OVER looks fine…

Slap slap in the face, it doesn’t seem like the two directions of suspicion are wrong. So in a hurry to the pot to the picture…
“Is it possible that there is a problem with the PNG format? A certain parameter of PNG causes different bitmap background in the conversion process ????”
After consulting materials and comparing the structure of two PNG images with tools, I was delighted to find that the problem has nothing to do with THE PNG format. Calm down, or use the old way, step by step with the code !!!!

After compression, P2 is larger than P1 (yes, you read that correctly, the compressed image is larger than P1, the compression step is to take the bitmap, then draw, and finally compress the quality into JPEG), so the original picture is used as the large picture P3 to generate the thumbnail P4, the original picture has a transparent channel, so the corresponding thumbnail can add white background; The dice image was found to be smaller than the original image after compression, so compressed image P2 was used as the large image P3 to generate thumbnail P4. P2 is a jpeg generated from quality compressed PNG, which has lost transparent channels and is a black background image. Even in P4 with a white background it is covered by the top layer and we see the black dice thumbnail.
In my previous analysis, I missed the step of compressing the original image to generate P2. See the wood for the trees, sort out the thinking, the problem is obvious!
Three, black and white, understand the performance of all situations
Now that we have the process sorted out, let’s take a look at the performance in all the situations. Let’s see what happens when we check the original picture.

It is easy to understand here. After the original dice map is checked, the original picture is generated into thumbnail P4. The original picture has transparent channels, so the generated thumbnail also has a white background.

What if the PC sends the PNG image and the client receives the message to download the image? There is no concept of whether to check the original picture when sending pictures on PC, nor does there exist the concept of compression (Gengzhi boy). The client receiver will download the picture P5 sent by the PC and the thumbnail P7 created by the shelf.
Four, black and white flash is what ghost!
Then I noticed another unusual phenomenon during my return. After the client sends the game art, the receiver receives the image and the thumbnail in AIO goes from black to white. Ha ha, soldiers will block, bug to my solution. Get familiar with the logic on the receiving end.

The game image sent was created with transparent channels. There is no policy of adding a white background to images with transparent channels, so the recipient downloads a thumbnail with a black background.
The pre-download strategy of Hand Q is mentioned here. Users may click to open the big picture, but if they click to download it, the experience of transferring the picture will be poor. Therefore, Handq will determine whether to help users download the big picture in advance based on the network situation, the current used traffic and other dimensions. The picture message in the picture matches the pre-download strategy, and hand Q helps users download the large picture in advance.
At this time, I asked, the big picture clearly has a black background, why will AIO flash white? Ha ha ha, here is the humanization of hand Q, because of the download of the big picture, in order to let the user can directly see a clear thumbnail in AIO, hand Q does not trust the frame born thumbnail, with the downloaded big picture in the local generation of relatively high definition thumbnail.
The downloaded large image is a PNG with transparent channels. According to the product strategy mentioned above, we will add a white background to the locally generated thumbnail image, so there is flicker ~

Five, the summary
The whole paper came to an end. In the process of following up the questions, I went through the picture sending process of hand Q completely.
In addition to improving the level of familiarity with the business, can not help but sigh with emotion, seniors for the picture to send the display process to do countless optimization items, predecessors plant trees descendants enjoy the shade, heartfelt admiration!
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