“This is the 19th day of my participation in the August Gwen Challenge.

The vast sea of millions, thank you for this second you see here. Hope my article is helpful to you!

May you keep your love and go to the mountains and seas in the coming days!

Linux Basics

Yesterday we have a certain understanding of the directory structure in the Linux system, and today we are ready to learn the network knowledge in the virtual machine.

View the network IP address of the VM

Viewing network IP Addresses

Why do we look at network IP? Because it is convenient for us to use the client to remotely operate the Linux server in the future

Linux View the IP command

The command meaning
ifconfig Linux Used to view IP address information
ip addr Linux Used to view IP address information

Concrete demonstration


ip addr

View the IP command in Windows

The command meaning
ipconfig Windows Used to view IP address information

Concrete demonstration

On a Windows host, use the shortcut win+R


Connecting to a Remote Linux VM on a Windows host is tested

To test whether the connection is connected between different computers, run the ping IP command

Short connection test: ping IP address

Long connection test: ping IP -t

View the VM NIC

View the Windows NETWORK adapter on the client

  1. Click as shown below

  2. Click Change adapter options

  3. View the NIC used by the VM

So why can a Windows host remotely connect to a Linux virtual machine system

  1. The Windows host and the remote Linux VM share the same NIC VMNet8.
  2. X and VM VMNet8 are in the same network segment. Therefore, the Windows host and VM form a small LAN to communicate with each other.

This section describes VMNet8 nics

VMNet8 nic uses NAT connection mode

  1. What is NAT connection mode?

    Network Address Translation (NAT)

    • LAN Hosts and multiple vM groups can form a small LAN.

    • Vm Extranet VMS can share the host extranet and use the host IP address to access the Internet.

  2. NAT external network connection test

  3. VMNet8 network card function is realized because of the use of NAT mode network connection

    The ENS33 nic used by Linux in a virtual machine uses this VMNet8 nic.

Use a remote client

We need to know the problems with using the original virtual machine:

So we can use some remote clients to operate virtual machines

Common client software

  1. SecureCRT(operating client commands), SecureFx (for transferring files)
  2. XShell(operating client command), XFtp (transferring files)
  3. ModaXterm (easy to use, recommended)

You can select the client software you want to use according to your own needs


I believe that you all have a certain understanding of the Linux system virtual machine network card, IP, look forward to waiting for the next chapter in Linux basic command learning bar!

Of course, there are more commands to watch next time! Welcome to the next chapter!

Let’s refuel together, too! I am not just, if there is any missing, wrong place, also welcome you to criticize in the comments of talent leaders! Of course, if this article is sure to help you a little, please kindly and lovely talent leaders to give a thumb-up, favorites, one key three even, thank you very much!

Here, the world is closed for today, good night! Although this article is over, I am still here, never finished. I will try to keep writing articles. The coming days are long, why fear the car yao ma slow!

Thank you all for seeing this! May you live up to your youth and have no regrets!